
Little Thoughts

Another downside to having the computer in the toyroom: if someone were to walk right up to our back porch they could see my naked self. I will be so glad when we get a fence.

I've been thinking about some weird stuff the last few days.

If I could do it over again, I don't think I'd touch my Grandma when she was at the funeral home. I'd never touched a dead person before and I've been having some way effed up dreams about how cold her hands were. And some major guilt over the fact that I didn't call her more before she died. Gee, of course I'd be feeling guilty about not calling her before she died. Not like I could call her afterwards.

Why is it that after hearing a girl name for the last little while I think to myself "Oooo, I'll have to put that on my baby girl name list!"? What list? I don't have a list.

Have you ever heard a song and instantly been reminded of an unpleasant time? Nothing like listening to the country station at 2 a.m. to have that happen.

I guess if you go to the drugstore at the aforementioned hour and spend 30 minutes in the facial cleanser/wrinkle smoother section a salesperson will eventually start tailing you to see if you are shoving products in your big pink purse. I'll get back with you on how well the at home face peel works. I smell disaster. Or maybe it's just the scent of old skin burning away to be replaced with shiny new stuff.

Tiny dog is wanting to play and Stinky just isn't having any of it. What a bossy little troll Tiny can be. Cute though. I take that back. The destructive little bitch is trying to eat a hole in the carpet. I guess she must find something to replace the wall. I'm gonna have to let her see me spray the carpet with some of the bitter apple stuff like I did on the wall to keep her away from it. I can just put my hand on that bottle of stuff now and she runs and hides. Sweety says I maced her. I think that's a rather violent way of phrasing it.

Stinky was running around barking her head off earlier. I spent 10 minutes telling her to calm down and shut up before I remembered that her way of letting me know that she's gotta poop is to bark her head off. Glad I remembered before she exploded.

LB started to cry this morning because his folder wasn't in his backpack. Sweety calmed him down by telling him it must still be at school. My first instinct was to swaddle him in a soft blanket and stick him in the trunk until it was time to leave. And then I was horrified that I'd even entertained such a thought. So I hid in the back room til they left. Used to, that kind of thought wouldn't bother me. I must be getting soft in my old age.

I started my diet by eating oatmeal this morning. Just call me Goldilocks. I've GOT to lose some weight. I'm about 10 pounds away from my heaviest. Sweety was kind enough to stock up on SlimFast and tuna kits for me this weekend. Yum yum.

I'm off next Monday. I'll have a 3 day weekend. I think we're going to smash the tile out of the kitchen and put the wood floor down. I can't wait to smack the floor with a sledgehammer.

Stinky dog is getting her teeth cleaned tomorrow. It will be nice to have a pet who's breath you can't smell in the dark. I may give her a kiss with some tongue when we get her back from the vet's. And it will be nice to not have Tiny's head smelling like Stinky's rank mouth after they're done playing.

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