
Dieting Schmieting & Fence Photos!

Damn, I'm sick of eating stuff that is prepackaged. But if I want to lose any weight then this is how I must eat. I'm no good with portion control so I've been eating lots of frozen dinners and canned soup over the last week. It's funny how that shit doesn't taste nearly as good as it looks on the box.

One of the reasons I started going back to the gym is because they have a scale. I threw mine out because I weighed myself all the damn time and it was getting on my nerves. They have a digital scale there that is supposed to be correct and it weighed me in at 9 pounds less that the old fashioned scale that I'd been using at the grocery store. That made me feel a bit better. I'm still bigger than I've ever been though.

I've decided to not get my boobs reduced/lifted this year. My plan is to take this year and lose weight in a healthy manner instead of just starving it off like I've done in the past and then next year I'll get my boobs done. And I figure if I look good next year and there are any other nips or tucks that I want done then they can be done the same time as the boobs since I'm gonna be knocked out already. I haven't shared my master plan with Sweety yet. Sweety, if you read this, say not one word to me about it!

I know a lot of people don't agree with plastic surgery or altering your body; I think that it's my body and as long as I'm not using it to kill kittens or run over children in the street then what's the harm?

See that lump on the left side of Stinky dog's face?

Greedy Stinky

That's a treat that I gave her and she insisted on carrying it all over the effing house. Doesn't she know that I gave it to her so it's safe to put it down? That I'm not going to try and steal it? Noooooo, instead she wants to tote the drooly thing all over. I had her on the porch with it and she snuck back inside when I wasn't watching. Sometime she strikes me as very smart and sneaky and other times as dumb as a box of rocks. Maybe she's an idiot savant dog. Or maybe I'm just stupid and I'm letting a Bassett hound play me.

Here's the neighbor's side of the fence and here's our side. The bad side that faces them turned out looking pretty good. I've seen wooden fences that looked worse on the bad side. We didn't use the premade wooden panels to build it but built it by screwing in each picket. This way the fence keeps with the contour of the land and there's not as much space under the fence for Tiny to try and escape from.

Once the fence is up I'm attaching a clothesline thingy with a pulley on it to a couple of the fence slats so I can clip Tiny dog onto it with a leash. I'll let her run around without it if I'm outside but this way I won't have to worry about her escaping if I want to put them out while I clean the house (ha!). And if she's clipped to a leash and a hawk tries to carry her away, it'll have to eat her in the yard or drop her. I'm thinking of making some kind of costume to make her look larger and less like a bird-sized meal when she's outside. Maybe I'll get a scarecrow.


Anonymous said...

I have learned that dogs have selective intelligence.

My quote winner is AWOL this week, so if you want to jump in her place and give me a word, here's your chance! Just go to the Quote #5 post and put your word in the comments.

BO Snagley said...

My fence is made of wire. of course i am not worried with privacy. i can walk around outdoors in my drawers if i want to, which is frequently.

if i were you i would paint each board a different color on the neighbors side that way they will have the pretty side.

Chickie said...

Mike - I've seen birds circling when I've had her outside before. I think a scarecrow may help.

Nacho - Cool beans! I'll be right over!

Bo Snagley - Once this fence is totally done, I plan on only wearing clothes when the boys are here. I've tried it out and the neighbors won't be able to see me from their yard anymore!

Maybe I'll ask the neighbors what their favorite colors are.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to get a nip/tuck/suck done, too, but Mark won't pay for it. I'd pay for it, but I just got the new car. Looks like I'll just be anorexic for a while.

The fence look awesome! Go Sweety!

(Also - I really miss palm trees and sand! So much!)

bekah said...

The fence LOOKS awesome.

I swear I can almost smell the beach.

Amy said...

Nice fence!!! Loads of privacy there, huh? *sigh* I wish I had a fence, but I don't even have freaking DRYWALL yet!!!!!!!!!!! (auuuuuuuuugh!!!!!!!!!!!)

Chickie, your dogs are too freaking cute!

Anonymous said...

Looks awesome!

Chickie said...

Bekah - Youth is on your side - someday the anorexia won't be enough.

The 2 things that I really loathe about this place are the palm trees and the sand. How ironic. Would you like to do a house swap?

Amy - I'm loving not seeing my neighbors when I go in the backyard now. Your place will be done before you know it!

I can't tell them they're cute anymore. We need a wheelbarrow to haul Tiny's ego around as it is.

Anne Arkham - 10-Q!

L said...

I'm with Amy-- they're too cute

I need an insulin shot now :)

The Phosgene Kid said...

Nice pups! I have a couple huskies.

Anonymous said...

I never liked the palm trees and the sand when I lived in Florida, but now that I've just got swamps and mosquitos and a shit ton of alligators, I really miss it.

Chickie said...

L - I'm sorry, we didn't mean to drive you to the needle.

The Phosgene Kid - Thanks! Hey, you don't live up the street do you? There's a house near here that has a couple of those in the yard and they are gorgeous.

Bekah - I can see where palm trees and sand would be preferable to what you have now.