

As I sit here, surrounded by all the dog love and typing around Tiny dog licking the keys on the keyboard, I am acutely aware of how badly the canines need a bath. They smell kind of mildewy. Oh yeah, I just picked a mushroom out of Stinky's ear. On Saturday these funky bitches will be sanitized.

There's also a bunch of crap sitting in my front room that I need to go through. It's probably safe to throw something out if you didn't even know that you had it. If only I could motivate myself to cram it all in trash bags.

I was blown away at how many comments the HNT post received. Suppose it is true that sex sells! I would've replied to each comment individually, but it is late and as I have mentioned - I'm really slacking off at the present.

I've been pretty damn useless for about the last week.

Let me rely another snippet of conversation...

Setting: Me tapping on the keyboard and Sweety enters the room.

Sweety: If you didn't have to work and were home all the time would things be different?

Me: Well, yes. Different how? What brings this on?

Sweety (hugging me tightly and making me feel all loved): You know, you've stopped shaving your coochie.

Me: What! You want me to be home because you think I'll keep my thingy smooth? Good grief. If I'd have know that was all it took, I'd have started growing it out a long time ago. I'm going to quit shaving my armpits too.

I'm glad to know what he finds truly important.


Anonymous said...

I'm not really paying attention. I'm still stuck on those hooters.

Chickie said...

anne arkham - I'm glad to hear that! You just caused me to choke on breakfast. I shall go back to sleep with a snicker now.

Chickie said...

billy - Kinda like old mildew. I was afraid that maybe their skin was getting gross and causing the odor but is just seems to be regular dog funk!

Anonymous said...

What is the schedule for the swimming pool? Your bikini line will definitely need some attention once it's installed.

And nothing beats going down on a woman with a good trim so far as I am concerned.

Chickie said...

mcb - Last we heard about the pool, we're 4 or 5 on their schedule. Hopefully we'll have a pool by the end of the year - if it quits raining.

Sweety agrees with you on the second point. It had just been awhile since I'd seen myself in all my fuzzy glory. I'm sure it will be all gone, again, soon.