
Happy Tuesday!!!

Sweety got his noggin MRI-ed yesterday and we'll know something on Thursday. I am certainly enjoying the wait. Feel my sarcasm; embrace it with me!

I couldn't find any clean drawers yesterday so I resorted to wearing a thong to work. Holy crap batman. I know there are some people who wear them all the time. People who perhaps don't have any other type of underwear. How the hell do they stand it? It was like I gave myself a wedgie. I just had to keep reminding myself that the feeling at my ass was the way it was supposed to feel and just tried to ignore it. If I'd have had scissors in my car, I would have cut them off and tossed them out the window on my way home. Must go panty shopping, sooner rather than later.

Tiny dog has discovered the bookshelf in my room. Lucky for her, she gnawed on Sweety's paperback copy of "50 Types of Big Rigs" instead of any of my books. I don't have a lot of books but the ones that I do have, I like very much. Even more than I like Tiny dog.

For something rather disturbing, go see what Betty Butterfield has to say about various things. Thanks to Apostle John for bringing this little gem of the internet to my attention. After watching some of these things, I had a dream that Betty was my landlord and kicked me out of my house because my dog peed on the rug.

Considering that Sweety mopped all the floors, cleaned the bathroom, cleaned the kitchen, and did 2 loads of laundry after he got home yesterday - I should probably go be productive too. But wait, I think he did it all...

I need a nap then.


Anonymous said...

I'm just gonna go ahead and lay it right out there: You can mail me Tiny dog (poke some breathing holes in the FedEx box, please), the second she starts to gnaw on your books, k?

Anonymous said...

I am sending hugs your way for you and Sweety. Sorry I missed your calls yesterday....was at the library and lost track of time researching a subject that I need to talk to you about....IM me and I'll tell you all about it! Love ya!

Anonymous said...


50 BIG RIGS!! LMAO!! Have you told Texas Soccer Mom about this yet? Her hubby will be SO jealous!!! LOL


Chickie said...

bekah - I probably will put her in the box before I poke the holes in it. But you'll love her even if she only has one eye, right?

n - I'll be hollering at you. I figured you were busy with Gabrielle when I got the busy singal.

sk - Tiny dog had a varied taste in reading material. She likes to chew on Sports Illustrated and finish up with a bit of toilet paper.

Anonymous said...

I HATE thongs. HATE HATE HATE thongs.

Anonymous said...

It could be worse. You could find out you don't have any clean underwear in your gym bag when you get back to the locker room after getting the pair you're currently wearing all sweaty and gross working out at lunch. I've done this on more than one occasion.

Chickie said...

anne arkham - I've heard people say they are so comfortable and they don't even know they have them on. I think they must be lying. Or maybe their lower half isn't as sensitive as mine.

mcb - Agh. I suppose that would be a good time to go commando.

Zube said...

Oh, I hope everything with Sweety is okay. Sending good MRI vibes your way.

I wear thongs all the time, and regular undies feel funny on my butt now. Heh.

Enjoy your nap.

Chickie said...

zube girl - Thanks for the good vibes. He said his head feels better today but we'll know what's going on tomorrow.

I think if I could ignore the wedgie sensation the thong gave me, then they'd be okay.

Chuck said...

So are you wearing a thong today? I'm thinking you should post pics! LOL

Chickie said...

chuck - That would be so very not good. There's a reason I don't wear them besides comfort. Your butt has be be no older than 17 to look good in one!

L said...

good luck on the test results