

I really need to start cleaning the house. First I need to call the bank I have my loans with and see if they'll fax my current lender something saying all my stuff really is current with them. I am kinda delaying making that phone call though and for rather stupid reasons. A couple of years before I left the dinky Texas town I managed to become the center of some town gossip. And one of the places that a lot of people loved telling my tale was at the local banks. It just crawls all over me when I have to call them about something. At the time a friend's husband went into the bank and one of the workers (when she realized his wife worked with me) felt compelled to ask him all kinds of questions to see if he could give her any new gossip. As it turned out my friend's husband hadn't yet heard the hot news and called her to ask if it was all true. That just kinda pissed me off.

And I've gotta get the house company clean today. Sweety's Dad may stay here when he comes down for my sister-in-law's wedding. The last couple of times he's been here I wasn't given a lot of notice and the place looked like a laundry and dog hair bomb had exploded. This will give me an opportunity to redeem myself.

I've also promised LB that I'll assist him in making a tent in his room today. I don't know why he can't just go in there and shut the door and PRETEND he's inside a tent.

Time to bite the bullet and get dressed and get moving around here.


Anonymous said...

have lots of fun...still here in SA, goofing around!

Anonymous said...

I don't even think about what others might be gossiping about me. There have been so many stories over the years, most with only a small grain of truth if any. California Girl and I just laugh about them.

Everything will be fine. You'll get your pool and your boob job (even though you don't need it). I'm going to send some good vibes your way.

Chickie said...

sk - I got it all done today. Whoop di fucking do! My house now smells like candles and bleach instead of stinky & tiny dog.

mcb - What made my gossip so embarassing was that it was the truth and I was too naive to deny it. I did talk to someone at my old bank today so hopefully it will get straightened out soon. Thanks for the good vibes - I can use any help at this point.