
This Book Kicks Ass

gods in Alabama

I just got it this afternoon and I've already finished it. The author is Joshilyn Jackson and she has a neato blog (Faster Than Kudzu) too. I'd been reading the blog for awhile and I was afraid to read the book because what if I didn't like it? And since I enjoy her blog so much I didn't want a bad book review to maybe taint that. This is kind of the same reasoning behind my reluctance to ever do any business with someone that I know personally.

But my fears were completely unfounded. It was good from start to finish and the ending was something else.

If anyone out there would like the book, and you trust me with your address, send me an email I'll mail you mine to keep. Think of it as an early Christmas present.


Anonymous said...

I wanna read it, but you don't have to send it to me. I'll go look at B&N today

Chickie said...

Let me know what you think. It was a nice read.