

You know, sometimes I don't want to tell things here that make me look bad but I'd feel guilty if I didn't.

Guess whose family forgot that today was the day for the end of the season ceremony for their youngest son's Little League Baseball team?

*see me waving my hand wildly* (Isn't it odd that I bitched about the coaEW's lack of attention in the last post? Color me a nice shade of hypocrite.)

Um, yeah. The boys got dropped off this morning around 8:30ish and at around 9:30 Sweety says, "Hey! Do you know what time the baseball ceremony is?" And I remember that today is May 31st and it started at 9:00. Sweety felt so bad that he was almost in tears. I felt so bad that I didn't eat breakfast because I felt pukey. LittleBrother(11) was so happy that he didn't have to go that he danced a jig.

We have never, ever forgotten something like that! We just totally spaced out. As soon as LB realized that we missed it, the glee on his face was like the sun. He got pretty tired of baseball about mid-season and it's been like pulling teeth to get him to partake in the games without acting pissy.

I'm going to quit thinking about it because it's making my stomach hurt again.

Here. Look at my monkey, Roger.

This is how I like him to sit in my backseat. Nice and polite.

Naughty Roger
Sweety likes to make it look like he's masturbating. This embarrasses Roger.

Not only does Ginamonster make some kick ass soap -(Bubbly Creations! Big, good-smelling, lather-you-up-great bars!) she also has the occasional sock monkey up for adoption. He even has a tiny bellybutton!


I'm A Mommy Blogger

Indulge me.

Here is LittleBrother(11) after he graduated from the 5th grade today. Looking at this photo makes me see how big he's getting. I can't believe it. I remember when he was 4 and wanted to play Power Rangers with me all of the time. (I was Pink Ranger and he was Red Ranger.)


He got an award for his math abilities. He's a whiz when it comes to math. He can do some of BigBrother(13)'s math work already. I was quite proud of him today. Damn, I love that kid. LB gets lost in the shuffle at his mother's house and I try to give him extra attention when it's just me and him.

When he goes to the grocery store with me, he insists on pushing the cart even though it is carrying my purse and he always opens up my car door for me when we all go out together. He also shares my love of the card game Rummy and is always ready for a match. He can be a little turkey at times but overall, he is a fine egg.

Let me tell you something and you tell me if I'm being a snob or stuck up or bitchy or whatever, okay?

LB's graduation started at 8:15 this morning. I changed my work schedule so I could be there and Sweety and I got there about 10 minutes early. 15 minutes into the thing, the coaEW shows up.

The auditorium was packed. Wall to wall packed. And what does she barrel in with? Her 3 year old in a stroller. There was no room for a stroller. And she was wearing her gym clothes. After the graduation, there was a reception in LB's classroom. She shoved her stroller all the way over to the class (which was packed too) and stayed for a total of 98 seconds. She came over and asked Sweety if he was staying and when he said yes she said she was leaving. I dunno, maybe she had to go to the gym?

I just thought it was kind of disrespectful to LB that she wasn't dressed up and that she showed up late and left early. I think on an important day to your kid, like a graduation, that you should at least not wear your track suit. It was like his graduation was a pit stop on her way to work out.

I'm not trying to be snobby. But I know that she has "dress up" clothes. Or at least jeans or khakis. And it really chapped my ass that she left early. She totally missed the sweet little speech that LB's teacher gave about what a good kid he is. I recorded it. I told Sweety that he could send it to her if he titled it "What was so damned important that you had to miss this?"

Okay. I'm done bitching about the coaEW for awhile. Now that the school year is over and baseball season is done, I won't have much call to see her mug.

Nekkid Again

Chilling with the frog.

You can click it for a different version.

I realized this morning that I couldn't squeeze into the really big pantyhose that I had purchased yesterday so you get smudgy photos. I'm too fluffy for real life.

I also started my string cheese (lowfat, like sawdust string cheese) and diet soda diet today. I did really good. Except for the few minutes that I thought Sweety was mad at me and I made myself feel better by eating all of the cheese dip and tortilla chip crumbs.

