My laptop started acting up the first weekend of this month. It took 15-20 minutes for Windows to come on (if it did) and it was freezing up. I took it to the store and they kept it overnight and told me that they tested it and that all I needed to do was reformat it. So I reformatted the motherfucker and it worked just long enough for me to buy replacements of t.v. shows that I had purchased for BigBrother(13)'s Zune but lost when I did the reformat. (I wasn't able to put them on the Zune before the reformat because the shitty laptop wouldn't unfreeze long enough for me to download them.)
I knew if I took it in for repairs that it wouldn't be ready in time for vacation and that pissed me off. Pissed me off so much that I decided to do something.
Before I had a chance to do anything drastic (like set fire to the computer store while running around in a tutu with lipstick smeared all over my face) the laptop suffered an accident. I accidentally ran over it. Uh, twice. With all tires on the passenger side. Really slow. Maybe I spun out on it too. I am not a very good driver. Poor laptoppy.
Thank goodness for replacement insurance that covers anything except fire or theft! I thought that surely a new laptop would be coming my way but guess what? We got a message today that they have ordered the parts to fix it and it will be ready in a few weeks. I really don't care that I'm not getting a new one. I just want it to work. I don't want to be told that it just needs a reformat when something is really wrong with it.
But I'm wondering - If being driven over doesn't kill a computer then what will? They should make cars out of whatever the case on that thing is made from.
Love is...
More Random
The one bad thing about vacation is no sex. Sweety and the boys sleep in the tiny bedroom and I sleep on the couch at my Mom's house. I shoved Mom and the boys out the door and to the nearest fishing hole after supper tonight because I had to get some before someone got hurt. It felt kind of weird to get naked in the room that holds all of my childhood photos so I just turned off the light.
I've read some blogs lately and people speak of how they don't infringe on their children's privacy by blogging about them. That it would be embarrassing to the kid. But on some of these blogs, people talk about things that are way personal while also posting photos of their kids. If you're so worried about not embarrassing someone - wouldn't it be a good idea to not air your dirty laundry? And just for the record, if you're reading this - it isn't you. I know I've talked about things that the boys would faint over if they read it but honestly? If my internet corner was ever found by them or their charming mother, I would have no problem telling someone to get over it. Life isn't all kittens and cottonballs. (Thank you, Mike. I've been dying to use that phrase.)
Wow, the boys and Mom just got in from fishing. The didn't catch anything but Mom let BigBrother(13) drive the car from the strip pit. It's about a mile away. He is very excited.
I shall go. Tonight is our last night here and I need to go pet my Mom while I can.
I've read some blogs lately and people speak of how they don't infringe on their children's privacy by blogging about them. That it would be embarrassing to the kid. But on some of these blogs, people talk about things that are way personal while also posting photos of their kids. If you're so worried about not embarrassing someone - wouldn't it be a good idea to not air your dirty laundry? And just for the record, if you're reading this - it isn't you. I know I've talked about things that the boys would faint over if they read it but honestly? If my internet corner was ever found by them or their charming mother, I would have no problem telling someone to get over it. Life isn't all kittens and cottonballs. (Thank you, Mike. I've been dying to use that phrase.)
Wow, the boys and Mom just got in from fishing. The didn't catch anything but Mom let BigBrother(13) drive the car from the strip pit. It's about a mile away. He is very excited.
I shall go. Tonight is our last night here and I need to go pet my Mom while I can.
Yakkity Yak
I ditched a pair of panties in the bathroom of the Red Lobster in Fort Smith, Arkansas a couple of days ago. I'd overestimated the size of my butt when I bought new drawers before vacation and they were too big. Have you ever walked around all day with giant underwear galloping up your crack? I've got one word for you - Chafing. Oh, sweet, tiny, have only had talcum powder on your tiny heiny, baby Jesus. The chafing. I still can't walk right.
