I hate the fucking dog catcher (henceforth known as FDC). Asswipe. I mentioned the dickweed way back in September. Do you know what the grubby bastard did? A neighbor was out one morning getting his paper while his dog took a poop on his lawn. The FDC came rolling up and plucked the dog up and then charged the neighbor $90 on the spot to get his dog back.
Give me a freaking break! There are dogs that roam the neighborhood and he's gonna get one that's outside with it's owner? When I take the canines out I always have an eye out for him. If I see him rolling up the street, I'm going to scoop Stinky dog up and carry her inside before he can get his hooks on her.
I've seen him several times when I'm on my way to work, trundling up our street in his big doggy jail on wheels, and I always give him a cheery one-digit salute in my mirror as he goes by. I'm going to start doing it over my steering wheel to be sure he sees it.
Rotten prick.
Tonight is pizza night and in a break from our usual tradition, we didn't have it delivered - I picked it up instead. The pizza places credit/debit machine was down so I got dinner for FREE! One pizza, cinnamon sticks and a 2 liter bottle of Coke!
I saw our regular pizza delivery guy at the store. He said hi and I told him that we'd see him next week because it was farther to drive to pick up the pizza than I'd thought it would be. He said "Yeah, when I saw you I thought 'Shoot. There goes my Tuesday-big-tip delivery.'" Now I feel all guilty, like I've cheated on the pizza deliveryman by not having it delivered.
But it was a nice surprise to not have to pay for it. Who says there's no such thing as a free lunch? I'm going to get a lotto ticket tomorrow and see if I can extend the lucky streak.
I saw our regular pizza delivery guy at the store. He said hi and I told him that we'd see him next week because it was farther to drive to pick up the pizza than I'd thought it would be. He said "Yeah, when I saw you I thought 'Shoot. There goes my Tuesday-big-tip delivery.'" Now I feel all guilty, like I've cheated on the pizza deliveryman by not having it delivered.
But it was a nice surprise to not have to pay for it. Who says there's no such thing as a free lunch? I'm going to get a lotto ticket tomorrow and see if I can extend the lucky streak.
Summer Vacation: Day One
The boys got outta school last Wednesday and this is the first day I've been with them since then. So far, today's been good. Not enough time for them to get bored yet. The bad thing about them being here is that I can't tap away on the keyboard. I can quietly surf the internet but if they hear keys tapping then they want to know what I'm doing and it draws attention to the fact that I'm not doing something with them. Right now they are playing Monopoly with Neighborgirl and are too occupied to notice me.
It's work just talking to them all day long. And feeding them dinner. And building snacks. And keeping them from harming each other. And finding appropriate shit to watch on the telly.
I have some yucky tequila that is SUPPOSED to taste like oranges (but really it tastes like piss that's been strained through a dirty sock that's been soaked in rancid orange juice) that's whispering my name.
I will be glad when it is bedtime for little children.
It's work just talking to them all day long. And feeding them dinner. And building snacks. And keeping them from harming each other. And finding appropriate shit to watch on the telly.
I have some yucky tequila that is SUPPOSED to taste like oranges (but really it tastes like piss that's been strained through a dirty sock that's been soaked in rancid orange juice) that's whispering my name.
I will be glad when it is bedtime for little children.
Shut Your Piehole
Have you ever shared an office with someone who annoyed the ever-loving shit out of you? I did today.
Some LOUD lady sat about 30 feet away from me and I could hear every word that came out of her face. I could hear her over my headset when I was talking to customers. There was a wall between us and it was like she was yelling in my ear. She was one of those people with a story for every-fucking-thing. And they were all the kinds of stories meant to elicit a shocked response. I think since today was a holiday and lots of people were off she came and sat in my pod so she could have an audience.
I had to take an unscheduled break and hide in the bathroom when the urge to hit her with a trash can became too overwhelming.
Some LOUD lady sat about 30 feet away from me and I could hear every word that came out of her face. I could hear her over my headset when I was talking to customers. There was a wall between us and it was like she was yelling in my ear. She was one of those people with a story for every-fucking-thing. And they were all the kinds of stories meant to elicit a shocked response. I think since today was a holiday and lots of people were off she came and sat in my pod so she could have an audience.
I had to take an unscheduled break and hide in the bathroom when the urge to hit her with a trash can became too overwhelming.
