It is about 9 a.m. in Chickieville and I'm just waiting for it to be time to go to the airport. That should be about 2 hours from now unless a comet crushes me between now and then.
I am so freaking nervous about leaving my dogs at home. I feel guilty. Guilty because if stinky dog Tasha were home alone she could have run of the house but since tiny dog Oy is here too and she can't be out in the house I'm having Tasha stay in my bedroom with her for part of the day. I'm afraid she is going to howl. I'm afraid tiny dog is gonna poop all over the bathroom and neighbor girl will have a mess to clean up. And I feel bad cause tiny dog will be cooped up inside a lot. Neighbor girl has said she'll check on them frequently, probably more than what I've asked her to but I still feel bad. I guess if this is my biggest worry right now then I'm doing okay. At least flies aren't skating on my eyeballs and my belly is full.
And I swallowed my pride and asked Sweety for money last night since I am one broke ass til payday at the end of the month. He said okay but he likes to tease me about my spending habits. And that embarrasses me. But I suppose if I'm going to ask for money I can take the ribbing that comes with it. We all have our little things that get under our skin. Him picking at me about money is mine. Me mentioning hair loss is his. I learned that the hard way. But I am kind enough to not mention it anymore. Then again, I kind of ask for extra money on a semi-regular basis but he doesn't bitch about his hair falling out too much.
The canines are washed and the boys have just received their Oklahoma haircuts. They look kind of like hedgehogs. Cute. And the house is tidy so I won't be coming home to a mess.
I'm going to end up having to check in my carry on bag. I have one carry on bag on wheels and then one that you carry over the shoulder. The over the shoulder one is the same size as some purses I've see women carry so I thought I could get away with carrying them both on but I guess not. That's okay though. I just didn't want to have to lug around a huge suitcase from place to place when we get there.
BB(10) is all nerky about flying. He's afraid we're gonna fall outta the sky. I thought about slipping him half a xanax in some pudding but decided that might be abuse. I overheard him tell Sweety that he hopes we don't have a plane with a broken engine. No shit, kid.
We get back on the night of the 3rd and I'm off work til the 7th. The boys will probably go to their mom's when we get back so I'll have some alone time. That will be nice after vacation.
We had probably the last sex we will have for 11 days last night. Maybe I'll get my Mom to babysit one night and Sweety and I can go watch submarine races.
Tonight and tomorrow night I will be at my friend Elaine's house. We will drink wine out of a box, play rummy and I'll pet her blind dog and torment the other one. I call the not blind dog Pecan Head in my mind. Cause that's what his head is shaped like. Crazy little dog. I will probably also pet her computer cause it'll be the last one I see til I get home.
Then Saturday night I'm going to my other friend, Nat's house. We'll probably do about the same thing over there. I CANNOT WAIT! I miss seeing my friends in person and it is always so nice to see them. Since I'm not going to be there very long I'm not gonna have time to see my other buddy that lives there. I'll have to catch her next time. Phooey.
And I'll get to eat real mexican food and bbq! And this one little sandwich shop that makes the best broccoli cheese soup is calling my name too.
I guess I'll go twiddle my thumbs some more.
So Tell Me Some Stuff
I took this from SK who stole this from Tom’s archives. So I guess it's a "hot" survey. Please don't call the cops. I don't buy Rolexes out of the backs of peoples cars. I have morals, you know.
Copy/paste and answer the following questions in the comment box, pretty please with sugar on top (and if you don't wanna answer all of them, just hit the ones you feel like!):
1. Who are you?
2. How long have you known me?
3. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
4. Describe me in one word.
5. What reminds you of me?
6. If you could give me anything, what would it be?
7. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn’t?
8. Are you going to put this on your blog and see what I say about you?
9. What do you love like a fat kid loves cake?
10. What makes you come back here?
Copy/paste and answer the following questions in the comment box, pretty please with sugar on top (and if you don't wanna answer all of them, just hit the ones you feel like!):
1. Who are you?
2. How long have you known me?
3. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
4. Describe me in one word.
5. What reminds you of me?
6. If you could give me anything, what would it be?
7. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn’t?
8. Are you going to put this on your blog and see what I say about you?
9. What do you love like a fat kid loves cake?
10. What makes you come back here?
Vacation Starts Tomorrow! Neener neener!
I can't wait. After I get up from my nappy-poo I'll start packing. I got a kick ass carryon suitcase last night. We decided everyone will just have one carryon so we don't have to go through the crap of checking in at the airport. And the best part is, the bag is PINK as hell. I thought "am I not gonna like this later?" But decided fuck it. Pink's been my favorite color for about the last 7 years and I don't think I'll change my mind on that anytime soon. Plus, it'll be easy to spot in the overhead bin. I am almost excited to start packing so I can use it. Maybe I'll go stick tiny dog in it just for a test run.
I spraypainted on another tan a few minutes ago. Hopefully the results will be even. Even though it says you don't have to rub it in I did to make sure there's no streaks. When you're sleep deprived and painting your own body, you can never be to careful.
Man, I'll be glad when payday gets here. The end of the month is a long effing time away.
I spraypainted on another tan a few minutes ago. Hopefully the results will be even. Even though it says you don't have to rub it in I did to make sure there's no streaks. When you're sleep deprived and painting your own body, you can never be to careful.
Man, I'll be glad when payday gets here. The end of the month is a long effing time away.
Flashing the Neighbors
I just strolled nekkid into the garage to throw some trash away, not realizing that the garage door was open and one of the neighbors was in her driveway. I don't think I was spotted. I hate living in a neighborhood.
I learned something about the spray on self tanner last week. If you have mosquito bites and you spraypaint yourself and then scratch in your sleep your fake tan will be all fucked up. I mean Fucked up with capital F. I think I've managed to scrub it off so I'm gonna have Sweety spray me down evenly later instead of doing it myself.
I shall go pass out now.
Dear sleep gods, please do not give me any scary dreams. Something pornographic would be nice though. Thank you and amen.
I learned something about the spray on self tanner last week. If you have mosquito bites and you spraypaint yourself and then scratch in your sleep your fake tan will be all fucked up. I mean Fucked up with capital F. I think I've managed to scrub it off so I'm gonna have Sweety spray me down evenly later instead of doing it myself.
I shall go pass out now.
Dear sleep gods, please do not give me any scary dreams. Something pornographic would be nice though. Thank you and amen.
Dinged Out
My dad and his family have left. It was nice to see them but nice to have the pad back to myself. I just ate a sleeping pill so hopefully I'll be able to get in a decent nap before work. I have to work some guy's shift tonight so he will work my Thursday. I hope the night goes by quickly.
Sweety and I had a conversation the other night and he considers the type of communication I do at work with my coworkers flirting. Look, it's one in the morning, I'm dinged out tired and bored. If I wanna throw a paperwad at someone there really is no sexual connotation involved. I told him it's something he'll just have to deal with while I'm in the land of the working. A place I will be for the next 2 effing years. We figured that if I continue to work til August of 2007 (when the lease on the Pilot is up) we can pay off all our bills, get my boobies done and get a pool. And I am really liking the idea of having a pool and a privacy fence. I figure I've already been at this place 3 and a half years. What's 2 more? I'll just have to make sure to never run out of paxil or xanax. And keep my fingers crossed that I don't piss anyone off and get canned.
