
Bitching About the EW

Yeah. I'm gonna grouch about the lawn sprinkler of life that my husband was married to before me some more.

I've been all excited for the last 2 days because I was to pick the boys up from school today and EW was to do it tomorrow. Which meant I was going to have Wednesday all to myself. I had big plans; Maybe the canines would get a trip out. (hee hee. i think i used the ; right!)

I even moved the lunch I was having with a friend on Wednesday to today so I wouldn't have to leave the house tomorrow if I didn't feel like it.

Sweety calls me just as I'm pulling up the restaurant for lunch and tells me that I don't need to get the kiddos after school today and will need to do it tomorrow instead. As my thoughts of Wednesday's freedom slithered away, I felt tears prick my beady eyes.

"Why? Has she got somewhere to fucking go?" was what came rolling out of my mouth. It turns out she is babysitting and tomorrow her charge needs to be picked up at 1:00 and that is also the time that the boys get out of school. So instead of asking the parent of the kid she's watching if before or after 1 would be okay she switched her day to pick them up.

There are a couple of reasons this whole thing chaps my ass:

1 - She threw a hissy fit when my niece was over here. Telling Sweety that the boys felt ignored and he wasn't being a good parent because there was another kid over here for him to pay attention to. Let's do some math here. LB and BB at her house plus their 3 year old brother plus her newborn baby plus at least one kid that she's babysitting equals 3 kids besides the boys. And she had the nerve to call over here peeved cause we had one stinking extra?

2 - Maybe I'm a selfish bitch but I was really looking forward to Wednesday alone. I'm off on Tuesday also but since I work on Monday night I'm usually pooped on Tuesday. So the idea of having a whole day in front of me with no obligations and being well rested on top of that is very appealing. I am praying that she doesn't want to change her Tuesday for Wednesday permanently. I might go sacrifice a cat or something to try and tip the odds in my favor.

3 - This one doesn't pertain to the picking up on Tuesdays or Wednesdays thing but I'm still pissed off about it. She's been leaving BB (who's 10) at home with LB (8) and the 3 year old brother when she goes to the grocery store. What in the name of all that is good and right does this bint think about? BB's a good kid but he is too young to be in charge of an 8 and 3 year old.

4 - And here's one more thing that's bugging me. She's talking about how she doesn't have money for clothes and gas but she can afford to pay to lay in a tanning bed and keep her hair blonde? We only know she tans cause BB called her yesterday to let her know he had just pulled out three (yes 3!) of his teeth and his grandma told him she went to the tanning salon. Don't effing poor-mouth if you can keep up with personal extra maintenance.

I think she's making sure to stay as appealing as her tree stump self can to better her chances of finding a new baby daddy.

I am so tempted to call CPS when she has a house full of kids and just watch shit blow up. Here I think the ratio of caregivers is 1 to 5. And you have to be certified by the state. I'm not feeling evil enough for that yet but give me a few more months.

Okay. I'm done ranting. I'm going to go and round up the troops and get ready to read them some more of The Magician's Nephew before bed. We're going to read that and the next book in the series before the Chronicles of Narnia movie comes out. It's a pretty good book so far. I can't believe that I hadn't read it til now.


Anonymous said...

Don't let the ex-wife get to you. She's a PIA to be sure and hard to ignore but, at the end of the day, you have Sweety and the sprogs; and she's got a miserable life.

Chickie said...

I'm trying not to let her bug me. She does a lot less now than in the beginning. The thing that really irks me the most is letting the boys be at home alone because they really aren't old enough for that. Sweety is going to say something to her about that.