I love candy corn. I love it even more when it is cannibalistic.
It was raining this morning but it's stopped. I hope it doesn't come back because I do not want to slog through the rain during our Candy Quest tonight. I'm taking the boys to two separate things that two cities are having and then we'll hit a neighborhood near our house. My cut on the candy action is 25%. When I told Sweety where we were going and explained the timing involved in getting to all places he remarked that I look at Halloween as a sort of candy scavenger hunt and that if I want candy I should just go buy some. I had to explain it's not so much the candy as it is just seeing how much we can accumulate. He thinks I'm so gungho about Halloween because where I grew up we only had 1 neighbor and had to drive to town to go trick-or-treating. Whatever. I like the hunt.
Speaking of hunting...
The boys went hunting for the very first time with their new stepdad this weekend. The dumbfuck didn't put any bug spray on them and now they have so many mosquito bites that they look like they have chicken pox. What is BigBrother's remedy to prevent a bug bite from itching? Scratch it til it's a bloody scab. He said once it has a scab on it that it doesn't bleed. Yeah, kid. No itch but now maybe you'll catch a staph infection! Unfortunately, he had scratched them all to the bloody scab state before getting here from his Mom's. The past few days we've been doing damage control with some anti-infection stuff.
Oh shit, it has started to rain again. Please, go away! I am going to be so pissed if we can't go trick or treating. I spent an arm and a leg on their costumes. (I justified that by saying that since they will be at their mother's next Halloween and we won't have to buy costumes that it's okay to splurge this year. That is what Sweety calls "Anna Math")
Everybody have a nice Halloween. Don't eat any razor blade infested apples.