Midwestern City Boy has hit me with the Seven Songs Tag. Without further ado, seven songs that I'm listening to:
1. Portland Oregon - Jack White & Loretta Lynn
2. Wave on Wave - Pat Green
3. A Lot of Things Different - Kenny Chesney
3. Never Been to Spain - Three Dog Night
4. Hollaback Girl - Gwen Stefani
5. Come Together - The Beatles
6. Limes - Perpetual Ocean (from the CD 'Houdini')
7. Jingle Bells
I don't know that I'm enjoying numbers 4 and 7 but they are on a constant loop in my head.
I'm not tagging but if anybody has any ideas for some good music, let me know. I've been listening to the other 5 songs on my way home from work for the past few weeks. Hey, Joe - isn't it about time you did another album review?
Step-Motherhood: The Fine Print
You know, there's a lot of extra-curricular shit that goes along with being a parent. I thought parenting was just keeping a kid alive and not beating it. I didn't know there was other stuff that comes with having a kid.
Volunteering at the school: I hate helping out at the school. But I do it with a smiley face because the boys like it when I chaperone a field trip or help out in the class. It didn't bother me so much when they were small but as they get bigger it's like being in a room full of adults. Nope, don't like it at all.
LB(9)'s teacher sent home a note today asking if we could please help out at the school carnival. I'd honestly rather poke my eye out with a rusty screwdriver but since they are begging for volunteers, I feel almost obligated to say yes. The weekend of the carnival is a weekend they're at their mom's and just last night I said to Sweety "Hey! The boys are at their mom's for the school carnival! Yippee! We won't even have to go to the damn thing this year!" I told LB that I'll help only if he helps out with me. Usually he is an anti-social individual but he readily agreed. Rats.
School projects: How I loathe school projects! Sometimes, getting BB(11) to understand something is like teaching a cupcake to do a trick. He has a science experiment that is due the 27th of this month. He became aware of the assignment many moons ago but just recently brought home the packet with the rules in regards to it. He wanted to simulate a tsunami. Yeah kiddo, let's reenact a horrible natural disaster! Maybe we can make tiny people and drown them! Perhaps some dismemberments are in order! (I actually said the previous phrase to him and his eyes lit up like stars. He thought I had a great idea!) After reviewing the rules, we found that water can't be used in the experiment. Dang. Soon, I'll get to pull out my hair in bloody clumps while trying to get him to understand what he'll be doing the project about. I simply cannot wait! It promises to be a great bonding experience. Last year his project was about The Bubonic Plague and I was just as freaked out about it but he did a good job. I'm sure (I hope) when this one is over I'll look back on it in the same manner.
Morals: Teaching them right from wrong and all that good stuff. BB asked if he could help LB and I in the booth at the school carnival. And then he wanted to know if it would be okay if he took the tickets that people gave to us to play our games and go use them on the other games at the carnival. Instead of just saying "no", I felt that I should back that up with why it would be wrong and then make him tell me why it would be wrong after we talked about it. I wanted to be sure that he understood exactly what "stealing" meant.
The boys are also becoming masters of sarcasm; My heart swells with pride when one of them makes a well-spoken snarky comment to the other. But then my ears want to bleed when the inevitable fussing begins after the comment. I guess I can't have my cake and eat it too. I've been trying to tamp down my sarcastic streak when I'm around them but sometimes I can't help myself.
BB announced today that SpongeBob is gay and this led to a discussion between them over which cartoon characters were gay. The only thing I contributed to the conversation was that I don't think the Telletubbies are gay but I'm not so sure about SpongeBob but it didn't matter if he was. BB then told me that he heard on the news that SpongeBob and the Telletubbies are so it must be true. I told him to not believe everything he sees on the t.v. And then LB got my attention so he could show me the two SpongeBob toys that he'd arranged in a compromising position. I really wanted to just die laughing but I didn't think that would be appropriate.
Screwbally kids, I love them but I'll be glad when they're grown.
Volunteering at the school: I hate helping out at the school. But I do it with a smiley face because the boys like it when I chaperone a field trip or help out in the class. It didn't bother me so much when they were small but as they get bigger it's like being in a room full of adults. Nope, don't like it at all.