Tiny dog Oy got her last set of shots today. She has now passed out from the exhaustion of it all. Do you know how much it is to get a dog spayed? 120 freaking dollars. Sheesh. I thought it was like 50 or 60. Sweety told me to ask them how much they'd lower the price if they did it while she was awake. That's why I love him. He is one sicko.
Oooohhhh weeeeee, the sleeping pill is kicking my ass.
Sweety and I had a conversation the other night and he considers the type of communication I do at work with my coworkers flirting. Look, it's one in the morning, I'm dinged out tired and bored. If I wanna throw a paperwad at someone there really is no sexual connotation involved. I told him it's something he'll just have to deal with while I'm in the land of the working. A place I will be for the next 2 effing years. We figured that if I continue to work til August of 2007 (when the lease on the Pilot is up) we can pay off all our bills, get my boobies done and get a pool. And I am really liking the idea of having a pool and a privacy fence. I figure I've already been at this place 3 and a half years. What's 2 more? I'll just have to make sure to never run out of paxil or xanax. And keep my fingers crossed that I don't piss anyone off and get canned.
Tiny dog Oy got her last set of shots today. She has now passed out from the exhaustion of it all. Do you know how much it is to get a dog spayed? 120 freaking dollars. Sheesh. I thought it was like 50 or 60. Sweety told me to ask them how much they'd lower the price if they did it while she was awake. That's why I love him. He is one sicko.
Oooohhhh weeeeee, the sleeping pill is kicking my ass.
Effed Up Dreams
I had a dream the yesterday that freaked me the fuck out and I can't get it out of my head. In it aliens had landed. At first they looked like little cute babies but they grew very fast. In the teenager phase the looked like Bekah's dog Prinny in this photo. But they didn't have hair. Same face though.
No wonder I felt so uneasy after I woke up yesterday.
No wonder I felt so uneasy after I woke up yesterday.
My Wednesday Night Fun
Sweety made a run to the beer store for me a few days ago. He was going to get some Patron tequila, which I think is the bomb, but they were out. The clerk told him they had a delivery that would be arriving shortly but he decided to buy another brand instead of wait. After seeing my reaction after having a shot he told me he would wait for the delivery truck next time. Later Sweety built a couple of body shots. He's okay with nasty tequila if he's sucking it out of my bellybutton.

And then after I was done with a couple of those I thought it would be okay to let tiny dog eat out of the sink and sniff the garbage disposal like she's been dying to.

That's our new countertop. I love it. And see the spout thing? It's also a pressure washer/tiny dog shower. We are really not totally unhygenic people.

And then after I was done with a couple of those I thought it would be okay to let tiny dog eat out of the sink and sniff the garbage disposal like she's been dying to.

That's our new countertop. I love it. And see the spout thing? It's also a pressure washer/tiny dog shower. We are really not totally unhygenic people.
I Just Feel Like Screaming
I've been feeling pretty crummy the past few days. I'm not sure why. Yesterday I was consumed with a feeling that something HORRIBLE was fixing to happen. I felt like crying but was too busy looking at the sky, waiting for it to fall on me, to bother. I'm not so jumpy today. Which is a good thing.
We're fixing to have houseguests. My Dad, Stepmom, her son and one of his friends. I may be kind of anxious about that. I'm a terrible hostess.
Breakfast? There's a McDonald's up the road.
Dinner? Well, we're having something that was frozen in a box.
I just got off the phone with my Dad and he is about 8 hours away. This means I will not see them before I go to work. So I can put off being around a bunch of people til tomorrow. This is a good thing also.
Wow, my day is looking good.
Things are getting scarce in the places I like to frequent in blogland. On hiatus Sarcastic Kitty, Bad Girl and there hasn't been a peep from Stuckfornow in awhile. And Suburban Dad poofed away also. Of course, knowing these folks aren't posting doesn't stop me from checking their sites like a dozen times a day to see if they're back. Though in BG's case, it kind of makes me feel good to see that she's not blogging over there. It seems kinda weird to me how one can worry/wonder about someone whose life you read about in little pieces.
I'm trying to find some new blogs to read. But it is hard. I am a creature of intense habit.
Stinky dog has to have a bath today before company lands. Yay. I may hog-tie her and do her nails too. She'd looove all the extra attention. Ha. Maybe I'll just let her be grubby. No, I can't do that. I swear the house gets dirtier faster if the dog is all grubbed out. Must make her tidy like the homestead.
I need to try and sleep some more before work but I feel too keyed up to close my eyes. I wish I knew why I was feeling this way.
We're fixing to have houseguests. My Dad, Stepmom, her son and one of his friends. I may be kind of anxious about that. I'm a terrible hostess.
Breakfast? There's a McDonald's up the road.
Dinner? Well, we're having something that was frozen in a box.
I just got off the phone with my Dad and he is about 8 hours away. This means I will not see them before I go to work. So I can put off being around a bunch of people til tomorrow. This is a good thing also.
Wow, my day is looking good.
Things are getting scarce in the places I like to frequent in blogland. On hiatus Sarcastic Kitty, Bad Girl and there hasn't been a peep from Stuckfornow in awhile. And Suburban Dad poofed away also. Of course, knowing these folks aren't posting doesn't stop me from checking their sites like a dozen times a day to see if they're back. Though in BG's case, it kind of makes me feel good to see that she's not blogging over there. It seems kinda weird to me how one can worry/wonder about someone whose life you read about in little pieces.
I'm trying to find some new blogs to read. But it is hard. I am a creature of intense habit.
Stinky dog has to have a bath today before company lands. Yay. I may hog-tie her and do her nails too. She'd looove all the extra attention. Ha. Maybe I'll just let her be grubby. No, I can't do that. I swear the house gets dirtier faster if the dog is all grubbed out. Must make her tidy like the homestead.
I need to try and sleep some more before work but I feel too keyed up to close my eyes. I wish I knew why I was feeling this way.
Question Regarding Toilet Paper Consumption!
Usually I don't pee in front of Sweety but for some reason tonight I did. Instead of him walking politely out while I patted the coochie dry he watched me unroll the toilet paper and was irked over the amount I used just for a dry job. So I counted them. 12 little double ply squares. I do not think this is an excessive amount. He says he wipes his ass with three. Okay. Whatever. I just like to make sure the job is done properly. I asked him if he'd rather it get all mildewy down there.
Ladies and Gentleman, if you don't mind me asking, how many squares do you use? I wanna know if I'm being wasteful or not.
Ladies and Gentleman, if you don't mind me asking, how many squares do you use? I wanna know if I'm being wasteful or not.
Tell Me Something I Didn't Know
Your money personality is: Binge Spender
The Binge Spender often has a budget and may be able to follow it for extended periods of time. However, binge spenders have periods in which they overspend. Binge spenders may rationalize their behavior in terms of rewarding themselves (e.g. "I have been working so hard lately that I deserve to splurge on myself"). Other times their overspending may function as a stress reliever in reaction to an emotional crisis. Some Binge Spenders report feeling powerless when the urge to shop or spend comes over them.
Binge spenders often have a large amount of credit card debt. When asked what they used their credit card for, Binge Spenders will often be unable to cite anything more specific than "stuff". They are often ashamed of their spending habits and sometimes will go to great lengths to hide them from loved ones. Guilt and disappointment are emotions that Binge Spenders may experience after buying something.
What Type of Spender are You?
Like I needed an online test to mock me.