I Love It!
Oh, Phooey!
I just found out that Tiny dog has been pissing on the small rug by the front door. I washed it but I don't know if it will look nice when it dries.
The air conditioner seems to be broken. Sweety's not home yet and I REALLY hate that I'm the person that discovered it. Because with his way of thinking, that means that I broke it. Shit. Shit. Shit.
Added at 2:09 a.m.
Thank you, Mighty Conditioned Air Gods, for bestowing your mercy upon us and only cursing us with a tripped breaker and NOT a broken system! We will all bask in your ultimate coolness and sing your praises now that the problem has been fixed. We promise to do a better job of not taking you for granted and not just during the hottest days of summer but EVERY day! Amen.
The air conditioner seems to be broken. Sweety's not home yet and I REALLY hate that I'm the person that discovered it. Because with his way of thinking, that means that I broke it. Shit. Shit. Shit.
Added at 2:09 a.m.
Thank you, Mighty Conditioned Air Gods, for bestowing your mercy upon us and only cursing us with a tripped breaker and NOT a broken system! We will all bask in your ultimate coolness and sing your praises now that the problem has been fixed. We promise to do a better job of not taking you for granted and not just during the hottest days of summer but EVERY day! Amen.
I think my eye doctor prescribed the wrong strength for my contact lenses. No, I'm sure he did. After the exam he asked what strength I'd been using and I told him -3.75 in each eye. I get home and realize I use -3.00 in my left and -4.00 in my right. The new ones he gave me were -3.75 and I can tell that I can't see as well. Everything looks like it does after 5 shots of tequila but I don't have the fun feeling that usually comes along with that. Guess I'll get them fixed when I go back to get my eyes checked again next week.
My hair is getting renovated on Saturday! Woooooo-hoooooo! Sweety, it'll be like you have a new wife! I went to one place (that I'd never been to before) and made an appointment today and when the guy was writing my appointment down I noticed that his hands were dirty. Like auto mechanic dirty. And since he's a hairdresser and NOT an auto mechanic, the more I think about it the more it bothers me. So I tracked down my old hairdresser and she's fixing me up this weekend.
Good grief dogs! Shut the fuck up! The damned canines have been barking at nothing all freaking day long. They don't need to eat or potty and they've been given plenty of love so shut up already.
There is so much today to do that I have not done yet. I'm going to clean out the boys' rooms and throw out a bunch of stuff. Meant to do it this morning but got sidetracked (getting my eyebrows waxed & making hair appointments) and haven't gotten to them yet. I did manage to go through all the clutter on the kitchen counters and throw away lots of stuff though.
Tiny dog has developed a new way to lay on me. I guess she heard that I have problems with her favorite lounging position so now she lays across my leg with her back legs splayed open and her coochie all up on me. I don't know which position I prefer.
I took a hoodia pill this morning to help squash my appetite and I think it's working. I also think it's making me poop my brains out but I guess you have to suffer a little in order for something to work, right?
Okay, my eyes are definitely messed up because I can't even see what damn time it is on my house clock! And now, I also notice that there is a clock conveniently located on the bottom corner of my computer screen. Sweety said that talking to me is sometimes like talking to a snowman. Sometimes, I think he is right.
I must go and fetch the sprogs from their last day of school. Let summer begin!
My hair is getting renovated on Saturday! Woooooo-hoooooo! Sweety, it'll be like you have a new wife! I went to one place (that I'd never been to before) and made an appointment today and when the guy was writing my appointment down I noticed that his hands were dirty. Like auto mechanic dirty. And since he's a hairdresser and NOT an auto mechanic, the more I think about it the more it bothers me. So I tracked down my old hairdresser and she's fixing me up this weekend.
Good grief dogs! Shut the fuck up! The damned canines have been barking at nothing all freaking day long. They don't need to eat or potty and they've been given plenty of love so shut up already.
There is so much today to do that I have not done yet. I'm going to clean out the boys' rooms and throw out a bunch of stuff. Meant to do it this morning but got sidetracked (getting my eyebrows waxed & making hair appointments) and haven't gotten to them yet. I did manage to go through all the clutter on the kitchen counters and throw away lots of stuff though.
Tiny dog has developed a new way to lay on me. I guess she heard that I have problems with her favorite lounging position so now she lays across my leg with her back legs splayed open and her coochie all up on me. I don't know which position I prefer.
