
Shiny Clean Carpet!

The new carpet has landed! Thank you and amen!

The boys each got to pick out the carpet for their rooms. BB (being a little older and more conscious of the cost of things) chose the cheapest berber stuff that we would allow. LB (being younger and more "ME" oriented) chose the stuff that he actually liked, nice fluffy stuff that had to be special ordered. Both of the rooms look good but when you compare them, LB's looks much nicer. BB's room still looks eleventy billion times better than the stuff that was in there before. The old carpet was 17 years old. Yech.

I'm not a fan of berber and tried to steer BB to other stuff but he decided that's what he liked. I think he'll look at LB's room with a bit of envy though. Or maybe not.

I didn't have the installers put the furniture back in the bedrooms. After sharing my house with strangers for an hour I just wanted them to get out. They used the toilet and (cue Psycho theme song now) DID NOT PUT THE LID BACK DOWN!!!!! It grosses me out enough to lower the lid after people I'm related take a piss; I'm just going to avoid that bathroom til I see that someone else has lowered it.


Anonymous said...

We let the children design their own rooms when we built the house that we are currently living in. There were a few odd combinations but most of the things that they picked out ended up going together pretty well. Besides it is their rooms. Plus if we ever do sell the house I'm sure the new owner would want to change things around anyway. So I wouldn't worry much about BB's choice in carpet.

Anonymous said...

I'd put my own furniture back too. I hate having strangers in my house.

Chickie said...

mcb - We figured by the time we sell the place it will be about time for new carpet and the next folks can deal with that.

anne arkham - I had steeled myself to have them put it back but by the time they were done I was just shooing them out the door.