Happy HNT!


I'm Tired.

Here we have the family after BigBrother(13) snagged a "Sensational Student" award today.

My Peeps

And here they all are just a few short hours later. Sweety decided to let the boys play with the PlayStation3 because he likes competition when he's pretending to be Tiger Woods.

Rotting their brains.

The flash lit the room up in the picture but they are sitting there in the dark like a bunch of naked mole rats. Is it just me, or do naked mole rats look like penises with teeth to you too?

I did some legally stuff that I had not been looking forward to yesterday. Hopefully, I won't have to fool with it too much longer. Xanax got a big workout in my life yesterday. I had been eating them like candy up until then (actually, as prescribed but more than I prefer to eat) and am happy to report that I haven't needed one today and have been able to breathe just fine on my own without thinking scary thoughts and trying to smothercate myself. I slept til one today because I was still grogged out from yesterday.

My fantastic niece will be here on June 6th! I can't wait! I'd planned on taking her to the beach but then I heard about the lady that got hit in the head by a pelican and the kid that got bit by a shark in 18 inches of water and have changed my mind. I could handle a tiny shark bite but being stabbed in the head by a pelican's beak? How the hell would I call my sister and tell her that I was sending my niece back with only one eye? Or that she'd been stabbed in the brain by a crazed pelican? People, this is the shit that I worry about.

My sister said my niece wasn't too interested in going to the beach anyway. She's been telling everyone that she comes into contact with, "My Aunt Anna has a pool. And she will let me swim in it every day when I see her!". I'm glad. We can handle the pool. The nice thing is that after about 3 or 4 o'clock, the sun is behind the house and the pool is shaded so you can be out there and not fry. We may go to the beach and kick around in the sand but that will be it.

I'm thinking that I will teach Tiny Dog how to swim to the shallow end of the pool and get out using the steps this summer. She's never fallen into the pool but when we've put her in there, she swims to the edge that she's facing and waits for help. I'm going to teach her which way to go to get out. Who the fuck am I kidding? That damn dog won't come when I call her name. What are the odds that she can be taught which end of the pool is the safe end?


Parental Duties & Other Crap

BigBrother(13) and I did his FFA banquet thing and it went well. He didn't want to go because he knew that he was getting some awards and didn't want to walk on stage in front of people. He got 3 awards and I only embarrassed him twice by shoving up to the stage to take his picture. I let him get by without on the third time.

LittleBrother(11)'s baseball team won their last game and are at a pizza place celebrating as I speak type. Sweety is the assistant coach but the regular coach had to miss this game so he was in charge. The game was tied and in an overtime inning and LB was on third base. Sweety didn't realize it was LB (who is a pretty fast runner) on third base and pulled him off the base and put another fast kid on there to run to home plate when the chance came up. As LB was walking across the field, Sweety realized that he'd just yanked his own kid out of the game and feels like shit about it. (um, nevermind the fact that he was so frazzled that he couldn't look with his own two eyes and see what child was on third before he took him off. ahem.) The kid that he replaced LB with did make it to home and that was the run that won the game. I told Sweety to tell LB to remember that if he hadn't made it to third that the other kid wouldn't have had the opportunity to make the run.

I have found the.best.lipstuff.ever. I've been putting LipFusion XL on at night and then in the morning some Stila Cherry Crush Lip & Cheek Stain. It takes just a tiny bit to give your lips a nice reddish tint. Like you've been sucking dick for 2 hours but without the work. I put that stuff on and let it dry and then dab a little Make Up For Ever Super Lip Gloss (clear) on top and voila! My lips look nice all day long! I've always had the hardest time finding lipstick and this really floats my boat. I have also never, ever, ever in my life spent that much money on lipstuff but it's so worth it.

You know how followers of The Unification Church are sometimes called Moonies? When I was a kid, I knew that their leader was Korean. All of the Koreans I knew had really round heads. Like moons. That's why I thought those people were called Moonies. I thought it was some kind of racial slur. The kids at school called me "slant eye" and I always thought I'd rather be called a Moonie but that they didn't do that because my head wasn't round enough since I was only half Korean.


