
Reality T.V. Whore Is Begging For Help

If you have nothing better to do, please oh please, go here and get Kaysar voted back on Big Brother 6. My pointy finger is blistered from clicking the mouse button.

If you go vote, I'll send you a cookie.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see people voting for Kaysar, even if they find Eric cuter. Kaysar deserves another a chance.


Chickie said...

Monkey - I only saw 2 episodes with Eric and just something about him got on my nerves. Send me your address and I will be more than happy to send you a cookie. Just tell me what kind you want.

Anon - Not that it influences my decision in any way, but I think Kaysar is way more fuckable than Eric. He just looks like he'd do it like he really meant it.

carpediemtomorrow said...

Women!!!!! lol...Thanks for the comment on my blog, I decided to post about the 3000 miles thing.

I watched the US version of BB and was a little disappointed to tell the truth, the housemates have too much of a say in what happens.

Chickie said...

scott - I'm glad you did the 3000 miles post. It's always neat to hear how people met.

I can usually take or leave BB but I got sucked into this seasons somehow.