I took a hoodia pill this morning to help squash my appetite and I think it's working. I also think it's making me poop my brains out but I guess you have to suffer a little in order for something to work, right?
Okay, my eyes are definitely messed up because I can't even see what damn time it is on my house clock! And now, I also notice that there is a clock conveniently located on the bottom corner of my computer screen. Sweety said that talking to me is sometimes like talking to a snowman. Sometimes, I think he is right.
I must go and fetch the sprogs from their last day of school. Let summer begin!
On Thursday night, while he was at his mother's house, BB(11) fell off of a small stool/table thingy and smacked his head on the corner of the windowsill. A trip to the emergency room was in order. When they got there and Sweety found out that it was going to be durabonded (super glued) instead of stitched up he took him home and glued the injury up himself. It looks like a cigar was stubbed out on the outside corner of his right eye. He's lucky that the damn thing didn't get poked out.
The boys' last basketball game was this weekend. The schedule said the game was on Sunday so I traded shifts with someone and worked Saturday so I could go to the game. On Thursday night Sweety gets a call from the coach telling him the schedule was printed incorrectly and the game was on Saturday instead of Sunday. Helllloooo! We've all been using the schedule for 6 weeks now! Could someone have noticed this a wee bit sooner? So I missed the game on Saturday and of course they won. This was the second win of the season and the only stinking game that I missed. BB didn't get to play because we were afraid he'd get whacked in the head and his cigar burn would open back up.
After the game on Saturday they were told that they did have a game on Sunday but we didn't go because we'd made plans to go to a baseball game after we'd been told that there was no game on Sunday.
I'd never been to a real baseball game before and it was pretty neat. It was in a domed stadium so we weren't roasting in the sun. The teams were the Tampa Devil Rays and the Florida Marlins and they both sucked about equally. There were only 3 runs the entire game and not too many hits. I don't know much about baseball but I do know it's no fun to sit and watch a bunch of people not hit the ball. I think we have tickets to watch some other teams later on that might be more lively.
Tomorrow, BB graduates from the fifth grade. They have a little ceremony at the school and it's pretty much guaranteed that I will cry. The last time I ate lunch with him I got all teary eyed when I was driving away because I know I won't be dining with him once he gets to middle school. I am such a dork.
Tomorrow is also the day that I'm getting my eyes checked for the first time in two years. My eyeballs have been crying out for new contact lenses. I think barnacles are growing on the ones that I have in now.
I'll be glad when tomorrow is over and I can sleep in on Wednesday.
The boys' last basketball game was this weekend. The schedule said the game was on Sunday so I traded shifts with someone and worked Saturday so I could go to the game. On Thursday night Sweety gets a call from the coach telling him the schedule was printed incorrectly and the game was on Saturday instead of Sunday. Helllloooo! We've all been using the schedule for 6 weeks now! Could someone have noticed this a wee bit sooner? So I missed the game on Saturday and of course they won. This was the second win of the season and the only stinking game that I missed. BB didn't get to play because we were afraid he'd get whacked in the head and his cigar burn would open back up.
After the game on Saturday they were told that they did have a game on Sunday but we didn't go because we'd made plans to go to a baseball game after we'd been told that there was no game on Sunday.
I'd never been to a real baseball game before and it was pretty neat. It was in a domed stadium so we weren't roasting in the sun. The teams were the Tampa Devil Rays and the Florida Marlins and they both sucked about equally. There were only 3 runs the entire game and not too many hits. I don't know much about baseball but I do know it's no fun to sit and watch a bunch of people not hit the ball. I think we have tickets to watch some other teams later on that might be more lively.
Tomorrow, BB graduates from the fifth grade. They have a little ceremony at the school and it's pretty much guaranteed that I will cry. The last time I ate lunch with him I got all teary eyed when I was driving away because I know I won't be dining with him once he gets to middle school. I am such a dork.
Tomorrow is also the day that I'm getting my eyes checked for the first time in two years. My eyeballs have been crying out for new contact lenses. I think barnacles are growing on the ones that I have in now.
I'll be glad when tomorrow is over and I can sleep in on Wednesday.
What I Can Live Without
Tiny dog sitting down on my lap and smooshing her asshole up against my arm.
