
Aw, Shit.

"Now everyone at the bowling alley knows what your tits look like." was the sentiment Sweety greeted me with when I got home.


I told him I was coming in here to take the picture down. But I've changed my mind. It's my blog. And my boobies. And I like them both. So, nyah :p

I couldn't get home fast enough so I could attack him in the bedroom. I've discovered that if I come in and throw it on him, when we're done he passes out hard enough that my cooking in the kitchen doesn't wake him.

Tomorrow there is another ballgame scheduled for the boys. I'll spend the next 12 hours praying for rain. I wish they played some kind of indoor sport. Like chess.

You haven't lived til you've fished a Lincoln Log out of a bassett hound's mouth. A bassett hound who does not want to give up her prize. I had to dig so far down Stinky's throat that I was afraid she'd gag.

I better get my silly ass in bed so I'll be chipper tomorrow. Ugh.


Anonymous said...

SNORT. You crack me up. Ok, I'm lost...why did the people at the bowling alley see your boobs?

Chickie said...

bec - Check out the HNT post 2 posts below this one. You can see them too!

I love it when people snort for me!

Anonymous said...

No, I saw that (I'm always jealous..)..but why did the people at the bowling alley see them?

Chickie said...

bec - A couple that we're friends with has knowledge of the blog and the husband bowls with Sweety. I'm hoping that he was just kidding when he said that everyone at the bowling alley knew about them. If not, I'll live.

Anonymous said...

I don't think" everyone at the bowling alley..." is a big deal. People can usually get a pretty good idea what your boobs look like any way. There are a lot bigger things to worry about even in blogland. That is the whole point of the HNT anyway. I'd sooner have too much fun rather than not enough.

I would have just let Stinky have the log of she wanted it so bad. I'm not sure I ever want to play with again if I was one of the boys.

I'll do the rain dance for you too. It finally turned cold here; warm weather is gone until next spring.

Chickie said...

mcb - When I asked Sweety who all had viewed my blog he said "everybody's titties look nice so it's okay". As long as he's okay, I'm okay!

I'd wouldn't mind Stinky eating the log if it didn't have to come out of her. And if Tiny wouldn't steal the chewed up pieces. Something bothers me about seeing wood in the dog's poop.

Thank you so much for the rain dance! It worked! They called the game in the 3rd inning and it was tied so nobody was upset.