
Sloth Personified

I've spent approximately 9 hours in bed today. Either dinking on the computer or napping. I'm getting bedsores but that's okay because Tiny likes to eat them. And if it makes Tiny dog happy, then it makes me happy.

It seems that the neighbors that are 2 houses up the street can see into our backyard if they are in theirs. I realized this when I traipsed outside nekkid-as-the-day-is-long to let the dogs out. I'm pretty sure that I was spotted because when I went back outside to let the dogs in the neighbors were all turned around on their back porch looking in my direction. Oh well.

A large chunk of my time on the computer has been spent fussing with my template. As you can see, it's still the same so that was 3 totally wasted hours. Does anyone out there know how to make a drop-down box for your blogroll? I found out how to make a drop-down archives list but I don't want to do just that - I like stuff to match.

I kicked around the idea of getting my eyebrow pierced today but Sweety torpedoed the idea. It's something I've been wanting to do for awhile but not if he's going to scowl every time he looks at me. It wouldn't be worth the extra aggravation. I know when to pick my battles. But perhaps I will get a new tattoo when I go to Texas. Heh, maybe I'll say "fuck it" and do the eyebrow while I'm there.

Wow, I'm starting to seriously hurt from all this laying down. I must go find some other position to lounge in.


Anonymous said...

The bed sores comment made me throw up in my mouth a little...

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Thanks so much for your very sweet comment, dar Chickie!

LOL, LOL...Tiny Dog is a caution--earing anything and everything, huh???

I love that your neighbors can see you...Well, maybe not love that..just find it rather amusing.

When do you go to Texas?

Chickie said...

Bekah - You're just jealous because your dogs don't eat your sores.

Mike - This getting old is a bitch.

OOLOTH - The dog will officially eat anything!

We fly into TX on 6/23 and we'll drive to my Mom's house in OK til the 29th and then we go back to TX for a couple of days. I can't wait!

Bekah - Gee, if you didn't want to visit with me, you didn't have to go all the way to Baltimore!

Joey Polanski said...

WE was all watchin ya traipsin nekkid in yer template, Chickie. I hurt my neck.

Jess said...

Long time since I commented. Good to see your doing okay. Im back to blogging again, restored my blog youll have to stop by LOL..

For menus you can try www.dynamicdrive.com if you have no luck maybe I can help you with it.

Chickie said...

Joey Polanski - I thought I was being watched! I am not responsible for any injuries that my be incurred during the peeping of me.

'ber - You think I LIKED the bedsore thing?

Jess - Hey! Good to see you! Thanks for the link!

The Phosgene Kid said...

I firmly believe nature gave us all the holes we need and there is no need to create anymore.

r.fuel said...

That thing about the bed sores made me simultaneously laugh and gag. It was awesome.

Chickie said...

The Phosgene Kid - You & Sweety are cut from the same cloth.

R.Fuel - I love eliciting dual reactions!

sasha said...

I just found out that my neighbors across the street can see into my backyard. I found out the naked way, too.

Chickie said...

Sasha - I figure if they're offended then they don't have to look!

Tragic - Thanks for the phrase "javascript dropdown generators"! That's just what I needed to know to find some info!

Nekkid Neighbour Day sounds like a nice holiday - we could take off work too!

Zube said...

I think my neighbors would prefer I let the dog out naked. I usually just don't realize they're there and fart.

I think you would look SO cute with an eyebrow ring!

Chickie said...

Zube Girl - Ever since reading about your incident, I try to keep the outside farts quiet.

Me too, dammit!

Chickie said...

HNB - I've long been a believer in "It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission." but I know this would be one of those things that he wouldn't get over because he'd have to look at it every day!