
Animal Cruelty

I am such a bad "mother".

Yesterday I took a leftover pan of chinese cashew chicken that I was gonna throw out and put it by our garage door and then opened it just a crack so the cat could get in and out. Our cat won't eat leftovers but the neighbor's cats will. So I put the whole pan out there in the hopes that the neighbor's mean-ass cats would gorge themselves on the chicken and puke their little kitty guts out and never come back to my garage again. Cause these cats are effing mean. They'll get in our garage and eat all our cat's food, pee on everything, tear up shoes and then be gone before you can get out there.

Fast forward to this afternoon...

Stinky dog Tasha and tiny dog Oy are tied up outside basking in the sun. I like to let 'em outside after they've been in bed with me all day so they can soak up some vitamin D. I open the garage door to take the trash out and by the time I'm out of the kitchen and into the garage Stinky has eaten half of the food that's been there all night and all hot day long. I suppose the aroma was overwhelming and called to her as soon as the garage door was cracked.

So my plan backfired. There were no neighbor cats skulking about waiting to gain access to the garage but now I've got a dog who will probably be shitting string cheese any minute.

And really. I'm not an animal abuser. If I was, I'd have left a bowl of anitfreeze out for the bully cats a long time ago.


Zube said...

Ooh, that sucks. Glad the pooch is okay.

Chickie said...

Me too.

I'm just going to start squirting the neighbor's cats with waterguns when they come over to accost mine.

Anonymous said...

You need some coyotes there. Around here there is almost no such thing as a stray/lose cat. Most of them got eaten by coyotes. Of course they would eat tiny dog too so that wouldn't work. But they didn't start eating dogs until all the cats were gone so at least you would know when to keep Oy inside.

Chickie said...

I think coyotes would be a good additon to the neighborhood. Maybe I could have my Mom bring some down from OK when she comes to visit.

When I take Oy out at night I'm always on the lookout for owls trying to swoop down on her.