
Privacy is Near

The fence for the backyard is almost finished. Sweety and a couple of friends started it yesterday and there's only a small bit left to be done. I must admit that I was less than enthusiastic about him undertaking such a big job but it looks great. All of the posts are buried in the ground 3 feet and have been concreted in so this should stand up to the meanest hurricane. It's board on board and there are no cracks between the pickets for people to peek through. I can't wait to float around naked in the pool!

Our neighbors are pissed off with us. I think it's because we decided to put the pretty side of the fence facing our yard instead of outwards facing theirs. If they hadn't made such a stink about cutting down that stupid tree, we'd have probably faced the fence in the other direction. I think since we're paying for the fence that we can put whatever side we want on the inside. The "bad" side of the fence actually looks pretty good because Sweety did a good job putting the posts in that the pickets are screwed to.

It'll be neat to be able to let the dogs go outside and run around without leashes. Tiny dog loves to run but I can't let her off her leash or she'll run away. Sometimes we'll run in circles around the house with her til she gets tired. She loves it. She'll probably have a stroke the first time she's released into the backyard with no leash on. The sudden freedom may be too much for her.


OldLady Of The Hills said...

It's great that the fence is almost done! Hooray for you! I sure hope Tiny doesn't have a stroke especially since she just began her writing career! (lol)
No strokes aloud!

Anonymous said...

Serves them right for being asses.

BO Snagley said...

I built a fence for my dog this weekend. She hates it. She also has the brain capacity of a small snail.
luckily i dont have neighbors to worry about.

Anonymous said...

Around here, you can't put the "pretty side" of a privacy fence in if you have a pool because then the cross members that you attach the pickets to are on the outside and that makes the fence too easy to climb; so its against code. When we had our pool put in, the inspector measured EVERYTHING to make sure that there were no safety hazards.

The Phosgene Kid said...

We have walls - the only problem is they are no where near tall enough. Watch that your pups don't dig under the fence and make their escape. One of our huskies is a digger.

Chickie said...

Bekah - Neighbor was very concerned about where our property line fell and we actually put the fence up 5 inches inside our property line so he couldn't bitch.

OOLOTH - If the new found freedom doesn't kill Tiny then it will give her more blog fodder.

Mike - How to wear out a Chihuahua. 1) Put on a leash and run like your hair is on fire for 10 minutes. 2) Trap Chi on couch and make it fight with your hand until it's panting, growling and totally fucking angry. 3) Carry the limp dog outside to pee. 4) Dog will now sleep for at least 6 hours.

I'm getting pretty excited about this summer! I don't like being outside but having a fence up where nobody can see in makes the backyard much more appealing.

Anne Arkham - Exactly.

Bo Snagley - Was it for Stupid Patsy? Maybe you could section a part of it off for Fuzzy Britches? Kinda like a home for special needs animals.

MCB - After reading your comment, Sweety checked out our city codes and we think the fence will be okay the way it is. If it's not then we're gonna nail some ugly plywood on the bad side to make it smooth. The neighbors would love it! Heh, I almost hope it is against code...

The Phosgene Kid - I'm definitely gonna keep an eye on them when they're outside. I'm kind of afraid that an owl or hawk might get Tiny dog. It'll be nice to let her run freely without worrying about her getting smashed by a car.

Chickie said...

Nosouthernbelle - The only reason I agreed to getting a pool is because I knew we'd have to get a fence too.

Hey, I have a guy who can build fences. I'll rent him to you cheap.