I Hate Titles

I think I've become accustomed to blogging in the heat while waiting outside of LittleBrother(11)'s school until he gets out. I tried to type something at home on the couch and my fingers became frozen. I also decided to get here an hour in advance and get LB through the pick-up line so I wouldn't have to look at the COAEW. She asked Sweety if she could have them Monday (which should be his day) so she could spend time with them. Her words were, "With all of the little kids around, I can't spend much time with them." Gee, you lazy bitch. Where the fuck were you for LB's last two baseball games? Bah. I find it interesting that last baseball season (right after she got married) that she and her new husband were at every single ballgame. She has missed several this season and he hasn't shown up at any.

BigBrother(13) has an FFA banquet tomorrow night and it's the last baseball game for LB. I get to take BB to the banquet and Sweety is doing the ballgame. After the game, Sweety is treating the team and their families to pizza at Cici's. If BB and I get done early enough, we will meet them there. The boys are supposed to be at the COAEW's house on Thursday nights but since so much is going on, she said they can come home with us and she will pick them up Friday morning. Sweety told her that she was welcome to come to the pizza party (and take the kids home with her afterwards) but she said she would feel odd there. What the fuck ever.

Basically, she doesn't want to be out that late, waiting for LB's pizza party to be over. Goody, goody gumdrops. Do you know what this means? That instead of going and hanging out with friends and getting my drink on after being Happy Smiling Soccer Mom all day - I will get to go home with the boys. I will tuck them into bed and have a couple of glasses of box wine. That should help wash off the Happy Smiling Soccer Mom residue. You really don't know how hard it is for me to do that shit. I'm socially retarded.

In 57 days, we go on vacation! Yaaay! I will be off of work for 18 days! Woot! I will get to see my sweet Mama, my friends back in Texas, my niece and nephew in Texas and will spend a couple of day with the fantabulous Bekah. I. Can. Not. Wait. One thing that I really like about being in Oklahoma is that we don't get any cell phone service there so Sweety isn't as accessible to his office as he normally is. If he flat can't reach them then he worries less about what is going on at work.

I finally arranged the bath bomb army. I gave a bunch of them away to a couple of people but it didn't seem to make a dent in them. I decided to stick them in a glass bowl so that I can admire all of them. (yes, that is the same kind of bowl that PeteTheFish lives in) You seriously can't open a drawer in my house without being assaulted by some sort or candle or bath item.
I like looking at them.

They're everywhere! Poor, overloaded cabinet.

You can click them to biggum & view all of their glory. You know you want to.


What's Wrong With This Picture?

Bed Hog

I mean, besides the spot on the wall that Tiny Dog has been chowing down on?

This is Stinky's bed. Stinky is 40-odd pounds of doggy goodness. Tiny is 6 pounds of spoiled rotteness. Why am I not surprised that Stinky was clinging to the side of the bed? I'm afraid that Stinky will get tired of Tiny's shit and eat her someday.

The place that's freeze drying Chi Chi sent me a photo of her in "position" before they popped her into the freeze dryer so I could approve it. Her tongue isn't sticking out because we'd have had to have painted it when she was done and I wasn't crazy about that. I was afraid that we'd paint it the wrong shade of pink or that it would be all crinkly. Sweety reminded me that he has taxidermied and could paint it and I'd never even know but that still didn't seem right. Sure, I'll dry her into dog jerky, but I draw the line at painting her up.

I can't wait to see the look on Tiny's face when Chi Chi comes home.


Too Pooped To Pop

Holy shit, it's been a long weekend.

Usually, the boys piddle around in their rooms or play outside during the day on the weekends but I guess since Sweety was gone yesterday that they were thrown off kilter. I couldn't turn around without bumping into them. LittleBrother(11) didn't want to go to his baseball game yesterday but I made him and he was grouchy about that. Shortly after we got home, my friend and her kids arrived and we ate tons of pizza and junk food, The boys got to stay up as late as they wanted (they passed out at midnight) and that cheered him up.