The Binge Spender often has a budget and may be able to follow it for extended periods of time. However, binge spenders have periods in which they overspend. Binge spenders may rationalize their behavior in terms of rewarding themselves (e.g. "I have been working so hard lately that I deserve to splurge on myself"). Other times their overspending may function as a stress reliever in reaction to an emotional crisis. Some Binge Spenders report feeling powerless when the urge to shop or spend comes over them.
Binge spenders often have a large amount of credit card debt. When asked what they used their credit card for, Binge Spenders will often be unable to cite anything more specific than "stuff". They are often ashamed of their spending habits and sometimes will go to great lengths to hide them from loved ones. Guilt and disappointment are emotions that Binge Spenders may experience after buying something.
What Type of Spender are You?
Like I needed an online test to mock me.
9 Days til I Go on Vacation!
Weeee-ha! I can't wait to see my friends in Texas. We're staying 2 nights in TX then going to Oklahoma til July 3. We'll go to the fireworks show they have in the town I went to school in. I am so freaking ready to see my peeps and my family.
The dilemma of what to do with the canines has been solved. We'd kicked around the idea of having Sweety's sis watch them but I think my dogs would be totally freaked out being around her two dogs. Sweety had suggested having neighbor girl watch them but I had nixed the idea cause I didn't want to leave them home alone. But I realize they'd probably be more relaxed if left at home than at someone else's house having to fight to keep from being used as fuck-dolls by the resident dogs. So they shall stay here. Neighbor girl has assured me she will come over many times during the day and she will take the dogs outside so they can just hang out. And (here's the best part) she's gonna wash stinky dog for me before I get home. The only thing better than coming home to a clean house is coming home to a clean dog. And the pay I offered was less than what tiny dog's airplane ticket was going to be. So using my math, I've made money. When the boys heard how much I was paying they offered to stay home instead of going on vacation so they could make some money. Maybe next year...
We got an estimate for a pool. Right at 20 grand. Add another 6 if we put a hot tub-spa thing on it. I don't know what we're gonna do. It would be nice to have a pool and a privacy fence though. I'd run naked all the damn time. People would never even see me in the front yard.
I took the boys to the dollar movie theater today and we watched Because of Winn Dixie. It was alright. An easy way to kill 2 hours without having anyone bug me with "we're soooo bored. what have you got that we can dooooo?" The only bad thing was that today was 50 cent day so the theaters were packed with daycare kids and preschoolers. I felt like I got my money's worth though. Tomorrow we are going to go and watch The Pacifier. I'd almost rather rub my eyes out with my cheese grater but it is better than having to fend off the Monopoly game.
Ah, I hear the troops fussing. The voices of angels. I guess I'll go help Sweety parent. Or just lend some moral support.
The dilemma of what to do with the canines has been solved. We'd kicked around the idea of having Sweety's sis watch them but I think my dogs would be totally freaked out being around her two dogs. Sweety had suggested having neighbor girl watch them but I had nixed the idea cause I didn't want to leave them home alone. But I realize they'd probably be more relaxed if left at home than at someone else's house having to fight to keep from being used as fuck-dolls by the resident dogs. So they shall stay here. Neighbor girl has assured me she will come over many times during the day and she will take the dogs outside so they can just hang out. And (here's the best part) she's gonna wash stinky dog for me before I get home. The only thing better than coming home to a clean house is coming home to a clean dog. And the pay I offered was less than what tiny dog's airplane ticket was going to be. So using my math, I've made money. When the boys heard how much I was paying they offered to stay home instead of going on vacation so they could make some money. Maybe next year...
We got an estimate for a pool. Right at 20 grand. Add another 6 if we put a hot tub-spa thing on it. I don't know what we're gonna do. It would be nice to have a pool and a privacy fence though. I'd run naked all the damn time. People would never even see me in the front yard.
I took the boys to the dollar movie theater today and we watched Because of Winn Dixie. It was alright. An easy way to kill 2 hours without having anyone bug me with "we're soooo bored. what have you got that we can dooooo?" The only bad thing was that today was 50 cent day so the theaters were packed with daycare kids and preschoolers. I felt like I got my money's worth though. Tomorrow we are going to go and watch The Pacifier. I'd almost rather rub my eyes out with my cheese grater but it is better than having to fend off the Monopoly game.
Ah, I hear the troops fussing. The voices of angels. I guess I'll go help Sweety parent. Or just lend some moral support.
Thank Goodness for Earplugs
I love the sounds of a lawn being mowed. Really I do. I don't hold it against my neighbors that I work some fucked up schedule. I understand that they need to mow when I'm sleeping. Maybe I'll do some weed-eating this morning at 2:35 a.m. At least I have some very good earplugs. Just kinda makes it white noise.
This morning I think I found something that will make my back pain tolerable. It was killing me when I got home from work so I ate a xanax. I don't know if the pill made the pain go away but it did make me pass out and when I woke up it wasn't so bad. Usually when it hurts like this I can't even sleep. Viva la xanax! My doc gave them to me for anxiety but I don't take them as often as he says to cause I'd be a zombie. Maybe I will save them just for this.
I just loaded up my little pill divider so I will hopefully remember to take the pills that I should every day. I even threw my birth control one's in there so I shouldn't forget.
Man, tiny dog Oy is such a grouchy little bitch. Stinky dog Tasha is trying to sleep but it's kinda hard with a yapping little bit o' nothing in her ear. I may put Oy in her room so Tasha can have some peace.
Last night at work I put my new purse in a place where I could look at it and pet it unnoticed. It pleases me so. I see women who carry purses that are patterned and stuff but I just don't have enough fashion sense for anything other than black. Though I may go get this purse in a dark brown also, just for when I'm feeling frisky.
We won a watch case for Sweety on ebay. He's got like 4 or 5 watches and some of them are the selfwinding kind. So this thing will shake up to 4 watches and keep them charged up. We'd seen a watch case like this and it was over a freaking thousand dollars. Puh-leeze. I sniped this one off ebay for 76. I hope it's not total crap. Sweety'd never bid on anything before. He got very excited while I was trying to outbid someone else.
I think I'll cram my earplugs in and go post elsewhere.
This morning I think I found something that will make my back pain tolerable. It was killing me when I got home from work so I ate a xanax. I don't know if the pill made the pain go away but it did make me pass out and when I woke up it wasn't so bad. Usually when it hurts like this I can't even sleep. Viva la xanax! My doc gave them to me for anxiety but I don't take them as often as he says to cause I'd be a zombie. Maybe I will save them just for this.
I just loaded up my little pill divider so I will hopefully remember to take the pills that I should every day. I even threw my birth control one's in there so I shouldn't forget.
Man, tiny dog Oy is such a grouchy little bitch. Stinky dog Tasha is trying to sleep but it's kinda hard with a yapping little bit o' nothing in her ear. I may put Oy in her room so Tasha can have some peace.
Last night at work I put my new purse in a place where I could look at it and pet it unnoticed. It pleases me so. I see women who carry purses that are patterned and stuff but I just don't have enough fashion sense for anything other than black. Though I may go get this purse in a dark brown also, just for when I'm feeling frisky.
We won a watch case for Sweety on ebay. He's got like 4 or 5 watches and some of them are the selfwinding kind. So this thing will shake up to 4 watches and keep them charged up. We'd seen a watch case like this and it was over a freaking thousand dollars. Puh-leeze. I sniped this one off ebay for 76. I hope it's not total crap. Sweety'd never bid on anything before. He got very excited while I was trying to outbid someone else.