I love snooping. The first thing I do every year is open all my Mom's cabinets to see what she has in them. For the past 7 years, it's always been the same stuff. If I ever visit you, I will peek in your drawers too. And I'll straighten your towel closet. My towel closet at home looks like shit but I like to straighten them in other houses. Maybe I just like touching fluffy towels.
When I get to Texas, I'll spend some time at my best friend's (Elaine) house. She lives next door to her Mama and her Mama went to live in the nursing home this year. Sweety, the boys and I will stay in her Mama's house. I am very excited. She has had a lifetime to collect things and I will get to snoop! Elaine knows my fondness for snooping and has given me her full blessing to touch all of Mama's stuff. (Last year, E and me went over there and snooped through her things while she was at the library. I also got to see photos of my friend from when she was growing up. I love stuff like that.) Elaine isn't very sentimental and asked if there was anything that I'd like to take of her Mama's but I told her no. I just want to look at it and pick it up.
I love snooping. The first thing I do every year is open all my Mom's cabinets to see what she has in them. For the past 7 years, it's always been the same stuff. If I ever visit you, I will peek in your drawers too. And I'll straighten your towel closet. My towel closet at home looks like shit but I like to straighten them in other houses. Maybe I just like touching fluffy towels.
When I get to Texas, I'll spend some time at my best friend's (Elaine) house. She lives next door to her Mama and her Mama went to live in the nursing home this year. Sweety, the boys and I will stay in her Mama's house. I am very excited. She has had a lifetime to collect things and I will get to snoop! Elaine knows my fondness for snooping and has given me her full blessing to touch all of Mama's stuff. (Last year, E and me went over there and snooped through her things while she was at the library. I also got to see photos of my friend from when she was growing up. I love stuff like that.) Elaine isn't very sentimental and asked if there was anything that I'd like to take of her Mama's but I told her no. I just want to look at it and pick it up.
So Lonely
Usually, Mama leaves me and Stinky at home alone and NeighborGirl comes over a few times a day to let us outside. We make the best of a bad situation by throwing parties and raiding the tequila bottle. But not this year. This year we are at Papa's sister's house. (I guess she'd be our aunt?) Aunt has 3 other dogs! Three! And TWO are pit bulls! Friendly but pit bulls nonetheless. I am constantly watching my ass to make sure I still have it.
This is me and Mama the day before she left.
Oh, dear Dog. I miss her.
Greetings From Nowhere
I'm at my Mom's house in Oklahoma. She finally has internet service but it is slower than old people fuck. Old - dead - people. I can see that my blog page is wonky. It appears that the place that made my template has closed up shop and I didn't have the good sense to save the graphics in case this happened. I may drive 20 minutes to town to find some wireless internet service so I can fix it. And so I can blog surf. (Because who knows wtf I'm missing in my blog neighborhood!) It's a minor miracle that I'm online now and I'll be surprised if the connection doesn't crap out before this thing is posted.
We spent a few days in a cabin at a park. (Where, oddly enough, there was sporadic cell phone service. I celebrated by tweeting constantly.) I learned a very important thing.
If you go hiking to the bottom of the cliff behind your cabin and tell your husband that you will come right back up? You better scrabble your fat ass back up that cliff with your kids instead of walking around the mountain to get back to the cabin. When you hike goes from 45 minutes to almost 3 hours - your husband will be freaking the fuck out when you finally drag your hiking peeps back to the campsite. He was getting ready to call the park ranger because the side of the mountain that we went down was already fully dark because the sun had set on that side. He thought that my mom and I had fallen and smashed our heads and the boys were trying to revive us. Sweety was so glad to see us that he hit us all with a giant stick.
Here I am on the computer with they boys playing a video game and Sweety doing a home project. It's almost like we are still at home!
We spent a few days in a cabin at a park. (Where, oddly enough, there was sporadic cell phone service. I celebrated by tweeting constantly.) I learned a very important thing.