When LB was bitching and moaning about having to go to the baseball game yesterday (and let me say that every damn time I looked at him he had something to say about it!) I told him that when you're part of a team that you don't get to pick and choose what you do. In life, you have to do things sometimes that you'd rather not. So he looks at me and kind of rolls his eyes and asks me, "Right. What do you ever have to do that you don't want to?" Kid, that was the wrong question on the wrong day. "I don't want to go to the baseball game either. It's freaking hot, you are pissy about going and heaven help me if you don't win because then you'll be a little pill and I have to deal with it. I'm going because you're playing and I like to watch you play and cheer for you." He had such a surprised look on his face. It had never occurred to him that perhaps parents do things that they'd rather not do for their kids.

We all got up early this morning and spent a good 6 hours at Sea World. BigBrother(13) really didn't want to go because there was some basketball game on t.v. that he wanted to watch and was pick-pick-picking at me. "When are we going to go home?" "What time are we leaving here?" My reply to, "If I start acting bad, will you take me home?" was "No. Not before I'm ready to leave here. And when we do get home - I'll peel your television right off of the wall and you won't even get to see what the basketball score was." shut his piehole. He was very quiet for about 10 minutes after that but he can't stand to give the silent treatment and quickly joined back in on the conversation and whatnot.

Yeah, so me and the boys have had some nice conversation.

We really did have a good couple of days. They are good kids and I am a squirrely bitch. As nice as it was to sleep with Stinky Dog last night, I'm really glad that Sweety is home.


A Day Late And A Dollar Short

This was supposed to go up on Thursday in honor of three years of Half Nekkidness but I ended up getting home after midnight that day so you get it today. Lucky you.


Sweety is out of pocket til tomorrow evening so it's just me and the boys until then. LittleBrother(11) has a baseball game in a bit and I'd rather cut of my pinky toe than go. It's too freaking hot and the game promises to be brutal. LB doesn't want to go either and offered to stay at home and play rummy with me for 2 hours if we skipped the game. He certainly knows my weak spot but I told him we must go. He only has one more game after this one before the season is over.

One of my friends and her kids are coming over tonight and I've tried to tidy the house. I'll just keep the lights low and maybe she won't notice the dust or stray dog hair tumbleweeds. I've washed the stinking dogs and that is half the battle to a clean house.

You wanna see crazy? My twenty pounds of bath bombs arrived Thursday. As I petted them and cackled with glee, Sweety asked me if I realized that I have a problem. Of course I do. But I won't need to get any more bath bombs for a long time.

The cabinet is still full and I have no idea where I'm going to put these. Going to make room somewhere. I kind of like looking at them on the kitchen counter for now though.

Someone that I find rather attractive told me that she has a girl crush on me. And she likes boys too. We both share oral fixations. This could be interesting. Sweety? Are you picking up what I'm laying down?

I drank a ton wee bit last night and ate 3 bananas while I was doing it. Have you ever had a hangover with that much produce inside of you? I could still taste them this morning.

Ah shit. It's 2 o'clock. I have an hour to finish tidying the house and to get ready for the baseball game.


Happy Tuesday!

The tree in our backyard that our neighbor didn't want us to cut finally fell down. Of course, it landed right on our fence. Luckily, it didn't hurt the fence at all because Sweety and our other neighbor built it very well. Sweety just cut it off of our fence and let it lay where it fell. I'm sure the mess it something that our incredibly anal neighbor enjoys looking at. (insert evil grin here) He is the neighbor that at Christmastime, turns all of the tiny lights on his house so they point in the same direction. It usually takes him several hours.