I think I'll cram my earplugs in and go post elsewhere.
I'm Not Evil, Really
![]() | You scored as agnosticism. You are an agnostic. Though it is generally taken that agnostics neither believe nor disbelieve in God, it is possible to be a theist or atheist in addition to an agnostic. Agnostics don't believe it is possible to prove the existence of God (nor lack thereof). Agnosticism is a philosophy that God's existence cannot be proven. Some say it is possible to be agnostic and follow a religion; however, one cannot be a devout believer if he or she does not truly believe.
Which religion is the right one for you? (new version) created with |
I wonder what it means that Satanism came in second? I don't sacrifice animals. I mean, I make my little jokes but I never would.
And Just When I Thought It Couldn't Get Any Better
Sweety went to Subway for our usual Sunday lunch. And instead brought me back chinese food. He is effing great. I adore him. I am full like a tick and need a nap before work now.
Wanna See My Stuff?
Yesterday was a good one. Went and watched Mr. & Mrs. Smith. It was okay. I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it as much if Angelina Jolie wasn't in it to ogle. And the fact that there were 3 fresh babies in the audience squawling at random times did nothing for the ambiance either. And the power also went off during the movie so we all had to sit there and wait for the show to start back up. Geez, I guess if I think about it, it was kind of a sucky movie going experience.
Then afterwards we piddled around the mall. Sweety got me a book.
I read it awhile back and wanted to get it and when I saw this edition I about peed on myself I got so excited. I carried it around the bookstore with me (it was the last one they had) but then got some early buyer's remorse and put it back on the shelf. He saw me do that and went back and got it. It's a really neat book. It has pictures of a lot of the places and pictures that are referred to in the story.
And then I got a new purse. It's actual real dead animal hide: leather!
See, one side for the crap I MUST NOT lose.
And the other side for my phone and keys and stuff.
It's small so I can't overfill it with trash. I freaking love it. My old one was falling apart. I've never had a nice purse before. I've always carried the same style of purse, small and black, but they have always been purchased on sale at wallyworld (except for one year when I went high-class and got one at target) And then I'll carry it until it is literally falling apart and is an embarrassment to open with a store clerk looking at it. While you may not be interested in a purse that can be purchased at any Dillard's this was quite the event for me. I will probably carry this one until I die.
And while I was snooping around the bookstore Sweety went to Godiva's and got two huge chocolate covered strawberries. Yum-freaking-ee.
Oy liked the empty bag.
On the drive home I had to fill up my new purse. I carried it around the house naked for quite awhile. I didn't want anything to distract from it while I preened carrying it in front of the mirror.
We had a nice quiet night watching the telly. I'm really liking this cable on demand stuff. I've managed to watch all the Penn & Teller Bullshit shows. Quite entertaining.
I've decided to not turn in the FMLA form that I got from work. I don't like going to the doctor and I'd never been to the doctor about my back hurting. I know it's being caused by my breasts and gravity. On the FMLA form you have to sign something saying that you give work permission to view your medical charts. And I don't wanna do that. If I'd been going to the doc's and getting treatment I might not mind but I don't think they need to see that my doctor has me on xanax and paxil cause I dread going to work so much. The whole reason I started the FMLA process was because it was suggested to me by a higher up at work. I'm just going to tell them I'm not sending the form back and why. And I'll also tell them I'm so not faking the back hurting and if they'd like to see how we're refinancing the house to help pay for it I'm okay with that.
Then afterwards we piddled around the mall. Sweety got me a book.

And then I got a new purse. It's actual real dead animal hide: leather!

See, one side for the crap I MUST NOT lose.

And the other side for my phone and keys and stuff.
It's small so I can't overfill it with trash. I freaking love it. My old one was falling apart. I've never had a nice purse before. I've always carried the same style of purse, small and black, but they have always been purchased on sale at wallyworld (except for one year when I went high-class and got one at target) And then I'll carry it until it is literally falling apart and is an embarrassment to open with a store clerk looking at it. While you may not be interested in a purse that can be purchased at any Dillard's this was quite the event for me. I will probably carry this one until I die.
And while I was snooping around the bookstore Sweety went to Godiva's and got two huge chocolate covered strawberries. Yum-freaking-ee.

On the drive home I had to fill up my new purse. I carried it around the house naked for quite awhile. I didn't want anything to distract from it while I preened carrying it in front of the mirror.
We had a nice quiet night watching the telly. I'm really liking this cable on demand stuff. I've managed to watch all the Penn & Teller Bullshit shows. Quite entertaining.
I've decided to not turn in the FMLA form that I got from work. I don't like going to the doctor and I'd never been to the doctor about my back hurting. I know it's being caused by my breasts and gravity. On the FMLA form you have to sign something saying that you give work permission to view your medical charts. And I don't wanna do that. If I'd been going to the doc's and getting treatment I might not mind but I don't think they need to see that my doctor has me on xanax and paxil cause I dread going to work so much. The whole reason I started the FMLA process was because it was suggested to me by a higher up at work. I'm just going to tell them I'm not sending the form back and why. And I'll also tell them I'm so not faking the back hurting and if they'd like to see how we're refinancing the house to help pay for it I'm okay with that.
How to Kill "The Mood"
On Tuesday night, our first night at the hotel I thought maybe I'd surprise Sweety. So I put on one of my favorite outfits, told him and the sprogs goodnight and went upstairs to watch t.v. and wait for him. I was hiding under the covers so he couldn't see that I was all dressed up. I'm watching Who's Line is it Anyway?, just amusing myself cause this is something I don't usually watch at home when Sweety comes up and changes the channel.
Changes it to the Brad Pitt interview that Diane Sawyer did where the were in Africa showing all the starving underprivileged kids. I know that this sort of stuff is going on but I didn't feel like watching it. I tried to get him to change the channel to no avail. He kept thinking they were gonna show Angelina Jolie at some point and he wanted to stare at her. Dorkwad.
Anyhoo, after about an hour of this show I start taking off my "costume" and toss it back in the suitcase. Sweety is shocked. Wants to know what I've got on and what I'm planning. I told him I started off with good intentions but after being forced to watch the program on t.v. I felt guilty for not being hungry and certainly was too distraught for any bedroom olympics. It didn't feel right to look at kids with flies skating on their eyeballs when I was wearing a corset top and silky shorts.
We did get lots of good sleep on our mini-vacation.
Changes it to the Brad Pitt interview that Diane Sawyer did where the were in Africa showing all the starving underprivileged kids. I know that this sort of stuff is going on but I didn't feel like watching it. I tried to get him to change the channel to no avail. He kept thinking they were gonna show Angelina Jolie at some point and he wanted to stare at her. Dorkwad.
Anyhoo, after about an hour of this show I start taking off my "costume" and toss it back in the suitcase. Sweety is shocked. Wants to know what I've got on and what I'm planning. I told him I started off with good intentions but after being forced to watch the program on t.v. I felt guilty for not being hungry and certainly was too distraught for any bedroom olympics. It didn't feel right to look at kids with flies skating on their eyeballs when I was wearing a corset top and silky shorts.
We did get lots of good sleep on our mini-vacation.
If You Dress Your Dog
Check out the Oy-meister!
