
Things To Cringe At

Last night I showed Sweety this video of The Goddess Bunny. I saw it a couple of days ago and it has left unpleasant images with me ever since.

A little while ago he came shuffling into the room with this outfit on. He had been cleaning the boys' closets and he found this stuff that needs to be tossed out but he wanted to get a bit more use out of them first. It would have been better if he'd been wearing tap shoes. But I am sufficiently disturbed anyway.

And to cleanse your brain from the last two traumatic images, I will present Tiny dog modeling her new pink studded collar. There are only 3 studs on it but just wearing it makes her feel mean.


Zube said...

Woah. That is one weird fucking video. Man. It actually kind of made me sad.

Sweety is ADORABLE! In a manly way of course. :-)

Love the collar. Tough yet chic.

Chickie said...

It made me feel sad too. Then I did some more digging and found out that is a guy who had polio when he was a kid and he does this now for a living. There's some movie about his partying, cross-dressing lifestyle. My sick self may have to track it down. That made me think along the lines of "wow. what a way to turn lemons into lemonade."

I fell out of my chair when Sweety came shuffling in. Since he didn't have tap shoes on he was just making the noise with his mouth. Nutball.

I think Stinky is jealous of Tiny's collar so I may get her one too.

Anonymous said...

WTF was that video??? my eyes my eyes

Chickie said...

him - Your reaction and Sweety's were very similar. He was like "How the hell do you find this shit?"

I had to convince him that I don't do searches for cross dressing, transsexual, polio stricken strippers.

L said...

the Tiny dog photo has to be the cutest thing I've ever seen

Chickie said...

l - It took me hours to get her pose just right. She can be a real diva when she wants to be.

txsm - Sorry for the freak out. I'm glad I was able to get that image out of my head and into someone elses. Sweety couldn't believe I really put that picture of him up. Heh, heh, heh.

Anonymous said...

That was revenge for the clown thing, wasn't it?

Chickie said...

anne arkham - Not revenge, I swear. This little nugget had been rolling around in my head for a few days. It has been replaced with the clown thing though.