Happy HNT!
So today is the first anniversary of HNT!
Here is my very first HNT.
And here is my anniversary shot:

Sweety said that since I was making the dog wear a hat that I had to wear one too or he wouldn't take the photo.
Have a great Thursday!
Here is my very first HNT.
And here is my anniversary shot:

Sweety said that since I was making the dog wear a hat that I had to wear one too or he wouldn't take the photo.
Have a great Thursday!
And A Good Time Was Had By All

Yeah, that's tape holding the lemon to her noggin.
No chihuahuas were harmed during the photo shoot.

And look what I found when cooking dinner! (other than lemon hats for my dog)
That little guy was inside the big pepper! There was even a tiny umbilical cord connecting it to the big pepper. I always think it's good luck to find a baby pepper and can't wait to see what good fortune comes my way!

I'll be putting up photos of the cake some other time. It was such a kick ass cake that it deserves its own post.
Happy Birthday Sweety!
Sweety turns 37 today. This means that for the next 3 months he gets to have a cute wife who is 8 years younger than him.
I'm making a cake - it's kind of a modified box mix. While this may not be a big deal for most people it is for me. I generally buy things already made because stuff has a tendancy to goof up when I try it. But food is love so I'm gonna birth our own cake today. And I will love it and squeeze it and name it George! Oh, sorry. I got sidetracked there.
Since I'm such a procrastinator I've got lots of crap to do to build a proper "happy birthday" evening for him.
Tiny dog has already started to celebrate. I'm gonna hide the liquor when I leave the house today so she doesn't get too sauced before the party.
I'm making a cake - it's kind of a modified box mix. While this may not be a big deal for most people it is for me. I generally buy things already made because stuff has a tendancy to goof up when I try it. But food is love so I'm gonna birth our own cake today. And I will love it and squeeze it and name it George! Oh, sorry. I got sidetracked there.
Since I'm such a procrastinator I've got lots of crap to do to build a proper "happy birthday" evening for him.
Tiny dog has already started to celebrate. I'm gonna hide the liquor when I leave the house today so she doesn't get too sauced before the party.
And Another Thing...
The EW got a flat tire this weekend. It had her in a rather pissy mood.
Wocka! Wocka! Wocka!
For some reason, Fozzie Bear has been in my head this weekend. Any time something amuses me, I utter his catch phrase and wiggle my eyebrows. It's driving Sweety nuts.
Wocka! Wocka! Wocka!
For some reason, Fozzie Bear has been in my head this weekend. Any time something amuses me, I utter his catch phrase and wiggle my eyebrows. It's driving Sweety nuts.
Of Kids & Hair
Friday's field trip to Islands of Adventure went pretty well. When we got there we realized that it was the day that the park invited all of the schools to come for a discounted price and the place was packed. At first, we'd been told that we'd have one other kid to chaperone along with BB. When we got there we were given 4 others instead. The lines for all of the rides were an hour to an hour and a half long so we got express passes for our group and we were able to bypass the long lines and got to ride everything. I think the other groups that came with us only got to ride about 3 rides each (we were there for about 7 hours) due to the long lines. It was really neat to see how excited BB got after riding the roller coasters and thrill rides. He'd never done that sort of thing before and he was beaming when he got off of them.
I went somewhere Saturday to see about getting my hair done but the place was crowded and I didn't want to go in to make an appointment. Sometimes, when I see a bunch of people somewhere like that, I just freak out and leave. Which is what I did Saturday. I think I'm gonna call the lady who used to do my hair and see when she can get me in. I quit using her after her shop had some damage and she had to move but I'm ready to go find her again.
BB(11) gave me a Mother's Day gift :) I was really surprised. When we went to school on Friday he gave Sweety a bag and told him to put it in the car. I thought it was a present for his mom that he didn't want me to see because he didn't want to hurt my feelings. On Saturday we were dropping them off at her house after their basketball game (they got beat pretty good, by the way) and he gave me the bag and told me "happy mother's day". It was a little wooden box that he'd painted with clear glitter paint (he knows I love sparkles!) and lined with material and his school photo was inside. It's really cute. It now has a place of honor on my desk at work. I was admiring it while stopped at a red light on my way to work Sunday and my foot came off the brake and I almost rolled into the car in front of me. I decided to wait til I got to work to look at it further.