LB(9)'s teacher sent home a note today asking if we could please help out at the school carnival. I'd honestly rather poke my eye out with a rusty screwdriver but since they are begging for volunteers, I feel almost obligated to say yes. The weekend of the carnival is a weekend they're at their mom's and just last night I said to Sweety "Hey! The boys are at their mom's for the school carnival! Yippee! We won't even have to go to the damn thing this year!" I told LB that I'll help only if he helps out with me. Usually he is an anti-social individual but he readily agreed. Rats.
School projects: How I loathe school projects! Sometimes, getting BB(11) to understand something is like teaching a cupcake to do a trick. He has a science experiment that is due the 27th of this month. He became aware of the assignment many moons ago but just recently brought home the packet with the rules in regards to it. He wanted to simulate a tsunami. Yeah kiddo, let's reenact a horrible natural disaster! Maybe we can make tiny people and drown them! Perhaps some dismemberments are in order! (I actually said the previous phrase to him and his eyes lit up like stars. He thought I had a great idea!) After reviewing the rules, we found that water can't be used in the experiment. Dang. Soon, I'll get to pull out my hair in bloody clumps while trying to get him to understand what he'll be doing the project about. I simply cannot wait! It promises to be a great bonding experience. Last year his project was about The Bubonic Plague and I was just as freaked out about it but he did a good job. I'm sure (I hope) when this one is over I'll look back on it in the same manner.
Morals: Teaching them right from wrong and all that good stuff. BB asked if he could help LB and I in the booth at the school carnival. And then he wanted to know if it would be okay if he took the tickets that people gave to us to play our games and go use them on the other games at the carnival. Instead of just saying "no", I felt that I should back that up with why it would be wrong and then make him tell me why it would be wrong after we talked about it. I wanted to be sure that he understood exactly what "stealing" meant.
The boys are also becoming masters of sarcasm; My heart swells with pride when one of them makes a well-spoken snarky comment to the other. But then my ears want to bleed when the inevitable fussing begins after the comment. I guess I can't have my cake and eat it too. I've been trying to tamp down my sarcastic streak when I'm around them but sometimes I can't help myself.
BB announced today that SpongeBob is gay and this led to a discussion between them over which cartoon characters were gay. The only thing I contributed to the conversation was that I don't think the Telletubbies are gay but I'm not so sure about SpongeBob but it didn't matter if he was. BB then told me that he heard on the news that SpongeBob and the Telletubbies are so it must be true. I told him to not believe everything he sees on the t.v. And then LB got my attention so he could show me the two SpongeBob toys that he'd arranged in a compromising position. I really wanted to just die laughing but I didn't think that would be appropriate.
Screwbally kids, I love them but I'll be glad when they're grown.
Dieting Schmieting & Fence Photos!
Damn, I'm sick of eating stuff that is prepackaged. But if I want to lose any weight then this is how I must eat. I'm no good with portion control so I've been eating lots of frozen dinners and canned soup over the last week. It's funny how that shit doesn't taste nearly as good as it looks on the box.
One of the reasons I started going back to the gym is because they have a scale. I threw mine out because I weighed myself all the damn time and it was getting on my nerves. They have a digital scale there that is supposed to be correct and it weighed me in at 9 pounds less that the old fashioned scale that I'd been using at the grocery store. That made me feel a bit better. I'm still bigger than I've ever been though.
I've decided to not get my boobs reduced/lifted this year. My plan is to take this year and lose weight in a healthy manner instead of just starving it off like I've done in the past and then next year I'll get my boobs done. And I figure if I look good next year and there are any other nips or tucks that I want done then they can be done the same time as the boobs since I'm gonna be knocked out already. I haven't shared my master plan with Sweety yet. Sweety, if you read this, say not one word to me about it!
I know a lot of people don't agree with plastic surgery or altering your body; I think that it's my body and as long as I'm not using it to kill kittens or run over children in the street then what's the harm?
See that lump on the left side of Stinky dog's face?

That's a treat that I gave her and she insisted on carrying it all over the effing house. Doesn't she know that I gave it to her so it's safe to put it down? That I'm not going to try and steal it? Noooooo, instead she wants to tote the drooly thing all over. I had her on the porch with it and she snuck back inside when I wasn't watching. Sometime she strikes me as very smart and sneaky and other times as dumb as a box of rocks. Maybe she's an idiot savant dog. Or maybe I'm just stupid and I'm letting a Bassett hound play me.
