
Happy Thanksgiving! And Happy HNT!

Let us give thanks to the Boston Market gods. For without them, turkey would not have been had at Hurricane Alley.


And here's me telling Sweety "goodnight" after he rolled my hair the other night and insisted on taking a photo.

It's hard being cute

Everyone have a lovely Thanksgiving!


madgirl said...

he rolled your hair? awwwwww :) how sweet is that? :)

bricotrout said...

oooh, umwrap the package! i bet i know what it is! those are so fun! you can store them anywhere and they dont need batteries OR assembly! perfect gift idea for the man in your life (or in anybody elses for that matter!)

Wenchy said...

This was fun. :)

Happy HNT!

Benjamin said...

I suppose a [turkey] breast joke would be too obvious. Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

very cute and funny turkey humour...happy hnt!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

A Very Happy Thanksgiving to you anbd yours, Chickie!!!

Sasha said...

oh, oh, you cropped out the good part! :)

and i so love that smile on your second pic...

Muse said...

Love the curlers..lol Happy HNT!

Jody said...

move the paper wink

Bsoholic said...

Boston Market should pay you for this!

Happy HNT and Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

I like the smile/finger combination.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Margaret said...

great pics!! :)


Chickie said...

Hee, hee. Bekah said I have little hip bones! It only took 8 photo shoots before Sweety took a picture that I found satisfactory!

I think Sweety was only kind enough to roll my hair because I was naked when I asked him.

Anonymous said...

Happy thanksgiving Chickie!!


Anonymous said...

Between those two pictures, I'm not sure which is teh sexay the most, but they both rank up there.

HotTt :D

onan the bavarian said...

He does your hair for you? It must be love. Good phtotos, nice dog story.

Happy Half Naked Thanksgiving, robmcj

Tish said...

Haha, great photos!! Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

I did not know they still had Boston Market.

Happy HNT Thanksgiving.

MamaKBear said...

LOL...wish my hubby could do rollers!
Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

he rolled your hair AND you didn't have to cook for Thanksgiving...ahhh the good life~


Jayne said...

I love the Thanksgiving stories and pictures! Happy belated HNT!

Osbasso said...

Aaack! I somehow missed this during the week! What a fine way suprise! I love a woman in bed with curlers!

Oh, BTW--did you know you're not wearing any clothes in the top picture??