If you don't collect them, please send me your Pepsi points!Do you drink Pepsi products? Do you notice the little codes inside of the caps? If you don't collect them, would you pretty, pretty please, email them to me? Or leave them in the comments to whatever post is the most recent? You can just click on that nifty little picture and a handy email form will pop up for you. We are collecting them so BigBrother(13) can get free mp3s for his music player. I am also digging through trash cans at work to get them too and am drinking Diet Pepsi instead of Coke Zero to get them. I will be sticking that button up on the top of my sidebar til they end this promotion or until he can't think of any more songs that he wants.

I need to be off this Sunday so I'm working tomorrow. I hate deviating from my schedule but the person I traded with works an 8 hour shift and I'm used to 10, so that will be a nice break. Oh! It's been a smidge slow at work so they let us take unpaid time off! I get off 3 hours early this Thursday and am off all day next Thursday! (Well, I have 4 hours of training scheduled next Thursday and will go in for that if it can't be rescheduled. I'm fairly certain it will be rescheduled though.) When I worked overnights, we used to get to come home early fairly often but this is the first time I've gotten to do something like this since working days.

Did you all do anything exciting for Mother's Day? I had to work and the boys weren't here so we didn't really do anything. On Saturday, we went on a field trip with LittleBrother(11) to Islands of Adventure. After baking in the sun all day, we came home and cleaned up and went to get something to eat. Our sunstroked minds decided that we needed a Playstation 3 and we got one that night. Sweety said it's our Mother's Day/Father's Day/Birthdays present.

Internet, let me share with you what horrible parents we are...

We haven't told the boys that we have the game and aren't planning on doing so. It's in our bedroom (The main reason we got it is because it plays blu-ray discs.) and the games we bought are rated for adults so they can't play them anyway. But rather than tell them "no" and listen to the everfuckinglasting whining (I kid you not, LB11 can hit a note with his voice that makes you want to die. Really.) that would come with it, we're just keeping the game console tucked in a drawer when the boys are around.

Someone was telling me a couple of weeks ago that she hides candy from her kids but they find it and eat it anyway. She asked me, "What can you do? Kids are kids and will do what they want." In my head I was thinking, "Um, I dunno? Tell them no and have them mind you?" and here I am, hiding a video game to avoid parenting.


No Words Can Properly Title My Glee!

Sweety remembered last night around midnight that LittleBrother(11) needed some cash to take to school for a project and asked if I'd like to ride to the bank with him. We passed a new grocery store that's being opened today and they were launching balloons in the parking lot. Those gigantic balloons that you see at car lots and promotions.

It was neat to watch them zoom into the air like rockets. I told Sweety that I wanted one and asked him to drive over so I could ask the guy how a regular person could buy one.


If you are in Florida or Georgia and need someone to set up balloons for your promotion or child's over the top birthday party - let me know and I'll give you his info. If he had a website, I'd link to it.

He even gave us as much pennant-rope-stuff as we wanted to fly it properly! It is 4 feet across. See how the flags are green and white and match our house? It was meant to be.

It was too big to put in the car. We opened the sunroof and held the rope while the balloon bobbed along above the car.

It is the greatest thing ever.

I've always wanted one.


I Love Wine In A Box

I can't help it. Franzia Sunset Blush is like butter that you can drink. Or maybe it really tastes like crap and my taste buds were ruined in my youth. I like things with a spigot.

But then again, this Crown and ginger ale is tasty too. Spigots are optional.

Jan who was commenting anonymously -
To use your name, just click "Name/URL" box and put your name in the name box and leave the URL one blank. Just in case you ever want to comment with ease again!

Has everyone except for me seen Juno? I'm only a quarter of the way through it and sure it will be watched at least twice more before Netflix gets it back. I am so enamored with it that I just got the soundtrack on iTunes.

I just told Sweety that I didn't think I could have a baby because the "nesting" phase sounds like a lot of work and I am one lazy heifer. He told me that it was okay, that he was a nester. He is so right. When they were getting ready for BigBrother(13) the nursery was done in four pastel colors. Sweety went so far as to go inside the closet and take the shelves out and paint each wall a different color. Inside the freaking closet. The walls in there are still multicolored because he couldn't bear to paint over them. So, this dude goes to all kinds of lengths with his kids, has learned to make kimchi, has served me breakfast of fried squash & coke-in-a-can and will give a dog CPR? I'm starting to think that I don't want to have any kids because then I'd have to share him. Hell, I'm going to start saving my pennies so he can be freeze dried many moons from now.

