
Funny Head

The bad thing about vodka is it has no taste when you mix it with Hawaiin Punch. This makes it easy to over imbibe, as I did Saturday night. Sweety insisted on taking a photo of my hungover self getting ready for work Sunday afternoon. I actually worked up a sweat tying my shoes.


I think this angle makes me look kind of like an elf.

I puked so much Saturday night that the little punching bag thing in the back of my throat flew out. Tiny dog ate it.

When I heard Sweety coming to the bathroom to check on me I didn't want him to see me with any stray vomit on my face so I washed it...

In the toilet.

Mental note to self: Next time, have no more than 3 drinks. Check.


Zube said...

Dang! Rough night!

Hee. I think you look cute in that picture. :-) Elves, after all, are undeniably cute.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for taking care of the CAWOW! while I'm out of town. You rock.

Chickie said...

zube girl - I thought I was going to die in my bathroom! Glad I looked cute. I felt kind of Frankensteinish on the inside.

My pleasure with the CAWOW! and I learned many new words during my research. I'm a more rounded individual now.

Anonymous said...

sounds like you had a rockin' saturday night chickie! :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you do look cute.

Chickie said...

m-a man - I really surprised myself. And Sweety.

anne arkham - Thank you. I thought I looked kind of demented but in an adorable sort of way. Like I'd offer you candy before stabbing you.

Anonymous said...

That some serious puking when the punching bag thingie flies out. Do you think it'll grow back?

Anonymous said...

That was major puking. What inspired the vodka and HP? Was it worth the hangover?

Chickie said...

bekah - I think it's trying to regenerate. I'd just as soon not have it in my throat. It got in the way of the vomit.

mcb - Sheer stupidity inspired it. I just didn't realize how much I was drinking and then it hit me. It was so not worth it.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh, the washing of the face in the toilet reminded me of something equally as drunken and ill-advised I did once.

Not going to tell the whole story, but shorten it to: big, fluffy white towel, the urgent need to have it on my face, the inability to pull it off the towel rack, a pair of manicure scissors, and the resulting 1/4 of the towel finally placed on my face, then hidden so the company I had wouldn't figure out what I'd done. Long enough just like that, eh?

Maybe the first time I've commented here. I've been reading for a bit.

Chickie said...

scorpy - Holy crap. It was easier to mutilate the towel than yank if off the bar? I could so see myself doing that!