
Effing Spam

Due to the sudden influx of spammy comments, I've turned on the word verification thingy. I do apologize for any aggravation that this may cause a legitimate commenter.

I'm the kind of person that HATES advertising. When I bought my truck, I had all the stuff on it pulled off that said Chevrolet or the name of the dealership where I bought it. Why should I do advertising?

And to all spammers: Eat shit and die.

Back to our regularly scheduled program.


Anonymous said...

We have been having a lot of problems too. Ultimately, I ended up installing a plugin that adds rudimentary word verification to WordPress. Since then, I haven't got a single spam comment.

Whenever I but a car, I very carefully explain to the dealer that I will not accept a car with any advertising except a license plate frame on it. And I take off the license plate frame when I put on the permanent plates.

Chickie said...

When I bought my truck I asked the salesperson to take the dealer stickers off and he said he'd get fired if he did. And I believed him. I should know better than to believe a car salesman.

Next time I buy one they will take all of their crap off of it first.