I'm trying to teach Tiny Dog to ring a bell whenever she needs to take a shit. So far, so not good. I ring the bell like a loon whenever I want her to go outside and say "outside!" in a chipper tone and she looks at me like I'm crazy. Surely she will catch on soon and make things easier by signaling her desire to piss outside instead of sneakily on a rug.
She knows I'm talking about her. I'm getting the evil eye.
Speaking of evil...
Do you think she looks creepy in this picture?

My sister said it looks like she's smiling evilly and she thinks if Tiny could move her toes that she'd give Sweety the finger in this photo.
Football is on the t.v. right now. Woo hoo.
Oh good. The team he wanted to win did.
Hi, Stinky Dog with the bloody ass! How are you? Oh, your hindquarters are sore where you chewed them today for the first time in forever? I'm sorry that you're an allergy ridden mess. Surely your new meds will go to work soon.
Niiice. I launched her onto the couch and she positioned herself so her medicated, bloody ass is touching me. Gack. At least she isn't nibbling anymore. I think we nipped it in the bud.
I finally get brave and install an instant messenger service on my computer and my instant messagee isn't online. Drat.
Sweety decided to do some reorganizing today. He took this little cabinet thing that had been in the garage and moved it onto the back porch. I was watching him through the door when he opened the cabinet and a swarm of fucking palmetto bugs came out and rushed him. As he fell back, I screamed and hid in the bathroom. He won. For a while, it looked like the Trail of Tears on the back porch but it was giant dying bugs. All of the rain we've had the past week or so really drove them in. I'm glad they used the garage cabinet as an apartment instead of moseying on inside.
Hey! I just remembered! Sweety has a long sheet of big-bubble bubbled wrap in the garage and it is positioned under his tire. He is going to run the car over it for me later.
No work for me for the next two days! Wootie woot!
It is now 11:38 p.m. and when I said earlier that Sweety's football team won? I was wrong. That must have been the end of the first quarter or something. The game is now over and they really did win. I'm not too up on football.