If you go hiking to the bottom of the cliff behind your cabin and tell your husband that you will come right back up? You better scrabble your fat ass back up that cliff with your kids instead of walking around the mountain to get back to the cabin. When you hike goes from 45 minutes to almost 3 hours - your husband will be freaking the fuck out when you finally drag your hiking peeps back to the campsite. He was getting ready to call the park ranger because the side of the mountain that we went down was already fully dark because the sun had set on that side. He thought that my mom and I had fallen and smashed our heads and the boys were trying to revive us. Sweety was so glad to see us that he hit us all with a giant stick.
Here I am on the computer with they boys playing a video game and Sweety doing a home project. It's almost like we are still at home!
What does it say about me that I don't try to hide the smell of alcohol on my breath from my husband but the scent of sesame seeds instead? I'm certain it's not healthy to be filled with glee when Sweety gets in the shower because that is my cue to scamper into the kitchen and eat cheese dipped in sesame seeds as long as the shower is running.
I tell you all a couple of posts down that I've lost a little weight and then spend the next few days eating anything that isn't nailed down. I'm my own worst enemy. At least it's not heroin. Right? But if it was heroin, at least I'd be skinny. But my skin would probably look like shit and my teeth would be falling out.
I'm just killing some time tonight. For some reason, I'm not really sleepy. My laptop is acting like an ass so I've abandoned it for the desktop that's hidden in the back of the house. Something is weird with it though and when I go to any blogs, the font is tiny and I can't read them. Phooey. I'll just blather here instead of nosing around blogland.
Sweety is in bed. He's getting up at 1:30 a.m. to go watch concrete be poured. The place that he works for is building a new warehouse/office space and he's been the pushing person behind it and wants to see the cement go down. They start pouring at 2 a.m. I'm happy for him. I know this building is something that he's been dying to see done and it's been about 4 years or so in the making. When it's finished, he will have to go half as far to work. We will be able to have all of our teeth plated in gold with the money that'll be saved in gas. Or not.
Last Sunday was our 7th anniversary. I can't believe that I've been in this hellhole (Florida) for 7 years already. I have served exactly half of my sentence because in 7 more years, LittleBrother(11) will be 18 and we can move out of this hot-no season having-palm trees abound-place. I will see snow again from my bedroom window before I die! And autumn leaves!
To celebrate, we went out to eat and to the sex toy shop and bought some interesting things. Do you know what is more dangerous than me being three sheets to the wind with a small riding crop in my hand? Nothing. Ahem.
I mentioned to Sweety that I still liked him a whole bunch after 7 years. He thinks we're still together because we haven't suffered any sort of bad thing or major hardship together yet. I say, why do you have to have a bad thing? Maybe we'll get really lucky and miss any major shitstorms. As long as he keeps his weenie in his pants when I'm not around - I don't see why we won't make it another 7.
The bitches are freshly bathed because we're going to my sister's tomorrow. Think I'm going to bed in LB's room and taking Tiny Dog with me.
I tell you all a couple of posts down that I've lost a little weight and then spend the next few days eating anything that isn't nailed down. I'm my own worst enemy. At least it's not heroin. Right? But if it was heroin, at least I'd be skinny. But my skin would probably look like shit and my teeth would be falling out.
I'm just killing some time tonight. For some reason, I'm not really sleepy. My laptop is acting like an ass so I've abandoned it for the desktop that's hidden in the back of the house. Something is weird with it though and when I go to any blogs, the font is tiny and I can't read them. Phooey. I'll just blather here instead of nosing around blogland.
Sweety is in bed. He's getting up at 1:30 a.m. to go watch concrete be poured. The place that he works for is building a new warehouse/office space and he's been the pushing person behind it and wants to see the cement go down. They start pouring at 2 a.m. I'm happy for him. I know this building is something that he's been dying to see done and it's been about 4 years or so in the making. When it's finished, he will have to go half as far to work. We will be able to have all of our teeth plated in gold with the money that'll be saved in gas. Or not.
