
"Are you a Christian?"

Let me tell you something: when you're on the phone with some customer service person and at the end of the call, when they ask if there's anything else they can help you with - don't ask them if they're a Christian or if they know the Lord as their personal savior. Because that is not the kind of stuff that I'm available to talk about. This type of question can take a 60 second call and turn it into 5 minutes. Someday, when I get the balls (figuratively speaking of course) to do it, I'm going to tell them that I serve the other side and sacrifice small helpless creatures on a monthly basis. People can be such twits.

My sweet husband so surprised me today. When I got in the car at the end of my shift, there were some flowers and a card in the front seat. I was shocked. I thought that maybe I'd gotten into the wrong car. Then I thought that I must have a secret admirer because I couldn't believe that Sweety would waste all that gas just to leave me flowers. He is one good egg.

And in case you didn't know, today is International Talk Like A Pirate Day. So sayeth The Cow. Today would be the perfect day to polish up your peg leg and make someone walk the plank. I'm going to sharpen my scabbard, right now.

Maybe I'll use the scabbard to remove what's lingering of Quasimodo.


Anonymous said...

I used to love it when the ladder day saints folk would come to my house to tell me how I'm going to hell unless I accept Jesus as my personal savior. I'd tell them that they're welcome to come in and have a beer or two while we discuss the matter further.

They always said no... was I not friendly enough?

Anonymous said...

There is no right answer to that question. You can't belong to the "right" church unless it's the same as theirs. I wouldn't mess with their mind. That might get them more interested.

It was really nice of Sweety to bring you the flowers. You said "He is one good egg". It sure seems like it to me.

Anonymous said...


Chickie said...

bekah - I don't think those folks like alcohol. Offer them a joint next time.

mcb - You're right in there's no "right" answer. If I say no, then they want to save me and if I say yes then they want to commiserate with a fellow Christian about how bad the world is.
Sweety's one of a kind, for sure!

anne arkham - Very nice. I can see you with a parrot on your shoulder now.

L said...

All you have to say is "I have a rubber clown fetish. Would you like to hear about it?"

Chickie said...

l - I may do that on my last day of work. Unless they toss me out before I get to that phrase on my list.