
Thank You to the Driving Gods

About half way home tonight it started to rain; I hate driving in the rain. Especially in the dark, on the interstate and with other people on the road. There are 3 lanes and I was scooting along in the middle one when I noticed the cars ahead in the right lane were moving over in front of me. I'm wondering why they did this when something catches my eye in the passenger window. It is the guy on a motorcycle that the cars were going around. I realize if I'd have been in that lane that I would've probably smacked into him. I wonder if he felt a goose walk over his grave tonight.

If I'd have known it was going to rain I'd have taken an alternate route home. After I turned onto our highway I figured the worst part of the driving experience was over so I started to relax and ungrit my teeth a little. But sneaking up on a small pond that had formed in the highway and caused my car to weeble a little bit freaked me right back out. My butt is so clenched that I don't think I will poop for a month. I loathe driving in the rain. I had a wreck in the rain some years ago and have had a problem with it ever since.

I better go rouse the canines so they'll be calmed down enough to go back to sleep when I'm ready to go to bed.


carpediemtomorrow said...

You said "If I'd have known it was going to rain I'd have taken an alternate route home." Are you able to tell sometimes which route will have rain, if so, I am driving to Swaffham today and I was wondering which route to take, can you help?

Don't dwell on the past!

Anonymous said...

It definitely goes in the category of: "not recommended" to ride a motorcycle at night in the rain. Not just because of the other drivers but if you hit a slick spot where oils from the road float on top of the water you are going to have a bad day.

Chickie said...

scott - There's another way home where I wouldn't have been on the interstate and has less traffic.

The route to Swaffam today should be the one where there's a shop to buy good donuts.

mcb - I figure the rain surprised him too. It just came outta nowhere.

carpediemtomorrow said...

donuts...in England...you're having a laugh!!!
Fish and chips and beer!

Chickie said...
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Chickie said...

scott - No donuts in England? You must be kidding me. I can see fish and chips and beer for lunch but what do you eat for breakfast?

Mental note to self: Take my own donuts when going to England...check.