Last Sunday was our 7th anniversary. I can't believe that I've been in this hellhole (Florida) for 7 years already. I have served exactly half of my sentence because in 7 more years, LittleBrother(11) will be 18 and we can move out of this hot-no season having-palm trees abound-place. I will see snow again from my bedroom window before I die! And autumn leaves!
To celebrate, we went out to eat and to the sex toy shop and bought some interesting things. Do you know what is more dangerous than me being three sheets to the wind with a small riding crop in my hand? Nothing. Ahem.
I mentioned to Sweety that I still liked him a whole bunch after 7 years. He thinks we're still together because we haven't suffered any sort of bad thing or major hardship together yet. I say, why do you have to have a bad thing? Maybe we'll get really lucky and miss any major shitstorms. As long as he keeps his weenie in his pants when I'm not around - I don't see why we won't make it another 7.
The bitches are freshly bathed because we're going to my sister's tomorrow. Think I'm going to bed in LB's room and taking Tiny Dog with me.
Do You Hear That?
For the love of all that is good and holy. Can't these kids LB shut up for TWO consecutive minutes? The whining! Sweet, tiny, hasn't let out a colicky cry yet, baby Jesus! The whining! What have I done to deserve this? I feed you little dirt urchins. I took you to the movies. (Hancock rocked, by the way.) All I want is a tiny bit of PEACE and QUIET! Are your damn 3 inch voices broken? Pick, pick, pick, pick. I swear, if I hear LittleBrother(11) whine one. more. time....I do not know what I will do. I was thisclose to going into their room while ago and just yelling at them that I was fixing to lose my shit if they didn't knock it off. BigBrother wants LB to go swimming with him and LB is refusing to go. How about you go on and swim kid? You know, since we have that fucking pool in the backyard? Make me feel like it's - oh, I dunno - appreciated?
And what is up with this piece of shit laptop? I had to reformat the thing this weekend and now it's freezing up. Work, motherfucker! Work! Aaaagh!
This new schedule is really nice for spending time with Sweety but it is wrecking my blog life. I now see how easy it is push it to the wayside while doing other shit. Like listening to children.
How is it the boys can be so great one minute - so great that I just love them to death - and a few minutes later I'm ready to sharpen a broom and poke them and laugh while they run from me?
I will be so glad when LB's voice changes. Maybe his whine wouldn't bother me so much if it was a couple of octaves lower.
Despite this post, I am still in a very happy place. It's a fucking miracle.
And what is up with this piece of shit laptop? I had to reformat the thing this weekend and now it's freezing up. Work, motherfucker! Work! Aaaagh!
This new schedule is really nice for spending time with Sweety but it is wrecking my blog life. I now see how easy it is push it to the wayside while doing other shit. Like listening to children.
How is it the boys can be so great one minute - so great that I just love them to death - and a few minutes later I'm ready to sharpen a broom and poke them and laugh while they run from me?
I will be so glad when LB's voice changes. Maybe his whine wouldn't bother me so much if it was a couple of octaves lower.
Despite this post, I am still in a very happy place. It's a fucking miracle.
Lucky Lizard

Fortunately for the lizard, she is on the screen that faces the pool deck. If she happened to be on the screen that faced the lawn? I would not be able to resist the urge to flick her belly with my finger and send her sailing across the grass.
It's Christmas in July for me if I step outside and see lots of lizards on the screen that faces the lawn.
Blah Blah Blah
I think that working not regular schedules for the past 6.5 years contributed to my feeling like shit all of the damn time. Now that I'm on a kind of normal one, I eat lunch at a "normal" time and when I get up, I go right to work after getting the boys up instead of going back to bed for 30 minutes. Since starting the new hours last week or so, I've lost 4 pounds! And the two weeks before that, I lost 10 just by not eating every waking moment. For the first time in my life, I'm trying to eat right on my own and not take pills or flat out starve and it seems to be working. It won't be the instant gratification that I like, but it will be good!
