
Myth Debunked

Setting: In the car. Just picked the sprogs up from school.

Me: Did you have a good Easter? Get a lot of eggs?

Big Brother (11): No. We didn't hunt eggs...

Little Brother (9): The Easter bunny forgot to hide them. He left them in our baskets where we'd put them before bed! That stunk! We didn't get to look for them! Stupid Easter bunny.

BB: The Easter bunny didn't hide them because ants would eat them, I think.

Me: Oh, well that stinks. But at least you had some eggs.

LB: I know who the Easter bunny is.

Me: Really?

LB: It was our mom.

Me: You sure are one smart kid.

LB (shouting with glee): Ha! BB, I told you so! I knew it!

BB: No it isn't. It wasn't mom.

LB: Anna just said so! She agreed with me!

Me to BB: Sorry, I thought from the way he asked that ya'll had a big talk about it at your mom's.

BB: No.

I think the reason BB wanted LB to continue believing in the Easter bunny is so they could continue blaming the Easter bunny and not their mom for forgetting to hide their eggs. Stupid bint.


The Phosgene Kid said...

We never hid the eggs. I would hate to think what would happen if they weren't all recovered.

Anonymous said...

Have they figured out about Santa yet?

Chickie said...

The Phosgene Kid - When I was a kid, we had to account for all the eggs before we could come inside.

Anne Arkham - BB already knows about Santa. LB doesn't and I was surprised that his follow-up question wasn't about the jolly elf's existence.

Joey Polanski said...

Funny how no mattr howm much ya debunk some bunnys they still rmain completly full of it.

Anonymous said...

I did the same thing as a teacher one year in my 5th grade classroom. One girl said "You believe in Santa Claus, right?"..well, it WAS 5th grade (10-12 year olds), and without missing a beat I said "I WISH there was one! It would make my life easier!"...well...this girl still believed and told her parents what I said. Those parents hated me forever. Now my pat answer is "Yep. I believe." Period.

Chickie said...

Mike - If I'd have known that BB was trying to keep LB believing then I would have answered differently. I try to avoid the topics of religion and mythical creatures with the boys.

Joey Polanski - Some bunnies just make too much bunk to keep them emptied.

Bex - Oh man, that would've been uncomfortable!

Anonymous said...

He knows about Santa but couldn't figure out the Easter Bunny?

Anonymous said...

Hey, show them both this.

Anonymous said...

Can't their mom see how disappointed they are? Why does she keep doing this? All it would take is a little effort. Those kids would be lost without you and Sweety. You guys should probably never go anywhere in the same car.

New Shoes said...

I made some awesome baskets stuffed full, wrapped in pink cellophane with a huge bow. Lily (6) took one look at it on Sunday morning with eyes wide and mouth agape, she said “Boy, the Easter Bunny knows what he’s doing!”

Too funny.

Anonymous said...

LOL to Anne above! That is TOO FUNNY! I wish they had a SANTA one for that little girl I pissed off. lmao

Amy said...

Those poor boys. That stinks. You could always score points with them by doing a treasure hunt or something to make it up to them... I feel bad for them.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

That woman is unbelievbable! Does she have any love for anything or anyone outside or besdides herself? Lord, those poor sweet boys. Thank God they have you and Sweety...She is a real 'case'.

Chickie said...

Anne Arkham - BB knew about the Easter bunny too, he was peeved that I didn't keep the lie alive when his brother asked me about it. That video is hilarious!

MCB - I really don't think EW sees past the tip of her nose. She says he just doesn't understand how her life is since she has 2 other kids. I think you shouldn't have any more than you can pay attention to.

New Shoes - How sweet! This was the first year that I didn't make baskets and I missed it. I don't care if they know the "truth" now, I'm making Easter baskets next year.

Bex - Heh, that would've made the kiddo feel better!

Amy - We do scavenger hunts here so it's not like they missed out on the hunt aspect of it all. Honestly, I'm kind of tired of being extra nice to smooth things over if their mom falls short. They're getting big enough so that they're starting to see how she is.

OOLOTH - I'm sure she loves her kids but I think she's lacking in the whole parenting thing.

Anonymous said...

Wow- she sucks. No other way to explain it.

I do too, however, because one time mine woke up screaming that her tooth was still there and the Tooth Fairy didn't come, all because I fell asleep early and forgot. I ran in there to "check myself" and crammed a $20 under the pillow (the only cash I had). After that, the Tooth Fairy always leaves the tooth so Mom can keep it, and daughter is pissed at the lack of windfall every time. :)

Chickie said...

Shannon - Hearing about this combined with her missing their winning basketball game the day before kinda iced the cake for me.

Bonanza Jellybean - Oh yeah, we've done that before too. Sometimes the Tooth Fairy takes a couple of nights to collect teeth in these parts!