
Happy HNT! Weeee-haaaa!

My favorite place to be
Here Sweety is trying to talk me into more nekkidness for my photo. He was going for about 90% nekkid instead of just half.

Finally he got annoyed and told me that I was smothering his artistic talents. So this is how he arranged me.

Sometimes I like to bite.


.- said...

oHMIGAWSH I love you hair

Schadeboy said...

Okay, first, I love the official HNT photo. It's modest but playful. The one with the covers over your head is hillarious just because of the history behind it.

But the one with the bite marks...that just says OUCH!

Happy HNT!

Chuck said...

Yeah you're looking all kinds of comfy!


BTExpress said...

Remember one thing, a model MUST listen to the photographer, e.g., Sweety. Even if one is not that comfortable with the directions. She must understand that the photographer is in charge. Okay?

So, how about trying this again next week?


lime said...

sweet picture. hair all splayed out, nice. happy HNT!

tokitikki said...

ha! bite away! happy hnt!

Sasha said...

me too like to bite sometimes...:)

Margaret said...

great photos... :) lovin the bites...i, too, love to bite...just something about it...


Chickie said...

Velma - That is nice virgin hair. I'd cooked it with highlights and just started leaving it alone about a year and a half ago. Now I'm afraid to do anything with it!

Schadeboy - He's usually to preoccupied to notice the bites...

Leesa - Thanks! Me too!

Chuck - I loooove my bed!

BTexpress - He might get to have more creative input next week. I told him I need some warning for more than half nekkid.

Lime - Nothing better than right before bedtime!

Totitikki - I do believe I shall :)

Sasha - It's a nice stress reliever, isn't it?

Monkey - I like the sound a good bite makes.

Anon - That is a nifty site!


James Goodman said...

Great pic! and Happy HNT!

Mara said...

LOL, 90% nekkidness... what a bad little sweetie.. Happy HNT girl!

Anonymous said...

the hair over the pink pillow is my favorite part

Happy HNT

MG said...

LOL, great post, happy HNT

BO Snagley said...

Nice pic interesting choice for a pillow case.
No teeth.. makes me cringe.

Anonymous said...

Happy HNT.

And THANK YOU for taking the stupid letters thing off your comment!!

madgirl said...

love your hair spread out on the pillow. beautiful :)

Grandma Lola said...

Nice picture. Happy HNT!

Scott & Julia said...

Very nice pics! I love your long hair! And you really do love to bite! Does hubby like it? ;) Happy HNT!

Blondie... said...

Very nice pictures!! hehe You're a biter to boot...lol

Love it & happy HNT!

Lee Ann said...

That is my favorite place also! Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

I like Sweety's idea. Perhaps not 90% but at least 75%. I would have pulled the covers down some myself. And you need Tiny Dog somewhere in the picture.

Stephanie said...

wonderful pic. and great story as well.

Beth said...

I'm a biter too. Sometimes it just CANNOT be helped!

Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...


happy belated HNT

Anonymous said...

you have me thinking very dirty thoughts.. sorry for the late HHNT!