Must go. Sweety is asking if I'm drunk blogging. Isn't it nice that he's picking up the lingo?

Bird dap.

A Bit of Nothing

I thought that there was a problem with the cell phone towers or something because my beloved iPhone has been getting no signal at all when I'm at home. I angrily told Sweety the other night that the only thing the phone would be good for was throwing if someone busted into the house intent on hatcheting me to death. I figured out today why it had turned into a useless hunk of metal. It was due to the glittery cell phone cover that I put on it about a week ago. I love the glitter but I like being able to talk on my phone more so I ditched it today. It must have been made in China and coated in lead based paint before being dipped in glitter.

Awhile back, Kat mentioned that she used some mineral makeup and that it didn't sweat off. That part stuck in my head and I'd been thinking about getting some ever since. I've been in Florida for almost 7 years now and have basically quit wearing makeup because I sweat it off before I leave the house. I was in the drugstore the other day and saw that they had all kinds of mineral makeups and couldn't make up my mind (ha, make up my mind!) on what kind to get and decided to come home and research it on the trusty internet.

Well, someone save me for I have discovered Sephora.com. I went nuts last Friday night and ordered everything I need (even an eyeshadow!!!) to spackle my head. It should be delivered within the next day or so. I was creative and broke my order up so that I could score more free samples. I am sneaky like that.

And I vow to not buy any more bath bombs. At least not until Ginamonster is back in business. Then I'll buy some of hers. Bauble Bath had a bunch of bath bombs on sale the other day. For cheap. Reeeeeal cheap. Iordered20poundsofthem cheap. (20 pounds. That's half a Stinky Dog. Holy shit.) I've been looking at books and at things online to learn how to make them myself. I will use up all that I have (and all that are on the way) before I start cluttering up the kitchen, mixing up my own concoctions.

When I picked LittleBrother(11) up from school today, he piped up with, "We could just go home and get our stuff and move to New York. Really! We don't have any family down here! Let's go!" I'm looking at him like he has lost his pea-picking mind and he says, "Well, except for mom." Um, ya think? I told him that maybe we could go for a visit one of these days.

I have started steering the boys away from the ginger ale in the icebox because I like to use it to mix with Crown Royal. Is this a bad thing? I figure that juice is better for them anyway.


Convincing Myself

I'm telling myself that the way that Chi Chi went was a blessing in disguise. In my heart of hearts, I'd known for about the past week that she hadn't been herself. It wasn't unusual for her to not eat for a whole day maybe once or twice a month but 2 days last week she wouldn't eat. She had quit going up and down the little step that goes into our living room (she'd just stand there til someone moved her), her hair had started to get thin and crinkly and she just didn't have much spunk to her and she was usually a fiesty little bugger. It had also gotten harder to wake her up in the morning and when she did finally wake, she was wobbly getting around. She wasn't even barking at Tiny Dog or anything. She'd still give me kisses when I asked but I could tell that she was tired when she was giving them. It was like the fight was going out of her and she was tired all of the time.

I came home early on Friday night and Sweety had some french fries and she hadn't eaten for a day and a half. Usually, I won't let her have people food if she hasn't eaten dog food but I looked at her and thought, "Damn, she's 17 freaking years old. If she wants to eat french fries the rest of her life then I guess I'll let her." I then exploited her love of the fry by poking her in the Crown Royal sack. That gig earned her another 2 fries.

Friday night while we were watching t.v. she was in her usual place on my lap. She got tired of sitting there and wanted down for a drink and as soon as I put her on the floor, Tiny Dog rushed over to sit in my lap. I held Tiny's face and said, "You know that I love you. I just have to give more love to Chi Chi because she's not going to be around much longer. When she goes, you'll get all of the love she is now, okay?" (Hmm, maybe Tiny Dog slept on that and shoved Chi Chi in the pool?)

