

I'm sneezing my fool head off and I don't know why. The left nose hole is stopped up again too. It may have something to do with flying this week. For some reason, being on a plane wreaks havoc with my head.

The canines are locked in the bedroom. I didn't feel like keeping an eye on Tiny for every second to make sure she wouldn't piss on the carpet so they're put up for now. She won't pee on the wood floor in my bedroom but will on the carpet. Maybe it just feels nicer to go on carpet.

Sweety's at the boys' baseball game. He should be home any minute. I weaseled out of it. I was tired and just didn't feel like going. So shoot me.

Some friends of ours were going to come over but aren't. I think their baby (the cutest baby ever) is teething. I'm kind of glad they didn't come over if the baby is cranky. I'd hate to have my illusion of the baby being perfect shattered. I don't think I've ever heard him cry. He's such a cute little old man.

I don't have a lot of kid toys. They all got tossed out not too long ago. So when I was at wallyworld this morning I got something for their daughter (who's 4) to play with. It's this little pet shop thing and all the animals have bobbly heads. Too effing cute. Since they're not coming over this will give me a chance to break the toy in.

My sister and her new husband are having trouble in paradise. She said he'll fuss at her and curse in front of my niece. She told me that she told him if the niece was his biological kid that he wouldn't talk like that. I told my sister that I wouldn't talk like that in front of any kid. Usually they get along but when they fuss it turns into a blowout and it's usually over something small. I hope they get their situation ironed out. My niece doesn't need any more drama in her life.

Geez, I wonder what's taking Sweety so long? I think I'll go surprise him and shave my legs. That way, if I get lucky later I won't get a friction burn on my fuzzy legs.


Anonymous said...

Just my guess, but I think they pee on carpets because carpets don't create the splash, and heaven forbid they get a little on them!

As for sister and new hub-unit, I wish there was some way to just wave a magic wand over new couples to give them the strength, sanity, and patience to get through the first couple years together. I could use one of those wands from time to time, myself, and it's no fun for anyone. I'm lucky that there's only one child involved, and for the most part, he doesn't get an eye- or earful very often.

Chickie said...

You're the second person to mention the no splash thing to me. I may try to litter box train her on the patio. Before my house smells like a zoo or she gets cabin fever from being in her cage.

Amen to the second part! I don't know how long you've been reading but my sis's kid lived with me for about 6 mo while she got her shit together. Getting married to this guy was one of the things she did. I so hope they work everything out.