I went somewhere Saturday to see about getting my hair done but the place was crowded and I didn't want to go in to make an appointment. Sometimes, when I see a bunch of people somewhere like that, I just freak out and leave. Which is what I did Saturday. I think I'm gonna call the lady who used to do my hair and see when she can get me in. I quit using her after her shop had some damage and she had to move but I'm ready to go find her again.
BB(11) gave me a Mother's Day gift :) I was really surprised. When we went to school on Friday he gave Sweety a bag and told him to put it in the car. I thought it was a present for his mom that he didn't want me to see because he didn't want to hurt my feelings. On Saturday we were dropping them off at her house after their basketball game (they got beat pretty good, by the way) and he gave me the bag and told me "happy mother's day". It was a little wooden box that he'd painted with clear glitter paint (he knows I love sparkles!) and lined with material and his school photo was inside. It's really cute. It now has a place of honor on my desk at work. I was admiring it while stopped at a red light on my way to work Sunday and my foot came off the brake and I almost rolled into the car in front of me. I decided to wait til I got to work to look at it further.
The Fun We've Been Having
It has certainly been an interesting couple of days around here. Tuesday night Sweety and I had quite a conversation. He has noticed that I seem to be exhibiting some signs of depression or something and he suggested that I get a hairdo in order to cheer myself up. What he said was something like "Why don't you start with getting your hair done?" and what I heard was "Geez, you ugly bitch. Fix that bird's nest on top of your head." The reason I've been wearing a ponytail for forever is that I'm waiting on it to grow out so I can fix it like I used to. I've decided fuck it all. This weekend I'm going to the mall and picking out the gayest hair stylist in the place and telling him to do whatever he wants. (It was my sister's idea to go with a flaming hairdresser. She said she always gets good luck that way.)
On Wednesday Sweety remarked that he couldn't talk to me about sensitive things because of the line that I've drawn in the sand. I told him there's no line in the sand but if you're fixing to tell me something that you know I won't like, then give me a warning. Something like "Hey, I know you don't want to talk about this but..." Don't just sit me down and tell me I need to get my hair fixed. Because that could get you hurt.
I am making more of an effort to be a bit more lively around the house. This includes not hiding in bed all day and not tapping away on the computer when everyone is home so as to be more sociable. I know I've been a weirdo grouch for the past few weeks and I'm working on it.
HNT was absent this week because I figured it wasn't a good idea to ask Sweety to take a picture while we were walking around on eggshells.
One of the things that I've been antsy about it that we are coming up on our five year anniversary. I've never been with anyone that long where I still liked them at that time. So whenever I've felt grouchy or he's done something to irk me lately I think "Hmmm, is this the beginning of the end?". We both decided that maybe it's not a good idea to look for problems when they're not there.
Stinky dog is having skin allergy problems. Her back is all itched up and looks like it hurts. I'm keeping her doped up so hopefully she'll be well soon. It's hard work keeping Tiny dog away from her. We've discovered that while Tiny loves eating Stinky's eye boogers - she REALLY chows down on pus encrusted scabs. I've never gagged so hard in my life as I did at seeing Tiny humping Stinky and eating her freaking sores while she got down on it.
Me & Sweety are both off work tomorrow to chaperone a field trip for BB(11)'s class. We are going to a theme park and I'm just really hoping it doesn't rain. It was supposed to rain today but just started a little while ago. There is nothing that I want to do less than walk around in ninety degree weather while getting rained on.
On Wednesday Sweety remarked that he couldn't talk to me about sensitive things because of the line that I've drawn in the sand. I told him there's no line in the sand but if you're fixing to tell me something that you know I won't like, then give me a warning. Something like "Hey, I know you don't want to talk about this but..." Don't just sit me down and tell me I need to get my hair fixed. Because that could get you hurt.
I am making more of an effort to be a bit more lively around the house. This includes not hiding in bed all day and not tapping away on the computer when everyone is home so as to be more sociable. I know I've been a weirdo grouch for the past few weeks and I'm working on it.
HNT was absent this week because I figured it wasn't a good idea to ask Sweety to take a picture while we were walking around on eggshells.
