
See Me Volunteer!

Woo hoo! What a good little soccer mom I am! Except the boys don't play soccer, but that's beside the point.

I just spent the last 2 hours at school, with BB's fifth grade class. I feel like I've been shook up in a can full of pennies. We had lunch at 11:30 in the cafeteria and it sounded like feeding time at the walrus pen of the zoo. Then after that I was in his classroom typing some reports that the kids are doing. A lot of bodies around me makes me nervous and it was especially fun trying to keep my train of thought while kids were yammering right in my ear - wow! you type fast! how fast do you type? how many keys are you hitting? how can you do that? I brought one kid's stuff home with me to do and I go back next Wednesday. Surely, I'll finish them up then.

Sweety said his head was feeling not so hurty for the first time in about a week. Hopefully, it's just a nice rancid sinus infection in there and it's just taken a week for the antibiotic to start working. I'd heard that some dogs can sniff out cancer or tumors but when Tiny dog is by his head she doesn't signal that anything is wrong. That must be a good sign.

Tonight is the boys' first baseball game. I'm trying to strike a deal with the rain gods to keep from getting soaked.


Anonymous said...

Let the rain gods know that they're welcome to come sit on Lafayette, Louisiana for the entire baseball season and we won't complain at all, I promise.

Chickie said...

bekah - I'll be sending them your way! I had getting rained on. It's bad when it's just enough to get you wet but not enough to call the game.

scott - LOL! I had to read this twice before I got it. Hopefully, it's just your dog loving you!

Anonymous said...


Welcome to my world. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I'll do one better.......
Welcome to our club!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'll do one better.......
Welcome to our club!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I'm a idiot...jeez, what do ya expect at 1 in the morning!!

Chickie said...

sk - Your world is too fucking LOUD!! Do you wear earplugs to teach?

txsm - Thanks for the double welcome. Ya\ou needed to say it twice for me to hear it after today anyway :)

Anonymous said...

I volunteer for everything. It gets better as they get older but even in high school, kids can still be goofy sometimes.

The rain gods in Ohio never co-operate. It rains when I'm hoping for dry and is dry when I'm hoping for rain.

Chickie said...

mcb - I volunteer for everything too and it seems that the older the kids get, the wilder they are.

I'm starting to think the rain gods aren't real because they aren't doing a good job of listening to me.