
Titleless For Now

I can't believe the devastation that the hurricane left behind. I thought it was bad last year when we got smacked with 3 of them but at least we weren't hiding in the attic while the water level crept up.

Tasha is still sleeping off the after affects of getting her teeth cleaned yesterday. Tiny dog is chewing all over her and she's not even moving. She had to have one tooth pulled. I'm glad that was all. I've had her for 2 years and this is the first time her teeth have been done. I don't know how long it was before that. I'm going to start brushing them now.

The whole at-home acid face peel went well. I didn't leave it on there any longer than the instructions said and managed to not get any kind of skin burn. I'd like to go somewhere and have it done but that would require making appointments and leaving the house to interact with strangers. Things to be avoided if at all possible.

BB is due for a new bike and I'm gonna try to get him one that I can ride too. I need one and am hoping to get lucky and buy one for both of us.

Sweety made me promise last night, if he died, that I would stay in the boys' lives as much as their mother would allow. Well gee, of course. I told him though if anything like that happened she probably wouldn't be too keen on the idea. If the situation ever arises my plan is to try and buy the boys from her and take them to Oklahoma with me. I told Sweety to just be careful so I never have to deal with it.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe that I was there drinking the weekend before this happened.. It is terrible, our thoughts go out to those poor people..


Chickie said...

It's just so crazy to see all those places under water. I've been to NO and was seeing signs to places I recognized.

Anonymous said...

i hate talking about death. whenever the wife brings it up i always say "damn woman, can't you see i'm watchin' the game!"
and that takes care of that conversation. ;)

Chickie said...

It's not one of my favorite subjects to discuss with Sweety. He's been feeling crappy and just wanted to make sure I'd be nice if he croaked.