

I'm not going to go way into it because it makes my blood pressure go up but I've had my fill of the cuntofanexwife. She doesn't get what her boundaries should be with Sweety. There have been a couple of new instances of her calling him for stupid things and I've had it. She gets one more chance to say something that's not necessary and then I will be telling her to go away. Sweety hasn't said anything to her because he knows how it will end because of the way conversations in the past have went - she'll call him screaming and yelling and he'll be able to hear the boys in the background, soaking it all in. I will be more than happy to corner her somewhere and tell her to stop calling my husband because she has questions about children that he didn't father or about things that she should be bright enough to handle.

I'd like to pick her up by the ankles and whap her head into the side of a building.

And I think her uterus needs to be filled with concrete before she breeds again.

Surely, I will be back to sunshine and light soon.


Margaret said...

maybe you can get a voodoo doll...if you light it on fire, would it be like spontaneous combustion?

just wondering...


Anonymous said...

It's time for her to be with Pete.

Joey Polanski said...

Tell her she can BE a ex-wife, but that dont mean she hasta ACT like one!

Anonymous said...

I think the concrete uterus has STRONG marketing possibilities. There market is HUGE and WAITING.

BO Snagley said...

what if you hung her upside down and fed her metamucil laced with exlax.

Anonymous said...

Just bounce her head off the wall "accidentally."

The Phosgene Kid said...

Tell Sweety to get an unlisted number and refuse to give it to her, that way you don't wind up in jail for assualt with a cement Mixer..

Anonymous said...

And I think her uterus needs to be filled with concrete before she breeds again.

Unfortunately there are a lot of people like that...

Anonymous said...

I would start rooting for her to get another boyfriend/husband. I bet then she wouldn't be calling so much. Of course you'd have to be care full where you aimed your though beams.

Anonymous said...

Argh, that sucks hardcore.

I have the stepson's mother, who's a complete idiot, and I HATE the way she's raising my stepson, and then we have the friend who just won't get a freakin' clue and leave us the hell alone whom the husband wouldn't say "no" to, that I wanted to just tell to go to hell. Between the two of them, thank God we're halfway across the county! Very much less annoyance with the whole thing now.

Keep your cool. I can't say it will get better, but you can't blog from prison. 'kay?

Michael said...

I have no new suggestions, just enjoying the visual of you slinging her against a building then standing her on her head with a funnel between her legs as the cement mixer :beep:beep:beep: backs in and lowers the delivery channel. I love your take on life. Take a deep breath, have a drink, and try not to kill her.


Chickie said...

Monkey - I've got the doll made. I just need some of her fingernails or something to finish it off.

Anne Arkham - Pete went to a better place than she will. He was a GOOD fish.

Joey Polanski - You know what she said to me once? That her husband's exwife made her look like a perfect, nice exwife. I was like, "Surely, you jest."

OOLOTH - I think the seasons changing has made her froggy or something.

Mike - I think the entrance to the uterus would be quite accommodating.

Bonanza Jellybean - I could make different flavors! Concrete w/broken glass or nails!

Bo Snagley - Whoa. That's a good idea.

Ginamonster - Heh, when I say it, it's all one word like that :)

Bekah - An accident wouldn't be enough. I wanna swing her around like you'd swing a cat by it's tail.

The Phosgene Kid - Well, she has to have some way to contact him if something happens with the boys. They were there this weekend so that's why he answered the phone. I bet I'd be the only one in there on that kind of assault charge.

Anaglyph - That is too true. A trip to the supermarket reveals that 80% of the population could benefit.

MCB - Believe me, I am. She quiets down a lot when she has a man. At this point, I don't care where my beams hit as long as it disrupts her life.

Scorpy - Holy shit. No blogging from prison? Hadn't thought of that.

Michael - Cement mixer? Funnel? I'm gonna mix that shit up in a wheelbarrow with a shovel and use my hand to cram it in.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Hi Chickie...Just wanted you to know that Sweetie mentioned yuor family today...Tiny and Stinky and You, too!