
Tell Me Something I Didn't Know

Your money personality is: Binge Spender

The Binge Spender often has a budget and may be able to follow it for extended periods of time. However, binge spenders have periods in which they overspend. Binge spenders may rationalize their behavior in terms of rewarding themselves (e.g. "I have been working so hard lately that I deserve to splurge on myself"). Other times their overspending may function as a stress reliever in reaction to an emotional crisis. Some Binge Spenders report feeling powerless when the urge to shop or spend comes over them.

Binge spenders often have a large amount of credit card debt. When asked what they used their credit card for, Binge Spenders will often be unable to cite anything more specific than "stuff". They are often ashamed of their spending habits and sometimes will go to great lengths to hide them from loved ones. Guilt and disappointment are emotions that Binge Spenders may experience after buying something.

What Type of Spender are You?

Like I needed an online test to mock me.

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