
Quiet House

Last night after the boys went to bed I put some money from Iraq on their floors for them to find this morning. I got it from my sister's husband when I went to OK a few weeks ago and just found it hidden in my purse. They both seemed to be pleased with finding it when they woke. BB asked me where it came from and I told him it must have been from the Foreign Currency Fairy. He just looked at me weird and walked away.

I indulged in a whole bottle of wine last night. Oddly enough, my head doesn't feel too worse for wear this morning.

Today starts my new diet. Sweety and I decided to start being more healthy during a phone conversation we had last night when I was driving home from the mall. As I was telling him that my diet starts today I was quietly eating a chocolate bar. Filled with caramel. And it was good. Then I hid the wrapper.

This weekend if it doesn't rain we are going to some type of car race. These things are so not my cup of tea but the boys and Sweety really like them. I plan on wearing my earplugs and playing my gameboy til the race is over. I will also have a nice concession stand hot dog and then sleep on the way home. Hmmm. This race thing might work out okay.

I have a confession to make. I am the world's biggest nerd. How do I know this? A few days ago in this post where I was bitching about my printer, Marty left a comment. And it completely tickled me cause I'd just read a story about him in GQ magazine a couple of nights before. He was adopted and found out that he is a prince. I was reading it at work and there's this one photo of his Dad just overcome with emotion and I had to cover it with a sticky note while I finished the article cause it made me cry whenever I looked at it. I had to tell Sweety that someone left a comment on my blog and I could show him who. I am such a dork. I have turned into a blog whore. It pleases me immensely to see that people stop by here. I started this as something to just amuse myself with and it is working.

A big fat "Thank You" to all who come by to check on me and Sweety and the canines.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for doing your blog. You do all of the hard work. Reading is the easy part.

Blogs are off limits where I work. I wish I could read them during the day. It would make the work go by much quicker. Where I work, they keep a copy of every web page you've visited for the past six months, as well as all of the ones rejected by the filtering software.

Chickie said...

When I started this thing I really didn't think anyone else would be reading it. And since I don't have any girlfriends down here I can call whenever and rant to, it's been a very good outlet for me also.