One of the things that I've been antsy about it that we are coming up on our five year anniversary. I've never been with anyone that long where I still liked them at that time. So whenever I've felt grouchy or he's done something to irk me lately I think "Hmmm, is this the beginning of the end?". We both decided that maybe it's not a good idea to look for problems when they're not there.
Stinky dog is having skin allergy problems. Her back is all itched up and looks like it hurts. I'm keeping her doped up so hopefully she'll be well soon. It's hard work keeping Tiny dog away from her. We've discovered that while Tiny loves eating Stinky's eye boogers - she REALLY chows down on pus encrusted scabs. I've never gagged so hard in my life as I did at seeing Tiny humping Stinky and eating her freaking sores while she got down on it.
Me & Sweety are both off work tomorrow to chaperone a field trip for BB(11)'s class. We are going to a theme park and I'm just really hoping it doesn't rain. It was supposed to rain today but just started a little while ago. There is nothing that I want to do less than walk around in ninety degree weather while getting rained on.
Do you know how much I like being awoken from a rather erotic dream to be asked to pick up the boys after school and take them to EW's house? Not much at effing all.
Usually she gets them on Mondays but she asked to switch this week. She had to take her mother to the hospital for some reason this morning and she won't be able to get them from school. The reason I have to drive out to her fucking house and drop the boys off for 3 hours is so they can celebrate their sister's 1 year anniversary of being alive. So that's why is it sooooo important to her that they be there. Damn it all. I'm just pissed because I thought I was gonna have the day to myself and had planned accordingly: nap from 10:30 to 12:30 - on the computer from 12:30 to 1:30 - clean the house from 1:30 to 5:00. Now my plan is whacked out and I'm having to give hour or so to fetch and tote children. It doesn't bother me to get them; It's pissing me off that I have to carry them to their mother's.
Yesterday, BB(11) told Sweety that he wished that him and his mom were still together. Then he asked why they weren't. BB is old enough that he remembers the fighting and whatnot that went on when he was little and that ground had been covered before by him and Sweety. So Sweety told him that he did try to work it out after the divorce but it didn't happen. BB asked exactly when this was and why did Sweety even try. Sweety told him that tried was so he'd know for sure that he'd done everything that he could to avoid it.
Sweety then told me some things about the bint leaving her family (she just packed her shit with no warning and left the boys with sweety. i'm glad she did it because i sure do like them but it blows my mind that a mother would do that TWICE) that I didn't know about and I got kinda fired me up last night. That's probably why I'm so pissy about having to do anything for her today.
Agh, I better get around and do something to tidy the place up.
Usually she gets them on Mondays but she asked to switch this week. She had to take her mother to the hospital for some reason this morning and she won't be able to get them from school. The reason I have to drive out to her fucking house and drop the boys off for 3 hours is so they can celebrate their sister's 1 year anniversary of being alive. So that's why is it sooooo important to her that they be there. Damn it all. I'm just pissed because I thought I was gonna have the day to myself and had planned accordingly: nap from 10:30 to 12:30 - on the computer from 12:30 to 1:30 - clean the house from 1:30 to 5:00. Now my plan is whacked out and I'm having to give hour or so to fetch and tote children. It doesn't bother me to get them; It's pissing me off that I have to carry them to their mother's.
Yesterday, BB(11) told Sweety that he wished that him and his mom were still together. Then he asked why they weren't. BB is old enough that he remembers the fighting and whatnot that went on when he was little and that ground had been covered before by him and Sweety. So Sweety told him that he did try to work it out after the divorce but it didn't happen. BB asked exactly when this was and why did Sweety even try. Sweety told him that tried was so he'd know for sure that he'd done everything that he could to avoid it.
Sweety then told me some things about the bint leaving her family (she just packed her shit with no warning and left the boys with sweety. i'm glad she did it because i sure do like them but it blows my mind that a mother would do that TWICE) that I didn't know about and I got kinda fired me up last night. That's probably why I'm so pissy about having to do anything for her today.
Agh, I better get around and do something to tidy the place up.
Too Tired for a Title
Sweety's decided that he needs to cleanse his system, so he sent me to pick up some Ultimate Cleanse. It's supposed to make you pretty much shit your brains out and leave your guts squeaky clean. Maybe I'll go buy him some lotioned toilet paper later.
