
My Weekend Is Over. Rats.

Frito scoops are the perfect way to get coleslaw to your mouth. An edible spoon. I love it. No wonder my body is out of whack. That and diet soda probably isn't the best breakfast. But I needed to get the rest of the coleslaw outta here so I wouldn't eat it later.

I'm working overtime today. I don't know what the hell I was thinking. I'll go in at 2 p.m. and get off at 2 a.m. Two extra hours, woo hoo! And I'm doing it again tomorrow. And next Wednesday I'm going in that morning for 4 hours. The reason I'm doing it is to try and offset some of the hours I missed earlier in the month. I would rather rub my eye with a cheese grater than be at work any extra time. But I'll go to give the illusion of being a team player.

We have to get some trees cut down to make way for William (the new pool). The tree guy should be here soon. Hopefully, once I put my earplugs in the chainsaws will just be white noise. I just hope Tiny dog doesn't go bonkers and start yapping in my ear.

Sweety's cold sore is finally totally gone. So I got a kiss last night! Yay! I'd almost forgotten what that was like. I guess if I was truly committed to him I'd have kissed him while his lip was all gross and then we could share the disease.

Sweety works for a place that sells food. And it is considered treason if I buy any brand other than theirs. Well, the other day I did the unthinkable and purchased from a competitor. I went to the store and they didn't have the stuff I like from Sweety's company so I bought someone else's. I thought Sweety was going to beat me to death with the kitchen tongs when we were unloading groceries and he saw me stick someone else's stuff in the icebox. Mental note to self: If I buy someone else's product ever again, hide it in the icebox. Check.

BB has lost a total of 8 teeth in the last week and a half. All side molars. LB has really gotten bent out of shape with all the dough BB is raking in from the tooth fairy.

I guess I'll go snug up with the pooches for a nap before work.


Anonymous said...

What's the schedule for getting the pool installed? And how many months of the year can you use it? We get six here but the only really good ones are June, July and August. That OK since that coincides when the kids are out of school but it would be nice to have an extra good month on either end.

Chickie said...

They said the should start building in about 3 weeks. That's how long it will take for the city permits. It should be finished right before Thanksgiving.

I think we'll be able to use it from April through October. Maybe a few weeks longer if we get a pool cover (and we will).

Anonymous said...

We use ours from mid April to mid October as well. But this year it SNOWED the week we open it so you can't count on it. It's pretty much a weekend think from now until we close it becasue the sun goes down so early.