
Wasted Day

The boys and I were confined to the house today because we'd been told that the city code inspector would be by (between 8 a.m. & 3 p.m.) to inspect our pool enclosures and that we needed to be here so he could check the alarms inside the house. So we were here all freaking day long and when Sweety got home, we saw that the inspector had come by and put a note on our fence saying that we failed the inspection because he couldn't get into our backyard. WTF? Why didn't you knock on the damn door, you knothead? So Sweety calls the city office and gets the guy's cell phone number.

Sweety: It says here that we failed. Why is that?

Inspector Dumbass: I couldn't get in the gate.

Sweety: Well, isn't that what the city wants? People NOT coming in and drowning in our pool? There is a latch on the inside if you reach over the gate.

ID: Huh?

Sweety: My wife was here all day and didn't hear you knock on the door. Did you knock on the door?

ID: No. That's not how we do things. The gate needs to be open so we can inspect it.

So how the hell was he going to check the alarms inside our house? Squeeze in the effing window once he got into the back yard? So, he's supposedly coming tomorrow and will call and let us know what time so I'm not stuck here all day long.

I swear that between the boys picking at each other and Stinky dog "woofing" her fool head off - there wasn't more than 74 seconds of consecutive silence all day.


Anonymous said...

Do the trick with the microwave door when he comes in.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

I do not understand the mentality of City Inspectors, do you? Here in The Hills, we have the Fire Inspectors who come (as well they should)...no one sees them and like your place, unless they ring the bell they cannot get onto the patio to go down the stairs and look at the garden to really SEE if we have stuff that could start a fire. None of them do that. So...I got a notice that I FAILED the Fire inspection---Second year in a row they have done this and I know it is a mistake because ALL the plants in my garden are fire resistant---Cactus & Succulants..Hello? It pisses me off no effing end! I hope this jerk does his job as he should, dear Chickie...if not, sic Tiny Dog on him!!! Tell her to bite his leg, but good!

Chickie said...

Anne Arkham - Excellent idea. I'm going to arrange things right now.

OOLOTH - I've got Tiny primed and ready for attack. She doesn't go for the leg; She prefers tender eyeballs instead. This guy is gonna be sorry that he was born.

Michael - The rant covers exactly how I feel. I'm betting this dummy and the dog catcher are good friends.

Mike - Sweety put an addition on the house before I was around, and the city wasn't clear on how the place needed to be hurricane-proof and he ended up doing a lot of extra work that wasn't needed. I can't wait to get my eyes on the inspector today. He might wither and die under my gaze.