
This Cracks Me Up

I thought that I knew what my favorite photo was but I spoke too soon.

It's this one.

Junior Krusty the Clown

BigBrother(12) decided that he was ready for a haircut and him and Sweety goofed around with it before shearing it all off to the same length. I almost pissed my pants when I peeked into the bathroom and saw the carnage.

Happy HNT!


Vixen said...



Well then. LOL


Anonymous said...

That's hilarious. It seems like everybody tries it once. HHNT!

lecram sinun said...

LOL! Cheers and Happy HNT!

Osbasso said...

Never leave sharp cutting tools in the hands of males without supervision!

Snow White said...

Great shot... and good for blackmail later! Happy HNT

Sefton said...

Created especially for you. Enjoy.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Well, I understand how this can happen. Once I took the scissors to my own head and kept cutting and cutting and cutting....What a mess that was.
I had to wear Turbens for about 4 weeks....! (lol)

Bunny said...

That is just . . . wow . . . can you say "hat?" Yipes!! HHNT!

Monogram Queen said...

Hold onto this one - BLACKMAIL CITY.

He looks like an adorable girl! Um, kinda like Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm I think!

tkkerouac said...

OMG, this is too funny. Would you like to share the photo in tonights favourites or I could post it separately and link your blog.
Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

this is one of my favorites to run across yet..too frikkin cute, and yes we have all done it!!!


Sara Sue said...

EXCELLENT!! This makes up for missing two HNT posts! You and BB rock!

The Phosgene Kid said...

Never let dad cut your hair.

Anonymous said...

BB is going to HATE this picture some day.

Never let your dad cut your hair unless he is a barber.

Anonymous said...

Possibly Sweety should stick with balancing bottles?