Her new shirts arrived just before we left for Tampa so she was pimpin' while she was on vacation.
Here she is modeling nicely.
And here she is sick of sitting on the chair and is thinking of jumping to her death.
I got these from FuFuFashions. I've never bought anything from the site I use Ebay instead. Cheaper. And if you wanna buy lots of little dog clothes and try to hide the cost from your significant other, every cent counts :) If you go to the website and look at the "friends" page stinky and tiny dog are there as well as my old dog, Chi Chi. They are on pages 1 and 9. Chi Chi is the bitchy dog that I owned before that couldn't keep her tongue in her mouth. It just goes to prove that teeth are important. It pleases me to see them up on someone else's website. I'm being a weirdo for my dogs. I'm sure they'd love to see themselves on the big screen.
I freaking love these clothes. You send in the measurements of your dog so the stuff will fit right. I'm gonna wait til Oy is fully grown before I order anything else. She'd outgrown all of her old stuff so new shirts were a necessity. I get such a chuckle out of seeing Oy dressed. And you know that's what tiny dog lives for. To amuse me.
Her new shirts arrived just before we left for Tampa so she was pimpin' while she was on vacation.

I got these from FuFuFashions. I've never bought anything from the site I use Ebay instead. Cheaper. And if you wanna buy lots of little dog clothes and try to hide the cost from your significant other, every cent counts :) If you go to the website and look at the "friends" page stinky and tiny dog are there as well as my old dog, Chi Chi. They are on pages 1 and 9. Chi Chi is the bitchy dog that I owned before that couldn't keep her tongue in her mouth. It just goes to prove that teeth are important. It pleases me to see them up on someone else's website. I'm being a weirdo for my dogs. I'm sure they'd love to see themselves on the big screen.
I freaking love these clothes. You send in the measurements of your dog so the stuff will fit right. I'm gonna wait til Oy is fully grown before I order anything else. She'd outgrown all of her old stuff so new shirts were a necessity. I get such a chuckle out of seeing Oy dressed. And you know that's what tiny dog lives for. To amuse me.
It was a nice little trip away but I am glad it is over and I am home alone.
I did see two neato things in Tampa. The first was a fairy ring. It had big flat toadstooly looking things and rounded mushrooms. The second was a mama duck and her 5 babies trapped in the hotel pool. She got them in there then the ducklings couldn't climb out so someone put a towel in the water and they escaped by climbing up it. It was quite an exciting thing to watch. You don't encounter a life or death situation every day, you know?
The past 3 days I taught the boys a lot. What an enema is - we were watching something on national geographic where it was mentioned so I used it as a learning opportunity. What a fairy ring is - no, not a lawn nuisance. A place where a bunch of fairies threw a party the night before. And we invented an imaginary friend while we were at dinner - his name is Bob and he's a compulsive hand washer and spent a lot of time at the bar. I am trying to do my part to make the boys well rounded individuals.
I damn near let tiny dog Oy kill herself at the hotel. She was locked in the bathroom with just her collar on and I guess it's just loose enough that if she bends her head way down she can get it into her mouth like a horse bit. Then she can't get it out. When we got back to the room from eating breakfast she was freaking out and her tongue was an odd color. I am so glad she didn't smothercate. I would be horribly traumatized if my dog died because of the collar I put on her. Until she grows, she's only wearing it when she goes out. She's kinda between sizes on the collar right now.
The trip home should have only taken 2 hours but due to a wonderful traffic snarl-up it took 3 hours and 45 minutes. If the kiddos hadn't have been with me I would've pulled over on the side of the road for a nap and waited for it to clear up.
Sweety had to leave as soon as I got home this morning. I can't wait to see him this weekend. We don't have the kids and the house is reasonably tidy. So I can just be slothful around the house with him and not feel guilty about it. I think we'll go watch Mr. & Mrs. Smith so I can check out my girl. Mmmmm. And I see in the previews she's wearing a leather outfit. Rowr.
I'm gonna go bathe my funky self and then wad up in the bed!
I did see two neato things in Tampa. The first was a fairy ring. It had big flat toadstooly looking things and rounded mushrooms. The second was a mama duck and her 5 babies trapped in the hotel pool. She got them in there then the ducklings couldn't climb out so someone put a towel in the water and they escaped by climbing up it. It was quite an exciting thing to watch. You don't encounter a life or death situation every day, you know?
The past 3 days I taught the boys a lot. What an enema is - we were watching something on national geographic where it was mentioned so I used it as a learning opportunity. What a fairy ring is - no, not a lawn nuisance. A place where a bunch of fairies threw a party the night before. And we invented an imaginary friend while we were at dinner - his name is Bob and he's a compulsive hand washer and spent a lot of time at the bar. I am trying to do my part to make the boys well rounded individuals.
I damn near let tiny dog Oy kill herself at the hotel. She was locked in the bathroom with just her collar on and I guess it's just loose enough that if she bends her head way down she can get it into her mouth like a horse bit. Then she can't get it out. When we got back to the room from eating breakfast she was freaking out and her tongue was an odd color. I am so glad she didn't smothercate. I would be horribly traumatized if my dog died because of the collar I put on her. Until she grows, she's only wearing it when she goes out. She's kinda between sizes on the collar right now.
The trip home should have only taken 2 hours but due to a wonderful traffic snarl-up it took 3 hours and 45 minutes. If the kiddos hadn't have been with me I would've pulled over on the side of the road for a nap and waited for it to clear up.
Sweety had to leave as soon as I got home this morning. I can't wait to see him this weekend. We don't have the kids and the house is reasonably tidy. So I can just be slothful around the house with him and not feel guilty about it. I think we'll go watch Mr. & Mrs. Smith so I can check out my girl. Mmmmm. And I see in the previews she's wearing a leather outfit. Rowr.
I'm gonna go bathe my funky self and then wad up in the bed!
Sweety'll Kill Me if He Sees This
We're going to go hang out in a hotel for the next couple of days. Which means no freaking internet for me. AAAAAgggh! Will I survive? Surely. But you never know.
Unfortunately, stinky dog is over the weight limit so she can't go to the hotel with us. I'm gonna have the neighbor girl come over about every 4 hours to keep her company. I hope she doesn't bark a lot and bug our other neighbor. I'm gonna get the "quiet room" (bathroom with the exhaust fan) ready and let neighbor girl know if she hears her howling too much to poke her in there. I hope stinky dog just enjoys the peace and quiet on the couch.
As my parting gesture I shall share some photos of Sweety acting like a weirdo. Cause if I don't have internet access neither does he. So I can take these down when I get home. Hee hee hee.
Editors Note: It's now June 9. I made it home back to my lovely computer, Raoul. So now the photos of Sweety must go to photo heaven. Amen.
Unfortunately, stinky dog is over the weight limit so she can't go to the hotel with us. I'm gonna have the neighbor girl come over about every 4 hours to keep her company. I hope she doesn't bark a lot and bug our other neighbor. I'm gonna get the "quiet room" (bathroom with the exhaust fan) ready and let neighbor girl know if she hears her howling too much to poke her in there. I hope stinky dog just enjoys the peace and quiet on the couch.
As my parting gesture I shall share some photos of Sweety acting like a weirdo. Cause if I don't have internet access neither does he. So I can take these down when I get home. Hee hee hee.