On Saturday, I had to put some stuff in her eyes because she was getting an infection in one of them. She snapped at me at first but then just went totally limp and let me wipe them both out. (As I was wiping them, I had a thought to myself that something was really wrong with her and I was smooshing her body gently to see if I could feel any tumors. Just call me Dr. Chickie.) That was unusual because she'd usually fight me tooth and nail if I was doing anything to her eyes. Something else that was weird Saturday was that she wanted to be out in the house that day. Normally, during the day when the boys are here, she'll hide in the bedroom and just come out to sit on my lap after the house has quieted down. But she got up and followed me around and sat with me all morning. She was sleeping under the laptop when I was putting up Saturday's post of her in the sack. (How ironic is it that 90 minutes before she dies, I put up a blog post starring her titled Chi Chi says, "17 years of life for this?!"?)

We were getting ready to go LittleBrother(11)'s baseball game and that's when I let all the dogs out. Tiny & Stinky barked that they wanted in and I scanned the area and didn't see Chi Chi (I know she wasn't in the pool then because I looked) and I figured she was on the side of the house that she likes to go to and went back inside. I was in for maybe 10 minutes or so and came out to make her come inside and and that's when I found her. Sweety was on the back porch and said that he has never heard such a primal scream come out of someone. He said that when he looked over and saw me with her that he thought that I was going to start smacking my head on the pool deck. It did cross my mind just for a moment. I think I went really crazy for a bit.

I have to give kudos to Sweety for trying his hardest to save her. He got the water out of her and then started blowing air into her lungs but it was too late. I will never forget seeing him with his mouth over hers and then leaning over to spit out whatever it was that was coming out of her and then he'd try again. I just hope that she when she fell in the water that she just took a gulp of water and that was it. The thought of her swimming around, looking for help breaks my heart.

After we knew it was no use, I was holding her and stuff and told Sweety to take the boys on to the baseball game and I would stay home and bury her. I had said to Sweety a long time ago that when it was her time to go that I would have her freeze dried and he asked why wasn't I going to do that. I told him that every time I looked at her that I'd feel guilty about the way that she died. That if I'd been outside that she wouldn't have fallen in the pool. He told me to put her in the freezer and think about it. So I did, (in a gallon freezer bag and then a pillowcase) and decided to go ahead and freeze dry her. If I can't stand to look at her, then Sweety said we could bury or cremate her.

Odds are that I am nutty enough to nap with my little dog when she is returned home. Denial is my friend right now. I'm telling myself that she is on vacation and when she gets home that she is going to sleep all of the time.

You want to hear something else that weird? I've mentioned that I sleep with earplugs to block Chi Chi's and Sweety's snoring. On Friday night, her snores weren't earth shaking like they usually are. They were really soft and I left the earplugs out so I could listen to them as I went to sleep. Sweety and I were talking later and he did the same thing too on Friday just so he could listen to her.

I have a feeling that if this hadn't happened, that she was fixing to get sick pretty quickly and that would have meant pain and confusing visits to the vet for her. One of my friends sent me a message and part of it said You know how animals and Indians go off to die? I think that is what Chi Chi did because you wouldn't let her die. You kept her healthy beyond her time. I hope that is what happened.


Chi Chi is dead. It's my fault. I let all the dogs outside and when Tiny & Stinky were wanting in Chi Chi was still puttering in the grass and sun so I let them in and let her stay out and came in the house to do a couple of things. I was in for maybe 10 minutes as the most. She fell into the pool and it's my fault. It happened a half hour ago.

I'd like to thank everyone that offered condolences or shared their pet stories. You really did make me feel better. Thank you.

Chi Chi says, "17 years of life for this?!"

Chi Chi the Magnificent

Crown Royal - $24.99
French fry to get your dog's attention - .05
The amusement you get every time you look at this photo - Priceless!


The Accidental HNT

It's NSFW. You can click on the tub to see it.

Happy Half Nekkid Thursday!