
Bathroom Habits

Why do some people make unnecessary noise in the bathroom? The lady singing gospel songs in the stall next to me takes first place in my book for being the most annoying person ever. Maybe she thought she was on American Idol. She sang for a good 5 minutes before I thought to record her. It's not like I was doing anything else because my all of my holes slammed shut as soon as she started to sing.

I also really hate the people that want to talk to you while you're in the stall. I don't want to talk to anyone while my body is excreting anything.


The Phosgene Kid said...

Maybe she was praising the lord for curing her constipation.

Joey Polanski said...


What does one SAY to th prson in th nex stall?

Hey, hows it goin?"

Sara Sue said...

Perfect time for making the most disgusting fart sounds you can muster!

Mike said...

I would have killed myself. Of course I would have also been arrested for being in the stall next to her.

Rich | Championable said...

Gospel in the bathroom stall?

Isn't that what they mean by "Holy Shit?"

Em said...

When the guy in the next stall suddenly asks "how's it going?"...is that a general question? Or are they asking about my excretory progress???

Amy said...

Ewww, eww, eww. This is probably why I avoid public restrooms!

Chickie said...

The Phosgene Kid - Maybe. But I don't think so. I think she liked the way her voice echoed in there.

Joey Polanski - I've had people ask me about things that are happening on the news. It always strikes me as weird if anyone says anything other than "Hey, do you have any paper over there?"

Sara Sue - I thought about it but I couldn't move a muscle til she flushed and went away.

Mike - Now really, you don't want to die with your pants around your ankles in a women's restroom.

Rich Championable
- Too funny! That is exactly what I was thinking to myself while listening to her.

EM - It just depends what sort of fellow they are. Sweety was in a bathroom in an airport once and some guy sat in the stall next to him and whenever he (the other guy) made any sort of sound associated with pooping said "wow! do you think you can beat that one?" to Sweety. Sweety didn't say anything but didn't leave the stall til the other guy left.

Amy - Unfortunately, this was at my work and I was on my 15 minute break. I was afraid I was going to be late because I didn't want to interrupt her song with a toilet flush to leave.

Patti_Cake said...

We have an old black lady who prays .. it's kinda creepy to be in there, think you are alone and hear her mutterings...

Chickie said...

Patti_Cake - That would freak me the hell out.