I'm really proud of LittleBrother(11). He had a baseball game last night (He made the All Star team! Woot!) and they lost 16 to 0. He played really well though. Made four outs and got on base. I was afraid that he'd be really pissy after the game but he wasn't. He was okay with the loss because he knew that he'd played well. The team that they played was all 13 year olds (except for one 11 y.o.) and our team is 11 & 12 so they basically walked all over us.
The lovely exwife did not appear at the game. She'd made a big deal the day before to Sweety, saying that she wanted to see LB practice the night before the game and she ended up dropping them off at our house before practice and she didn't go. I almost missed the game because of work but they had to move the game to another field because it was raining and I was able to get to the new field before the game started. LB was really happy to see me there and rode with me when we left. He has another game tonight and as much as I dislike laying eyes on her, I hope she shows up. Not holding my breath though.
BigBrother(13) has been wanting a Sims 2 game and he finally got one a couple of days ago. LittleBrother is a Webkinz fan and spends his spare time on the desktop playing that so I put the Sims on my laptop. While I was at work yesterday, BB played it til his eyes bled. Either I'm going to have to put the Sims on the desktop and make out a schedule for the boys to have specific times on the computer or I'm going to get another laptop. (Helloooo, MacBook!) Probably go the sharing desktop route. As much as I'd love a new puter.
We went to my sister's house last weekend and had a large time. My brother-in-law is retiring from the Army soon and threw a bbq for his friends. The kids stayed at the bbq long enough to eat and when they got bored, we took them all (the boys & niece) back to the house (just a few blocks away) to play video games and we went back to the party. The next morning we had leftovers for breakfast - meat and cake. It was good. The boys were having fun playing with Sylvie and didn't want to come home. I'm glad that they are comfortable with my family. We're going back in a couple of weekends and then my sister's family will be moving back to Oklahoma at then end of the month. I am so going to miss having them close.
Good grief. Being happy has made me boring as hell. I'll work on that. Maybe.
I'm really proud of LittleBrother(11). He had a baseball game last night (He made the All Star team! Woot!) and they lost 16 to 0. He played really well though. Made four outs and got on base. I was afraid that he'd be really pissy after the game but he wasn't. He was okay with the loss because he knew that he'd played well. The team that they played was all 13 year olds (except for one 11 y.o.) and our team is 11 & 12 so they basically walked all over us.
The lovely exwife did not appear at the game. She'd made a big deal the day before to Sweety, saying that she wanted to see LB practice the night before the game and she ended up dropping them off at our house before practice and she didn't go. I almost missed the game because of work but they had to move the game to another field because it was raining and I was able to get to the new field before the game started. LB was really happy to see me there and rode with me when we left. He has another game tonight and as much as I dislike laying eyes on her, I hope she shows up. Not holding my breath though.
BigBrother(13) has been wanting a Sims 2 game and he finally got one a couple of days ago. LittleBrother is a Webkinz fan and spends his spare time on the desktop playing that so I put the Sims on my laptop. While I was at work yesterday, BB played it til his eyes bled. Either I'm going to have to put the Sims on the desktop and make out a schedule for the boys to have specific times on the computer or I'm going to get another laptop. (Helloooo, MacBook!) Probably go the sharing desktop route. As much as I'd love a new puter.
We went to my sister's house last weekend and had a large time. My brother-in-law is retiring from the Army soon and threw a bbq for his friends. The kids stayed at the bbq long enough to eat and when they got bored, we took them all (the boys & niece) back to the house (just a few blocks away) to play video games and we went back to the party. The next morning we had leftovers for breakfast - meat and cake. It was good. The boys were having fun playing with Sylvie and didn't want to come home. I'm glad that they are comfortable with my family. We're going back in a couple of weekends and then my sister's family will be moving back to Oklahoma at then end of the month. I am so going to miss having them close.
Good grief. Being happy has made me boring as hell. I'll work on that. Maybe.
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