
The Cupboards Are Tidy!

I'm chomping at the bit to participate in Stuff Portrait Friday. Renee is hosting is this week and one of the things to show is your dishes. I just got some new ones. We have been dining off of our hodge-podge collection of dishes that we both brought from our previous households and we didn't have a full set of either one. We've been looking at dishes and silverware every time we go somewhere for the last couple of months and couldn't agree on anything. So this morning while cruising around Target, I decided to make some executive decisions involving the dishes and cutlery. I even got new glasses. I am quite pleased. I'm going to take all the old stuff, put it in a big bucket, and smash it with a sledgehammer. I can't wait.

All of the new dishes have been put in their new home and I keep going back to peek at the order that is in the cupboard. I've also cleaned under our bed and put all of our shoes in boxes so I stop to take a peek under there when I walk past too.

To get our old tile off the floor and make way for the wood floor Sweety is having to break it up with a sledgehammer. It's ceramic tile and the sound of it breaking makes me want to cut my ears off. I can't stand the sound of ceramic scraping together; it makes my teeth hurt. And the sound of it breaking is pretty bad. But it'll be worth it once we get the new floor in.

I just found out that my friend in Texas was fired from her job today. She'd been off work for 2 weeks because she had a hysterectomy and on her second day back was canned for complete bullshit stuff. I hope the little toad that had a problem with her dies a horrible fiery death.

The EW called Sweety yesterday and mentioned that her 3 year old crumbsnatcher wouldn't eat any food. He'll only drink milk and she doesn't know why. First off, why mention that to Sweety? He's just gotta make sure his own kids don't starve. And second off, has is not occurred to her that maybe the kid is doing this for attention since there's a baby around now? I'm no psychologist but that was my first thought. She'll probably just let him suck on a bottle til his teeth rot out.

The other night at work we couldn't answer the phone because our system was down. Our new supervisor took this time to have meetings with each of us. Mine went like this:

Sup: You seem to be very efficient and self motivated. Or am I wrong? Do you prefer being pushed in your job.

Me: No, I'm good with they way things are. Thank you for asking though.

Sup: What are your goals here?

Me: (thinking - hmm, can't tell her I want to quit and float in my pool in 2 years) I'm pretty much where I want to be. The hours are good and you need people to answer the phones, right?

Sup: Well yes, but what motivates you?

Me: Honestly, it is the fear of, well gee for lack of a better word, I'll say it's the fear of confrontation. I just want to come in and do my job well enough so that you never have to say anything to me about it. Because if you have to say something then I'm going to freak out and I don't like freaking out.

And then I explained how I had this schedule to help with my family life and that's why I wasn't interested in doing any special projects or advancing. It was probably the most uncomfortable meeting I've ever had.


Anonymous said...

I don't think that your supervisor can fault you for being honest. It may have been an uncomfortable conversation but it was a lot better than if you had made something up.

Chickie said...

I'm glad that I told her the truth. Now she knows why I'm not motivated to leave my current post. Maybe I'll just get left alone to perform my ant-like duties.

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