
Why Is This Chick Awake?

Damned if I know. Sweety's gentle snore reassures me that he is awake. I'm thinking of putting some peanut butter on his foot and letting stinky dog lick it off. Nevermind, I'm laughing so hard just thinking about it that it's not necessary.

Here's what famous people I'm supposed to look like. I don't see it but I suppose the internet can't be wrong. Maybe I'll shoot for a job impersonating someone when my day job craps out on me.

Being the reality t.v. whore that I am, we finished up with Average Joe tonight. And I so fucking pleased that she picked a Joe this time. I actually put the bottle that was in my hand down before she made her decision because I was afraid that I'd chuck it at the screen.

I called my old bank today and spoke with an old running buddy of mine and she said that she'd send a letter to my new lender letting them know that I'm all current. I hope everything gets taken care of soon. Sweety's been having lots of fun today poking fun at how we can just dig a retention pond to swim in since my credit is too sucky for a real pool.

You know you spend too much energy on your pet when you decide to make the first step into the pool 4 inches instead of 6 so your tiny dog can stand in the pool without having to swim for her life. My friend at the bank asked me if I had any babies yet and I told her that I had 2 stepsons and 2 dogs and that I'd decided not to get on the baby bus. If I could just get tiny dog to wear teensy little socks my maternal urge would be completely satisfied.

It seems the glow of the computer monitor is making Sweety restless. I think I'll go hold his nose holes shut for fun.


New Girl said...

OH My God!! I am so embarassed to admit I watched average Joe too and was PLEASED BEYOND WORDS that she picked the Joe. . .but now I am obsessed with finding out if they stayed together. . .

Actually, (and I am not just kissing your ass-why would I?) I think you are MUCH prettier than any of the people the internet said you were.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't get a shallow step just for tiny dog. The water level in our pool fluctuates by more than 2-inches any way. We try to keep it right up to the marks but there were two occasions this spring where we had to drain water OUT of it so that the water level wasn't above the skimmers. And there were several more occasions this past spring where it got higher than we would have liked but not high enough to go through the trouble of draining it. (Think 150-foot backwash hose).

Anonymous said...

I think you really do look like the people the computer says you do! That's VERY COOL, girl!

Chickie said...

bg - I'm really wondering how those two make it in the real world. I'm just glad that the girl used some good sense this time around.

Thanks for the non-ass-kissery! :)

mcb - It's just an idea we're kicking around. Sweety is the one who brought it up so that proves to me that he really does love my dog.

sk - I don't really see the resemblance. Maybe a little. You know Winnie from The Wonder Years? People still tell me that I look like her.