My niece, Sylvie(7), gets here today! She's flying down by herself from Oklahoma and will be here for 3 weeks. I can't wait to have her around. She lived with us for around 6 months awhile back and I really miss her!
We'd planned on having pizza tonight and then swimming but it's been raining off and on for the last few hours. I hope it stops soon. The Neighborgirls are here now so the boys are amused and not chirping at me every 5 minutes for something to do.
Sweety was changing his oil in the driveway yesterday. He just jacks up his car and then scoots under it. The jack fell and his car came crashing down - I thought his head was going to be popped like a grape but luckily, he's unscathed. There was a red mark on his back and chest where he got sqooshed but no major damage. When it happened I was shocked and just kind of gasped and he mentioned later that if it had hurt him that I'd have been useless. I told him I was waiting for that adrenaline rush that people get in emergencies so I could lift the car off of him but it didn't come. I'm going to get him some of those ramp things that he can drive his car up on so he can safely tinker under the car. I would really hate to step into the garage someday and find him mashed to death under the Civic.
If I go into the bathroom ONE MORE TIME and there is pee on the toilet seat! I will set the toilet on fire! Agh. Yuck.
We're kicking around the idea of trading my car (honda pilot, suv thing) in for something smaller that gets better gas mileage. We're at odds now over how many doors it needs to have. I want to get a 2 door something and Sweety said we need 4 doors because of the kids. How hard is it to flip up the front seat for them to get in? I figure, I only pick them up from school twice a week so we can go through the inconvenience of lifting up the seats a couple of times a week.
Tiny dog is such an unloyal little bitch. All the kids just came through the living room and she just launched off my lap to go follow them. Stupid dog, doesn't she know they're not going to let her into the bedroom? Ah, here she is back again, looking for some love...BB(11) got his braces yesterday and he's really hating the fact that he must brush/floss after he eats anything. The EW didn't go to the office while he was getting them on and neither did I. LB(9) and I elected to stay at home and be dazzled by his braces once they were on. BB has always grouched about how crooked his teeth are and now that the braces are on he hasn't stopped grouching about wearing braces. If you were going to hang him with an old rope he'd ask for a new one, I swear.