Editors Note: It's now June 9. I made it home back to my lovely computer, Raoul. So now the photos of Sweety must go to photo heaven. Amen.
My Issues
I came home from work early last night. I just had this "itchy" feeling and I could not sit in my chair for one more second. I thought I was gonna scream. On the way home I was talking to one of my friends and she said she could hear that "edge" to my voice and asked if I was still eating paxil to help me hang on. Actually no. But I have decided to start taking it again. I'd thought that with Sylvie leaving and with doing something in a different area at work that I would be stressless enough so that I wouldn't need those tasty little pills. I guess I was wrong. I think I'll continue taking it at least til I'm no longer working at this place. Sweety, who was so against me taking any kind of meds to begin with, asked me the other day if I'd quit taking them cause he could tell. Geez, and I thought a bitchy nutjob of a wife was a novelty to have...
And I have so gotta get this skin picking thing ENDED. The last thing I need is to go on vacation and have my Mom harp on little pick marks. The paxil also seemed to help with that. Maybe it will also help with the emotional eating thing. I don't think it's normal to eat 6 pieces of garlic toast while sucking down a 1/2 bottle of whiskey. That sort of thing isn't an every day occurrence, but it would probably be a good idea to squash it before it gets outta hand. I don't want to wake up under the boardwalk with only stinky dog for company a few years from now.
I wish I could just hide out in the bed for a couple of weeks. Get my house all sparkly and smelling good and just hibernate.
There. I just snorted a paxil. I feel better. Maybe I'll figure out how to smoke it too.
And I have so gotta get this skin picking thing ENDED. The last thing I need is to go on vacation and have my Mom harp on little pick marks. The paxil also seemed to help with that. Maybe it will also help with the emotional eating thing. I don't think it's normal to eat 6 pieces of garlic toast while sucking down a 1/2 bottle of whiskey. That sort of thing isn't an every day occurrence, but it would probably be a good idea to squash it before it gets outta hand. I don't want to wake up under the boardwalk with only stinky dog for company a few years from now.
I wish I could just hide out in the bed for a couple of weeks. Get my house all sparkly and smelling good and just hibernate.
There. I just snorted a paxil. I feel better. Maybe I'll figure out how to smoke it too.
Breast Milk, Anyone?
I'm laughing my ass off here. Over at casa Mr. Nice Guy he has detailed his experience with the tasting of breast milk.
I know if I ever lactated I'd probably want to check it out before the bundle of joy did. Just cause I'm nosy that way.
What a nice belly laugh to have before my nap. I wonder what kind of dreams this will induce.
I know if I ever lactated I'd probably want to check it out before the bundle of joy did. Just cause I'm nosy that way.
What a nice belly laugh to have before my nap. I wonder what kind of dreams this will induce.
Half Empty Glasses
I am such a freaking worrywart. I don't think I ever see the positive in something. My theory has always been expect the worst and then if it doesn't happen, "yay for me!"
My sister hasn't been answering her phone for almost a week now. I tried to leave a message for her and Sylvie today but it said her voicemail was full. This either means that she's just being a lazy ass and her phone battery is dead and she's lost the charger or something happened and her new husband is insane and he has stuffed her and Sylvie's bodies into a trunk somewhere. And I haven't been able to get ahold of my Mom on the phone for a few days. So I've decided maybe sis's new husband took out my Mom and Stepdad too. Of course, when I do finally talk to them I won't tell them the thoughts that have been gnawing at me.
Tiny dog's vet visit went okay. It ended up costing almost $100 instead of $29 but she's being started on flea stuff and heartworm meds and I got her city rabies tag. I don't feel like I was gouged by the vet's office. She now weighs 3.06 pounds. She's turning into a real big one, eh? Tiny dog is officially not going on vacation with us. I'm going to take the money it would've cost to get her ticket and pay Sweety's sister to babysit her and stinky dog. His sister has a bassett hound and a chihuahua too. I may put tiny and stinky in diapers to help prevent a gang rape in case the other dogs corner them.
Took my FMLA form to my doctor to fill out. The nurse was telling me that insurance probably wouldn't cover it so I told her again in very slow english that I wasn't planning on it paying for it. They now know I'm just filing the FMLA form basically because I was told to.
Sweety cancelled having someone come out to see about putting a pool in. I think instead we'll get an aboveground pool that we can put up and down in the summer. The plan now is to take this extra money and pay off his car, fix my boobs, pay off all credit cards and while I'm working I'm gonna have my check deposited into his account so maybe we can accumulate some more things around here. And with his car paid off I would have the option of quitting my job without us only getting to eat every other day. I think once my credit card is paid off I'm going to dice it up and bake it in a cake. Then I'm going to eat it. As punishment.
We're going to Tampa for a couple of days tomorrow. Sweety has to do some job related stuff there and me and the boys and tiny dog will hang out at the hotel and float around in their pool. We'd talked about going to a theme park but I really don't wanna. To effing hot. I told Sweety I'll pack some board games and cards and the boys' video game and we'll just mosey around the hotel. I bet I play enough Monopoly to make my eyes bleed. Maybe I will "accidentally" forget to bring it...
My sister hasn't been answering her phone for almost a week now. I tried to leave a message for her and Sylvie today but it said her voicemail was full. This either means that she's just being a lazy ass and her phone battery is dead and she's lost the charger or something happened and her new husband is insane and he has stuffed her and Sylvie's bodies into a trunk somewhere. And I haven't been able to get ahold of my Mom on the phone for a few days. So I've decided maybe sis's new husband took out my Mom and Stepdad too. Of course, when I do finally talk to them I won't tell them the thoughts that have been gnawing at me.
Tiny dog's vet visit went okay. It ended up costing almost $100 instead of $29 but she's being started on flea stuff and heartworm meds and I got her city rabies tag. I don't feel like I was gouged by the vet's office. She now weighs 3.06 pounds. She's turning into a real big one, eh? Tiny dog is officially not going on vacation with us. I'm going to take the money it would've cost to get her ticket and pay Sweety's sister to babysit her and stinky dog. His sister has a bassett hound and a chihuahua too. I may put tiny and stinky in diapers to help prevent a gang rape in case the other dogs corner them.
Took my FMLA form to my doctor to fill out. The nurse was telling me that insurance probably wouldn't cover it so I told her again in very slow english that I wasn't planning on it paying for it. They now know I'm just filing the FMLA form basically because I was told to.
Sweety cancelled having someone come out to see about putting a pool in. I think instead we'll get an aboveground pool that we can put up and down in the summer. The plan now is to take this extra money and pay off his car, fix my boobs, pay off all credit cards and while I'm working I'm gonna have my check deposited into his account so maybe we can accumulate some more things around here. And with his car paid off I would have the option of quitting my job without us only getting to eat every other day. I think once my credit card is paid off I'm going to dice it up and bake it in a cake. Then I'm going to eat it. As punishment.
We're going to Tampa for a couple of days tomorrow. Sweety has to do some job related stuff there and me and the boys and tiny dog will hang out at the hotel and float around in their pool. We'd talked about going to a theme park but I really don't wanna. To effing hot. I told Sweety I'll pack some board games and cards and the boys' video game and we'll just mosey around the hotel. I bet I play enough Monopoly to make my eyes bleed. Maybe I will "accidentally" forget to bring it...
"mom sucking stepsons cock" this is one of the search phrases that has led someone here. I am so sorry, but this is probably not what was being seeked out.
