First off, let me apologize for not responding to the comments in the previous post. I was busy with the niece til she left Saturday and then we were away for the weekend. And yesterday Sweety came home way early (5 hours!) so I didn't have time to peck away on the computer. I've had things that I wanted to blog about, but then I see those comments and think, "I must reply to those first!". Then I freak out and turn off the computer. So, forgive me for the non-response. It won't happen again. At least not on a regular basis. (Don't worry
Mike, I'm not going to go all Doocey.)
Secondly, the hair being poked in the ears? I did try it and I must admit that my niece is right. It is a very interesting feeling. If you have head hair that will reach into your ears, I recommend it.
And thirdly, please do not send me an email letting me know that you just whacked off to my photos. I don't think it's weird that you'd do that to them (because I am cute as hell) but it is rude to let me know about it. I don't like that.
Speaking of photos...
I wonder why people are showing up here after doing a search for
this photo of Chi Chi? Is my little long-tongued dog on her way to internet superstardom?
Sweety's grandfather died a week ago this past Thursday and we went to his grandmother's house this weekend. (I'd only met her once before and didn't realize when I met her previously that she has Alzheimer's. I just thought she was a touch looney and said something to Sweety about it later. That's when he informed me. Gee, it would have been nice to have that tidbit of information
before the visit!) Chi Chi was with us and she was a good conversation piece for me and Grandmother. She couldn't get over what a sweet little face Chi Chi has or Chi Chi's age. I've noticed that whenever I tell people she's 15 that the first thing they say is, "In dog years or people years?". When I tell them people years, they quickly multiply it by 7 to get her dog year age.
It had been decided that Sweety's sister was going to take her grandparents fish tank home with her but Grandmother had forgotten about it and wanted to know why the hell was her fish tank being taken away. I felt really bad for her. I think that nothing should have been removed from her house til she moved out. (She's going to live with her son, Sweety's dad.) But it's not my family so I kept my yap shut and just hid in the bathroom for awhile. Thankfully, the fish tank was the only item carted away.

I'm thinking of getting a pistol that fires glow-in-the-dark ping pong balls. Tiny Dog has become a huge nuisance at night. Always crying to get up in the bed. (I deserve a full night's sleep, dammit!) I thought about getting a water gun to squirt her with but since we have wooden floors that was not the best idea. Surely, if she gets pegged a couple of times with glowing ping pong balls, she will get the hint and shut the fuck up and go to sleep in her little nest that I have so lovingly built for her. I could get up out of bed and smack around her with a newspaper but I'm trying to find a solution that will not require me getting out of bed.
Tiny Dog turned 3 on the 5th of this month. Maybe her previous bad behavior was a result of "the terrible twos"? Now that I think about that, I'll hold off on buying the piece to deal with her.
The 2nd was my 3 year blogiversary! Woo-hoo! If the blog were a kid, it would probably be potty trained and able to pick its own nose very thoroughly by this time. You know what I had decided to do about Novemberish? I was going to use
blurb (after removing things where I referred to sex or called the COAEW a COAEW), and then print it out and hide it under my mattress and then dump this blog and start over somewhere else. But the fucking blurb software won't work for me. Isn't that about right? I'll definitely be here for another year. I can't stop and start a new one in the middle of the year. My OCD will not allow it.