Here's the neighbor's side of the fence and here's our side. The bad side that faces them turned out looking pretty good. I've seen wooden fences that looked worse on the bad side. We didn't use the premade wooden panels to build it but built it by screwing in each picket. This way the fence keeps with the contour of the land and there's not as much space under the fence for Tiny to try and escape from.
Once the fence is up I'm attaching a clothesline thingy with a pulley on it to a couple of the fence slats so I can clip Tiny dog onto it with a leash. I'll let her run around without it if I'm outside but this way I won't have to worry about her escaping if I want to put them out while I clean the house (ha!). And if she's clipped to a leash and a hawk tries to carry her away, it'll have to eat her in the yard or drop her. I'm thinking of making some kind of costume to make her look larger and less like a bird-sized meal when she's outside. Maybe I'll get a scarecrow.
One of the reasons I started going back to the gym is because they have a scale. I threw mine out because I weighed myself all the damn time and it was getting on my nerves. They have a digital scale there that is supposed to be correct and it weighed me in at 9 pounds less that the old fashioned scale that I'd been using at the grocery store. That made me feel a bit better. I'm still bigger than I've ever been though.
I've decided to not get my boobs reduced/lifted this year. My plan is to take this year and lose weight in a healthy manner instead of just starving it off like I've done in the past and then next year I'll get my boobs done. And I figure if I look good next year and there are any other nips or tucks that I want done then they can be done the same time as the boobs since I'm gonna be knocked out already. I haven't shared my master plan with Sweety yet. Sweety, if you read this, say not one word to me about it!
I know a lot of people don't agree with plastic surgery or altering your body; I think that it's my body and as long as I'm not using it to kill kittens or run over children in the street then what's the harm?
See that lump on the left side of Stinky dog's face?

That's a treat that I gave her and she insisted on carrying it all over the effing house. Doesn't she know that I gave it to her so it's safe to put it down? That I'm not going to try and steal it? Noooooo, instead she wants to tote the drooly thing all over. I had her on the porch with it and she snuck back inside when I wasn't watching. Sometime she strikes me as very smart and sneaky and other times as dumb as a box of rocks. Maybe she's an idiot savant dog. Or maybe I'm just stupid and I'm letting a Bassett hound play me.
Here's the neighbor's side of the fence and here's our side. The bad side that faces them turned out looking pretty good. I've seen wooden fences that looked worse on the bad side. We didn't use the premade wooden panels to build it but built it by screwing in each picket. This way the fence keeps with the contour of the land and there's not as much space under the fence for Tiny to try and escape from.
Once the fence is up I'm attaching a clothesline thingy with a pulley on it to a couple of the fence slats so I can clip Tiny dog onto it with a leash. I'll let her run around without it if I'm outside but this way I won't have to worry about her escaping if I want to put them out while I clean the house (ha!). And if she's clipped to a leash and a hawk tries to carry her away, it'll have to eat her in the yard or drop her. I'm thinking of making some kind of costume to make her look larger and less like a bird-sized meal when she's outside. Maybe I'll get a scarecrow.
Privacy is Near
The fence for the backyard is almost finished. Sweety and a couple of friends started it yesterday and there's only a small bit left to be done. I must admit that I was less than enthusiastic about him undertaking such a big job but it looks great. All of the posts are buried in the ground 3 feet and have been concreted in so this should stand up to the meanest hurricane. It's board on board and there are no cracks between the pickets for people to peek through. I can't wait to float around naked in the pool!
Our neighbors are pissed off with us. I think it's because we decided to put the pretty side of the fence facing our yard instead of outwards facing theirs. If they hadn't made such a stink about cutting down that stupid tree, we'd have probably faced the fence in the other direction. I think since we're paying for the fence that we can put whatever side we want on the inside. The "bad" side of the fence actually looks pretty good because Sweety did a good job putting the posts in that the pickets are screwed to.
It'll be neat to be able to let the dogs go outside and run around without leashes. Tiny dog loves to run but I can't let her off her leash or she'll run away. Sometimes we'll run in circles around the house with her til she gets tired. She loves it. She'll probably have a stroke the first time she's released into the backyard with no leash on. The sudden freedom may be too much for her.