Sweety went to meet some of his friends a little while ago and I stayed home with they boys. He's never left the house before to do something when the boys are here but the boys and I wanted to rent a movie (Harry Potter 4) and we knew if we encouraged Sweety to leave that we'd be able to rent it. I built some homemade hot chocolate and popped some popcorn for them. They even got to stay up til 10 tonight since we were watching a movie. We took a break in the middle of the movie so they could swim and they were wore out when bedtime got here.
It's kind of a good thing that Sweety's not home right now. I ate asparagus with garlic for dinner and I reek of it right now.
Tiny dog got a new necklace today and she went swimming.
It's been a pretty good day. I've gotta go rest my peepers!
Sweety went to meet some of his friends a little while ago and I stayed home with they boys. He's never left the house before to do something when the boys are here but the boys and I wanted to rent a movie (Harry Potter 4) and we knew if we encouraged Sweety to leave that we'd be able to rent it. I built some homemade hot chocolate and popped some popcorn for them. They even got to stay up til 10 tonight since we were watching a movie. We took a break in the middle of the movie so they could swim and they were wore out when bedtime got here.
It's kind of a good thing that Sweety's not home right now. I ate asparagus with garlic for dinner and I reek of it right now.
Tiny dog got a new necklace today and she went swimming.
It's been a pretty good day. I've gotta go rest my peepers!
Scattered Thoughts
The damn pool is finally finished! Yay! It only took Sweety going up to the place and talking to the top person twice before it was finished. There are no more broken tiles and the water isn't green any more. The water's blue and cloudy but should be clear soon. Guess where next week's HNT photos will probably be?
Now all we have to worry with is the inspection by the city. We have to get the alarms up on the windows and doors leading out to the pool and have to fix the gates so they are self-closing. Surely it will all go smoothly.
I am so looking forward to having it inspected and not having to worry about people being in my backyard!
Tiny dog damn near gave me a heart attack today. I let her out in the backyard and then I went inside to get something. When I came back out I couldn't find her. Just when I was getting ready to freak out and start combing the neighborhood, she came prancing around the corner. I think she'd been hiding behind the pool pump.
Does anyone really eat broccoli butts? I was munching on some broccoli out of a bag this morning and realized that I had a mound of these things left. I started to cook them for the dogs but then I thought it was kind of gross to cook food that I'd bitten off of. I reckon Tiny and Stinky wouldn't mind though. Maybe I'll do that next time. Tiny dog will actually eat vegetables raw but Stinky is a fan of hot meals.
On the way home yesterday, I was stuck in traffic because of a brush fire that was going on not too far from the interstate. As I'm sitting there watching the helicopter drop water on the fire, I notice the dumbass in front of me flick a cigarette out of the window. Helloooo! Do you not see all this FIRE that is everywhere because everything is so dry? I see you have room for your Beanie Baby collection on the dashboard but I guess there's not an ashtray in there, huh? I pictured myself getting out of my car and kicking her in the head. That made me feel a little bit better.
Litterbugs bother me. Sweety and I were walking across a store parking lot one day and some lady in an SUVish sort of thing tossed her cigarette out right beside us. My mood was rather crappy that day and watching her do that really irked me. I started walking towards it because I was all ready to toss it back in her window and tell her that she lost something. Sweety wrestled me into the car before I could though.
I realized that if you google or search for the canines by their real names that this site is one of the first things that comes up. I do hope the EW never feels the need to see what she can find out about my dogs on the internet. I told Sweety that I haven't written anything that I'd let her make me ashamed of so I'm not going to worry about it.
Oh rats. I just remembered that I forgot to get bleach when I was at the store earlier. Now I'm gonna have to venture out again.
Now all we have to worry with is the inspection by the city. We have to get the alarms up on the windows and doors leading out to the pool and have to fix the gates so they are self-closing. Surely it will all go smoothly.
I am so looking forward to having it inspected and not having to worry about people being in my backyard!
Tiny dog damn near gave me a heart attack today. I let her out in the backyard and then I went inside to get something. When I came back out I couldn't find her. Just when I was getting ready to freak out and start combing the neighborhood, she came prancing around the corner. I think she'd been hiding behind the pool pump.
Does anyone really eat broccoli butts? I was munching on some broccoli out of a bag this morning and realized that I had a mound of these things left. I started to cook them for the dogs but then I thought it was kind of gross to cook food that I'd bitten off of. I reckon Tiny and Stinky wouldn't mind though. Maybe I'll do that next time. Tiny dog will actually eat vegetables raw but Stinky is a fan of hot meals.
