
A Thorn In My Side

I really didn't realize what a pain in the ass it would be to get an exwife when I got a husband. Before I landed here in the Sunshine State the EW didn't have a lot to do with the boys. My thinking was "Whew. Won't have to deal with her too much." Ha ha on me. Once she found out about me is when (in her own words) she decided to 'be more of a mother figure'. Well phooey for me.

I must admit that the annoyances that she tosses our way have diminished greatly. For about the first 2 years she called Sweety regularly to bitch about something I was doing that she didn't like or to tell him that she was going to redo the divorce and get custody of the boys and child support. She also said she wanted to redo the divorce to get the house this time around. Huh? When was the last time you heard of someone redoing a divorce? She is not the sharpest tool in the shed.

We're down to the occasional annoyance now. EW's husband kicked the bucket from a brain tumor at the beginning of the year. He left behind and exwife with 2 daughters as well as EW and her spawn. EW took the boys to a party for one of their stepsisters (except the boys are not allowed to call them stepsisters. they are real sisters and god help me if someone refers to them otherwise) and she told the boys that their sisters mom was getting a divorce but they needed to keep it a secret from the girls because they hadn't been told yet. Why the fuck do you even tell something like that to an 8 and 10 year old and then tell them to keep quiet about it? Sweety is going to suggest to her that maybe it could be counterproductive in the future if the boys think it's a good idea to keep secrets from your family. Effing nimrod. When I passed the car that had been burnt to a crisp on Saturday morning I caught myself checking to see if it was hers.

EW has spoken of how Sweety and I just don't understand how hard her life is and how nice it must be to have 2 incomes in a sarcastic manner (this is before she was widowed). I'm sorry if you are an undereducated baby making machine and I'm not. No wait, I'm not sorry. Life is what you make of it. She had even grouched about how her and her husband never got to go on a vacation alone because if they didn't have LB and BB they had their other son with them and Sweety and I got to go away alone. Who's fucking fault is that? If you're having such a hard time handling 2 kids part time then perhaps you shouldn't boing out anymore? Just a suggestion.

She will probably find my blog someday and come and kill my dogs.

I am so glad that Sweety did not reproduce with his first wife. I don't think I could handle 2 EW's. And I am eternally grateful that he has boys instead of girls. I don't think that I could handle girls.


Anonymous said...

It's actually a shame that her husband died. She'd probably have been divorced from him by now and would be complaining to him rather than Sweety.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had some great words to say, but I am sending you some great big HUGS!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You know... I think the city boy up there is right. Maybe she'll remarry soon? Good luck with dealing with her and all the shit that goes with.

Chickie said...

bg - You've pretty much summed it up for me.

mcb - I dunno. I think she'd have been with him forever. I mean how hard is it going to be to land a new man with 4 kids, your mom and brother living with you and no high school diploma so you can't/won't get a job?

txsm - Thanks! Could you maybe send me a hand grenade too?

bekah - I thinks she's on the prowl for a new one. She's quit wearing her wedding ring. I'm just hoping that the next one she gets is nicer to be around for the boys than the last one was.

And I see I got some spam. Neato. I shall erase it now.

Anonymous said...

Bummer.. I have to say my EX is awesome as far as EX's go.. That is one issue that us Divorced people have to live with..

yummy spam.. hehehe

New Shoes said...

Ugh. My "sweetie" has a pain in the ass (soon to be) exwife too, so I know what you're going through. Am also a weekend "step" mom/girlfriend/whatever. got some total re-adjusting to do, that is for sure.

Redo a divorce? That's classic.

Chickie said...

him - You are so very lucky with your EW. I ended up with the cliche exwife.

new shoes - When I first got here and was around kids all the time I was like "what the hell am I doing?" it took about 3 years for me to really get used to it.

If she ever does "redo" the divorce I want her lawyer. I'd like another shot at mine!