
The Hounds

Stinky dog doesn't get written up here as much as Tiny because she just doesn't do as much.

One Expensive Dog Bed

Some of Tiny's hidden treasures are circled.

Tiny was puking into my hand while Stinky was lounging. She was on my lap and started to gag and I didn't want her to barf on the couch so I put my hand under her mouth. A wad of foamy spit came rocketing out. I think she ate a hairball and it made her ill but she's okay now. That was the nastiest thing that I've ever willingly touched.


OldLady Of The Hills said...

Stinky is such a laid back doggie....A great napper, isn't she? And that Tiny! Coughing up a hairball! And in your hand yet! No greater love, my dear Chickie!

Rich | Championable said...

Crazy. A whole bunch of my links have posts about dogs... and today's the one year anniversary of my puppy Carter passing away. Ah, convergence.

shannon said...

Ah Stinky, a dog after my own heart.

As for willingly putting your hand under Tiny as she was puking...it's odd, what we'll do for them, isn't it?

Chickie said...

OOLOTH - They just don't know how good they have it!

Rich Championable - That is odd. Maybe it's a sign?

Shannon - I never was a dog person til we got these two and it does surprise me with how much I adore them.

The Phosgene Kid said...

Glad to see we aren't the only ones that spoil the pups.

Chickie said...

The Phosgene Kid - It's just hard not to!

Anonymous said...

I don't like anything enough to catch dog vomit to keep it from getting soiled. How much can Tiny puke anyway? Wouldn't your carpet cleaner be able to handle it?

Chickie said...

MCB - I was trying to comfort her as she was heaving and didn't want any of it to get in between the couch cushions.