How surprising that was to see.
How surprising that was to see.
It's Rainy, Yay!
Do you know what this means? I don't have to go to some freaking car race. Woo hoo! Instead I will be cooped up with three males and 2 dogs and will listen to everyone build up to a cabin-feverish outburst.
LB has a knot the size of an egg on his head. Him and BB were goofing around and I think he whacked up against the couch or coffee table.
The Team America movie was all I had hoped for and then some. It got pretty good after we'd had a couple of drinks. I think alcohol is needed to make it all the way through the movie. We rewound it to watch the puppet sex scene twice. And the part where the North Korean president sings "I'm So Ronery (Lonely)" was viewed 3 or 4 times. Doesn't take a lot to amuse us on a Friday night.
I managed to pick my fake nails off this morning and get some new ones installed. And the nail tech didn't injure me or glue my fingers together. I must be lucky today. After getting my nails done I had my eyebrows done by a professional. They're kinda skinny now but at least they look groomed. I can keep 'em neat but I'm no good at shaping them.
We just had some kick ass cheeseburgers and fries for dinner. They are frozen patties but they are awesome. And the best part is there are 2 still in the freezer so me and Sweety can gorge later after the sprogs are nestled in their beds. They should taste even better with beer and a mixed drink.
Sweety cleaned the icebox today. He is so brave. It went through 3 power outage hurricanes last year and this is the first cleansing it's had. I hate to clean the refrigerator out and it had finally gotten bad enough that we couldn't take it anymore. I told him I was gonna do it on my day off but he did it when I went to run errands. We found something clinging to the bottom of one of the shelves. With my cursory first inspection I thought it was some type of alien pod and was trying to decide where to put it while I waited for it to hatch. Then we realized it was a mummified, shrunken squash.
I think I may go take a nap so I'll have some energy to smack Sweety around later.
LB has a knot the size of an egg on his head. Him and BB were goofing around and I think he whacked up against the couch or coffee table.
The Team America movie was all I had hoped for and then some. It got pretty good after we'd had a couple of drinks. I think alcohol is needed to make it all the way through the movie. We rewound it to watch the puppet sex scene twice. And the part where the North Korean president sings "I'm So Ronery (Lonely)" was viewed 3 or 4 times. Doesn't take a lot to amuse us on a Friday night.
I managed to pick my fake nails off this morning and get some new ones installed. And the nail tech didn't injure me or glue my fingers together. I must be lucky today. After getting my nails done I had my eyebrows done by a professional. They're kinda skinny now but at least they look groomed. I can keep 'em neat but I'm no good at shaping them.
We just had some kick ass cheeseburgers and fries for dinner. They are frozen patties but they are awesome. And the best part is there are 2 still in the freezer so me and Sweety can gorge later after the sprogs are nestled in their beds. They should taste even better with beer and a mixed drink.
Sweety cleaned the icebox today. He is so brave. It went through 3 power outage hurricanes last year and this is the first cleansing it's had. I hate to clean the refrigerator out and it had finally gotten bad enough that we couldn't take it anymore. I told him I was gonna do it on my day off but he did it when I went to run errands. We found something clinging to the bottom of one of the shelves. With my cursory first inspection I thought it was some type of alien pod and was trying to decide where to put it while I waited for it to hatch. Then we realized it was a mummified, shrunken squash.
I think I may go take a nap so I'll have some energy to smack Sweety around later.
Hmmph. Spoil My Fun, Will Ya?
Well, I had a really nice idea for a post in my head. Last night Sweety had his very first shot of whiskey. And I documented it with photos. They were great. I captured his essence quite well if I say so myself. And the dork erased them. Fucker. So, in their place I present tiny dog.

I think she's cuter today anyway.

I think she's cuter today anyway.
Mental Note to Self
Even though Sweety is aware of my borderline stalkerish infatuation with Angelina Jolie it is probably not going to make him feel good to hear me say, upon hearing her voice on the television, "I would so like to fuck her silly. Rewind that so I can look at her."
Tomorrow I will start being a kinder, gentler Chickie with more consideration for the feelings of others.
Yeah. Right.
He knows he loves my freaky self.
Tomorrow I will start being a kinder, gentler Chickie with more consideration for the feelings of others.
Yeah. Right.
He knows he loves my freaky self.
Home On A Friday
Well. I should be at work but I'm not.
To celebrate I went and bought a bottle of Jack Daniels (something I haven't bought in probably 7 or 8 years) cause last night while at work I suddenly had the taste of it in my mouth. I think it was my body's way of telling me it needed some vital nutrient that JD has. And we rented the Team America movie, fucking marionettes anyone? I can't wait to see a puppet penis. And we got dinner from Burger King and Wendy's. I'm all set to watch some total popcorn for the brain and hopefully talk Sweety into playing some rummy later. Keeping my fingers crossed.
We are kicking around the idea of paying off all the bills and then me staying at home. This would entail me not having my own money anymore. I don't know if I'm ready for that yet but it would be soooooo effing nice to be able to stay at home and keep the pad tidy. Sweety said the trade off would be I'd have to find a girl to bring home every two weeks. He better be careful what he wishes for.
I've got tiny dog's crate in the bedroom right now and she's going in there and getting her food out and bringing it over to stinky dog. Either she's a really nice little animal or stinky dog kicks her ass when I'm not around in exchange for treats. Weird pets. Sweety said the reason tiny is so crazy is cause I talk to her like she's a nutball. I like to use my crackhead monkey voice when I'm loving on her. High pitched squealy voice while throwing my hands all over the place. She goes bonkers when she sees me get going but she doesn't act nuts like that for Sweety. I like it when she acts insane. I will continue to nurture that side of her.
To celebrate I went and bought a bottle of Jack Daniels (something I haven't bought in probably 7 or 8 years) cause last night while at work I suddenly had the taste of it in my mouth. I think it was my body's way of telling me it needed some vital nutrient that JD has. And we rented the Team America movie, fucking marionettes anyone? I can't wait to see a puppet penis. And we got dinner from Burger King and Wendy's. I'm all set to watch some total popcorn for the brain and hopefully talk Sweety into playing some rummy later. Keeping my fingers crossed.
We are kicking around the idea of paying off all the bills and then me staying at home. This would entail me not having my own money anymore. I don't know if I'm ready for that yet but it would be soooooo effing nice to be able to stay at home and keep the pad tidy. Sweety said the trade off would be I'd have to find a girl to bring home every two weeks. He better be careful what he wishes for.
I've got tiny dog's crate in the bedroom right now and she's going in there and getting her food out and bringing it over to stinky dog. Either she's a really nice little animal or stinky dog kicks her ass when I'm not around in exchange for treats. Weird pets. Sweety said the reason tiny is so crazy is cause I talk to her like she's a nutball. I like to use my crackhead monkey voice when I'm loving on her. High pitched squealy voice while throwing my hands all over the place. She goes bonkers when she sees me get going but she doesn't act nuts like that for Sweety. I like it when she acts insane. I will continue to nurture that side of her.
Tiny Dog's Getting Legal
I got tiny dog, Oy towards the end of March. I was supposed to take her for her second vet's visit a month from then. That was about 2 months ago. I am such a procrastinator. I finally have an appointment scheduled for Monday. I hope I don't get to the vet's office and they decide to stick me with some charges that haven't been disclosed.