On the way home yesterday, I was stuck in traffic because of a brush fire that was going on not too far from the interstate. As I'm sitting there watching the helicopter drop water on the fire, I notice the dumbass in front of me flick a cigarette out of the window. Helloooo! Do you not see all this FIRE that is everywhere because everything is so dry? I see you have room for your Beanie Baby collection on the dashboard but I guess there's not an ashtray in there, huh? I pictured myself getting out of my car and kicking her in the head. That made me feel a little bit better.
Litterbugs bother me. Sweety and I were walking across a store parking lot one day and some lady in an SUVish sort of thing tossed her cigarette out right beside us. My mood was rather crappy that day and watching her do that really irked me. I started walking towards it because I was all ready to toss it back in her window and tell her that she lost something. Sweety wrestled me into the car before I could though.
I realized that if you google or search for the canines by their real names that this site is one of the first things that comes up. I do hope the EW never feels the need to see what she can find out about my dogs on the internet. I told Sweety that I haven't written anything that I'd let her make me ashamed of so I'm not going to worry about it.
Oh rats. I just remembered that I forgot to get bleach when I was at the store earlier. Now I'm gonna have to venture out again.
Hi-Yah! Happy Half Nekkid Thursday!
Sweety has spotted me peeking at him.

And here he is trying to tell me to go to hell using only a couple of his fingers while swabbing out his ears and making an exit.

By all means, go here to see what this is about!
We took the dogs to the Paw Park this weekend. It was the first time that Tiny'd really been around any dogs other than Stinky and it was quite fun to watch. Her favorite thing to do was attack urine streams when the male dogs were marking the area. I didn't have her pegged as a golden shower kinda girl. To each his own...
I was the designated driver this weekend. I don't remember the last time I drove instead of being one of the drunk people. I just wasn't in the mood to drink. The hangover that I got a couple of weeks ago has kinda spooked me. There's no need to go through anything like that anytime soon.
I told Sweety that when the EW calls him for something not related to their children that I felt like he was just talking to somebody that he used to have sex with and I didn't like it. He said he didn't want to say anything to her because he hates confrontation. As soon as those words were out of his mouth he said "But, I guess I REALLY don't want confrontation with YOU." Yeah, no shit, Sweety. So he did tell her to not call him unless it was an emergency regarding the boys. I'll be glad when she lands a new man. She seems to quiet down when she has one.
It seems that I had some things to say but I can't concentrate enough to get them out.
I was the designated driver this weekend. I don't remember the last time I drove instead of being one of the drunk people. I just wasn't in the mood to drink. The hangover that I got a couple of weeks ago has kinda spooked me. There's no need to go through anything like that anytime soon.
I told Sweety that when the EW calls him for something not related to their children that I felt like he was just talking to somebody that he used to have sex with and I didn't like it. He said he didn't want to say anything to her because he hates confrontation. As soon as those words were out of his mouth he said "But, I guess I REALLY don't want confrontation with YOU." Yeah, no shit, Sweety. So he did tell her to not call him unless it was an emergency regarding the boys. I'll be glad when she lands a new man. She seems to quiet down when she has one.
It seems that I had some things to say but I can't concentrate enough to get them out.
I'm not going to go way into it because it makes my blood pressure go up but I've had my fill of the cuntofanexwife. She doesn't get what her boundaries should be with Sweety. There have been a couple of new instances of her calling him for stupid things and I've had it. She gets one more chance to say something that's not necessary and then I will be telling her to go away. Sweety hasn't said anything to her because he knows how it will end because of the way conversations in the past have went - she'll call him screaming and yelling and he'll be able to hear the boys in the background, soaking it all in. I will be more than happy to corner her somewhere and tell her to stop calling my husband because she has questions about children that he didn't father or about things that she should be bright enough to handle.
I'd like to pick her up by the ankles and whap her head into the side of a building.
And I think her uterus needs to be filled with concrete before she breeds again.
Surely, I will be back to sunshine and light soon.
I'd like to pick her up by the ankles and whap her head into the side of a building.
And I think her uterus needs to be filled with concrete before she breeds again.
Surely, I will be back to sunshine and light soon.
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