

Do you know how much I like being awoken from a rather erotic dream to be asked to pick up the boys after school and take them to EW's house? Not much at effing all.

Usually she gets them on Mondays but she asked to switch this week. She had to take her mother to the hospital for some reason this morning and she won't be able to get them from school. The reason I have to drive out to her fucking house and drop the boys off for 3 hours is so they can celebrate their sister's 1 year anniversary of being alive. So that's why is it sooooo important to her that they be there. Damn it all. I'm just pissed because I thought I was gonna have the day to myself and had planned accordingly: nap from 10:30 to 12:30 - on the computer from 12:30 to 1:30 - clean the house from 1:30 to 5:00. Now my plan is whacked out and I'm having to give hour or so to fetch and tote children. It doesn't bother me to get them; It's pissing me off that I have to carry them to their mother's.

Yesterday, BB(11) told Sweety that he wished that him and his mom were still together. Then he asked why they weren't. BB is old enough that he remembers the fighting and whatnot that went on when he was little and that ground had been covered before by him and Sweety. So Sweety told him that he did try to work it out after the divorce but it didn't happen. BB asked exactly when this was and why did Sweety even try. Sweety told him that tried was so he'd know for sure that he'd done everything that he could to avoid it.

Sweety then told me some things about the bint leaving her family (she just packed her shit with no warning and left the boys with sweety. i'm glad she did it because i sure do like them but it blows my mind that a mother would do that TWICE) that I didn't know about and I got kinda fired me up last night. That's probably why I'm so pissy about having to do anything for her today.

Agh, I better get around and do something to tidy the place up.


OldLady Of The Hills said...

Ahhh Dear Chickie. That woman, the EW I mean, is truly a case study in in "It's All About Me!" and the sequel to that book; "Now Let's Talk About ME, Some More!"...So sorry that she conitues to insiuate herself inyour lives in such a BIG way...Start mixing that cement, my dear.

Chickie said...

I've decided to use a flamethrower on her. Then I'm gonna eat her.

BO Snagley said...

man i am glad i aint got me one of those ew things.

Anonymous said...

Twice? That's insane.

Joey Polanski said...

Genral Rule: Whoevr insists on changin a routine had bettr take on EVRY bit of th incnvenience that will involve.

Anonymous said...

you said it, joey. isn't it interesting that her initials (EW)sound out as "eeeuuuuwwww" (well, not really, but I want them to)

The Phosgene Kid said...

I take it you two don't talk much when you see each other - the Mom and you that is...

Chickie said...

Bo Snagley - If you ever change your mind, I've got one that I'll sell for cheap.

Mike - If she weren't around I'm sure that something else would come along to ruin my day occasionally. I'd rather deal with something else.

I've given up hope that she will be exiting the gene pool any time soon. She's like a roach.

Anne Arkham - I concur.

Joey Polanski - She doesn't strike me as much of a rule follower.

Cissy Strutt - Heh, that's how I pronounce it.

The Phosgene Kid - If we're at a function and have to sit together we do talk but it gives me a headache and makes me drink afterwards.

Joey Polanski said...

Spare th brass nuckls, spoil th EW.

Anonymous said...

Shes quite a piece of work. Who let you know about the change in plans Sweety or her? Maybe words like do it yourself would be useful. She and Sweety need to get along for the sake of the kids but she abuses the concept.

Jay said...

It's rough trying to shelter kids from the disappointing realities of their parents. It's rough trying to keep wives and ex-wives from throwing down and fighting to the death. Life is crazy.

Anonymous said...

So, did you kill her or what!?!?!?

Chickie said...

MCB - She called Sweety and then he called me. She and I do not phone each other directly for anything. If I wouldn't have went and got them then Sweety'd have had to leave work early. The whole reason I work this stinking work schedule is so I'll be avaiable when shit like this happens.

Miss Jay - A fight to the death is one of my favorite fantasies.

TXSM - Unfortunately not. I dropped them off and she made a point to come outside and give me a big wave. I liked it better when she ignored me.