
Just Grouching

I'm putting off going to the post office. Our town has the world's suckiest one. Always a line out the door. My Mom sent me a lamp for my birthday and it was demolished during shipping but luckily she purchased insurance. It may be a good thing that the lamp was squashed cause I don't know where I would have put it. I collect dragons and this the lamp has a glittery dragon base. Interesting but it wasn't going to match my angels that sit on my side table very well. This saves me from having to move my stuff around.

Sweety saw EW at the school the other day and she told him that she's looking for a house in our school district. When I first moved down here she was about 20 miles away. Now she's about 5 miles up the road. And will have to get even closer to be in our school district. Fucking wonderful. There is a house about 3 doors down that is going to be up for rent next month. If she moves there it will be a sign for me to eat a lit firecracker.

Well crapola. I ought to go on the the post office and get it over with.


Chickie said...

Usually I say that I want to do something violent to her but I thought I'd try and be less violent with this post.

But screw it. What I'll really do if she moves to my neighborhood it rub her face off on the side of her new house and then feed her a firecracker.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should bribe the owner not to rent it too her. Just to be safe. I wouldn't want my mom living three doors down much less an "enemy".

Chickie said...

The house was the setting for a really horrific murder not long ago so I'm hoping that will keep her away. Or it may make the rent so cheap that she can't turn it down.

Bribing the owner is definately an option.