Our neighbors are pissed off with us. I think it's because we decided to put the pretty side of the fence facing our yard instead of outwards facing theirs. If they hadn't made such a stink about cutting down that stupid tree, we'd have probably faced the fence in the other direction. I think since we're paying for the fence that we can put whatever side we want on the inside. The "bad" side of the fence actually looks pretty good because Sweety did a good job putting the posts in that the pickets are screwed to.
It'll be neat to be able to let the dogs go outside and run around without leashes. Tiny dog loves to run but I can't let her off her leash or she'll run away. Sometimes we'll run in circles around the house with her til she gets tired. She loves it. She'll probably have a stroke the first time she's released into the backyard with no leash on. The sudden freedom may be too much for her.
Happy Half-Nekkid Thursday!
Feel the Love
Most days the kids' voices when they pick at each other are white noise; This was not the case yesterday. By the time their bedtime rolled around I was ready to puncture my eardrums just so I wouldn't hear them. And by that time, I was ready for a drink.
Five (or six?) tequila shots later I tried to poke Sweety's eye out with a baby carrot. He dared me to. Luckily, he ran away before any lasting damage occurred. I learned it's pretty hard to hold someone down if they know you're going to poke out their eye. And it was hard to hold the carrot steady. I'm glad that he got away because I don't think he'd be as cute with an eye patch.
The pool is almost finished. All that's left to do is the stuff they spray on the deck and the pebble finish inside of the pool.

This weekend we have to get our fence up and that's turning out to be a real pain in the ass, courtesy of our neighbors. There's a lot that owned by the county behind our house that can't be developed and there are lots of trees on it. There's one tree that's dead and leaning and when it falls it will wipe out our fence.

Sweety (being the much too nice neighbor that he is) asked the neighbors (since the tree is right outside of their property line) if it would be okay if he cut it. A couple of weeks ago they said it was okay and yesterday decided it wasn't. The reason? Neighborwife likes to look at the trees when she looks out her kitchen window. What the fuck? It's a dead-ass tree and there are 100 others out there to look at. We thought about calling the city and asking them to cut it but it would be forever before it was on their schedule and we have to put the fence up this weekend. The plan now: When the tree falls and wipes out the fence we will replace that part of the fence with pickets that are painted an odd color and write on them "Thanks for fucking my last 2 wives, Neighborhusband." and start storing our trash cans and recycle bins outside of our fence so they are almost in the neighbors backyard. They can look at that shit whenever they gaze out at the tree. I may start picking up roadkill to store on the outside of the fence as well.
I will be so happy to move away from this godforsaken place in 8 years. I hate living in a neighborhood.
Five (or six?) tequila shots later I tried to poke Sweety's eye out with a baby carrot. He dared me to. Luckily, he ran away before any lasting damage occurred. I learned it's pretty hard to hold someone down if they know you're going to poke out their eye. And it was hard to hold the carrot steady. I'm glad that he got away because I don't think he'd be as cute with an eye patch.
The pool is almost finished. All that's left to do is the stuff they spray on the deck and the pebble finish inside of the pool.

This weekend we have to get our fence up and that's turning out to be a real pain in the ass, courtesy of our neighbors. There's a lot that owned by the county behind our house that can't be developed and there are lots of trees on it. There's one tree that's dead and leaning and when it falls it will wipe out our fence.

Sweety (being the much too nice neighbor that he is) asked the neighbors (since the tree is right outside of their property line) if it would be okay if he cut it. A couple of weeks ago they said it was okay and yesterday decided it wasn't. The reason? Neighborwife likes to look at the trees when she looks out her kitchen window. What the fuck? It's a dead-ass tree and there are 100 others out there to look at. We thought about calling the city and asking them to cut it but it would be forever before it was on their schedule and we have to put the fence up this weekend. The plan now: When the tree falls and wipes out the fence we will replace that part of the fence with pickets that are painted an odd color and write on them "Thanks for fucking my last 2 wives, Neighborhusband." and start storing our trash cans and recycle bins outside of our fence so they are almost in the neighbors backyard. They can look at that shit whenever they gaze out at the tree. I may start picking up roadkill to store on the outside of the fence as well.
I will be so happy to move away from this godforsaken place in 8 years. I hate living in a neighborhood.
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