Oh lovely. I just had to take a bread wrapper tie thingy away from her. Surely she will not choke and die on some unidentified object before Monday.
It is still in question whether or not tiny dog will go on vacation with us. It's gonna cost $200 to tote her on the plane but I'd probably spend at least 100 if I have someone watch her and then I'd be worried about her the whole time I was on vacation. Isn't my peace of mind worth an extra 100? And Sweety is completely embarrassed by the idea of me taking a dog on the plane. He thinks she's going to freak out and disturb others. I disagree. I told him we can board the plane separately so people won't know he's with the stupid bitch with the yelping dog.
And I've already told my friends about her and my Mom wants to meet her. I think she'd have fun in Oklahoma. I'm dying to see if she likes to swim but I don't want to toss her in any alligator infested Florida waters so OK would be her chance to check it out. Man, if Sweety reads this the dog is probably gonna have to stay here.
Oh lovely. I just had to take a bread wrapper tie thingy away from her. Surely she will not choke and die on some unidentified object before Monday.
It is still in question whether or not tiny dog will go on vacation with us. It's gonna cost $200 to tote her on the plane but I'd probably spend at least 100 if I have someone watch her and then I'd be worried about her the whole time I was on vacation. Isn't my peace of mind worth an extra 100? And Sweety is completely embarrassed by the idea of me taking a dog on the plane. He thinks she's going to freak out and disturb others. I disagree. I told him we can board the plane separately so people won't know he's with the stupid bitch with the yelping dog.
And I've already told my friends about her and my Mom wants to meet her. I think she'd have fun in Oklahoma. I'm dying to see if she likes to swim but I don't want to toss her in any alligator infested Florida waters so OK would be her chance to check it out. Man, if Sweety reads this the dog is probably gonna have to stay here.
Getting to Know Your Neighbor
I just found this over at Middle-Aged Man. I know it was originally posted by him on May 9 but I just found it and I feel like sharing.
What you are supposed to do is copy this entire post and paste it here in the comments or your site. Change all the answers so they apply to you. If you put it on your site put a link back to my site. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little things about your friends, if you did not know them already.
1. What time did you get up this morning? 11:50 AM
2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds. Shiny is GOOD.
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Madagascar
4. What is your favorite TV show? Desperate Housewives
5. What did you have for breakfast? Baked asparagus, squash and garlic when I got in at 2:30 a.m. Fixing to have corn on the cob and a Coke now. Not sure which one you'd call breakfast.
6. What is your middle name? Jean
7. Favorite cuisine? Korean food! Bring me the kimchi! And kim bap rolls!
8. What foods do you dislike? Eggs and tomatoes
9. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Chunky Monkey
10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Matchbox 20
11. What kind of car do you drive? An Esuvee
12. Favorite sandwich? Sonic cheeseburger
13. What characteristic do you despise? Lying
14. Favorite item of clothing? My men's robes
15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Korea and take my Mom
16. What color is your bathroom? White
17. Favorite brand of clothing? Not too particular here. I like the blue light specials at wallyworld.
18. Where would you retire to? Oklahoma
19. Favorite time of day? Quitting time. That would be 2 a.m. on a workday.
20. What was your most memorable birthday? My 25th. I had just moved to FL and kept freaking out because I was turning 25 and I was in FLORIDA. It was a surreal day.
21. Where were you born? Tiny town in Oklahoma
22. Favorite sport to watch? That one where they try to eat as many hot dogs as possible
23. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? Not really sure about that.
24. Person you expect to send it back first? I'm thinking maybe Sarcastic Kitty or Midwestern City Boy. They seem to be pretty good participaters. I probably just jinxed it for this one though!
25. What fabric detergent do you use? Whatever Sweety buys.
26. When is your birthday? 8/7/76
27. Are you a morning person or a night person? Night
28. What is your shoe size? 7
29. What did you want to be when you were little? A veterinarian
30. What are you doing today? Wandering around in my robe. Gearing up for my fantabulous customer service job.
31. Who is your favorite actor? Angelina Jolie
32. Who is your favorite author? Stephen King
33. What is your favorite landscape? Looking at cows from my Mom's yard in OK
34. Favorite place visited? New Orleans
35. If you could have lunch with anyone, who would it be? My friend in TX
36. Greatest accomplishment? Marrying Sweety
37. Greatest regret? I don't think I have any.
38. Favorite slogan? Save the babies! Boycott baby oil!
39. Favorite day of the week? Thursday
40. What do you do when you are bored? Check people's blogs repeatedly to see if there's anything new.
41. Favorite sound? Hearing my heartbeat in my head after I've put the earplugs in and am getting ready for sleep.
What you are supposed to do is copy this entire post and paste it here in the comments or your site. Change all the answers so they apply to you. If you put it on your site put a link back to my site. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little things about your friends, if you did not know them already.
1. What time did you get up this morning? 11:50 AM
2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds. Shiny is GOOD.
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Madagascar
4. What is your favorite TV show? Desperate Housewives
5. What did you have for breakfast? Baked asparagus, squash and garlic when I got in at 2:30 a.m. Fixing to have corn on the cob and a Coke now. Not sure which one you'd call breakfast.
6. What is your middle name? Jean
7. Favorite cuisine? Korean food! Bring me the kimchi! And kim bap rolls!
8. What foods do you dislike? Eggs and tomatoes
9. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Chunky Monkey
10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Matchbox 20
11. What kind of car do you drive? An Esuvee
12. Favorite sandwich? Sonic cheeseburger
13. What characteristic do you despise? Lying
14. Favorite item of clothing? My men's robes
15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Korea and take my Mom
16. What color is your bathroom? White
17. Favorite brand of clothing? Not too particular here. I like the blue light specials at wallyworld.
18. Where would you retire to? Oklahoma
19. Favorite time of day? Quitting time. That would be 2 a.m. on a workday.
20. What was your most memorable birthday? My 25th. I had just moved to FL and kept freaking out because I was turning 25 and I was in FLORIDA. It was a surreal day.
21. Where were you born? Tiny town in Oklahoma
22. Favorite sport to watch? That one where they try to eat as many hot dogs as possible
23. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? Not really sure about that.
24. Person you expect to send it back first? I'm thinking maybe Sarcastic Kitty or Midwestern City Boy. They seem to be pretty good participaters. I probably just jinxed it for this one though!
25. What fabric detergent do you use? Whatever Sweety buys.
26. When is your birthday? 8/7/76
27. Are you a morning person or a night person? Night
28. What is your shoe size? 7
29. What did you want to be when you were little? A veterinarian
30. What are you doing today? Wandering around in my robe. Gearing up for my fantabulous customer service job.
31. Who is your favorite actor? Angelina Jolie
32. Who is your favorite author? Stephen King
33. What is your favorite landscape? Looking at cows from my Mom's yard in OK
34. Favorite place visited? New Orleans
35. If you could have lunch with anyone, who would it be? My friend in TX
36. Greatest accomplishment? Marrying Sweety
37. Greatest regret? I don't think I have any.
38. Favorite slogan? Save the babies! Boycott baby oil!
39. Favorite day of the week? Thursday
40. What do you do when you are bored? Check people's blogs repeatedly to see if there's anything new.
41. Favorite sound? Hearing my heartbeat in my head after I've put the earplugs in and am getting ready for sleep.
A few days ago I put up a post and told people that if they wanted the address to my other blog dealing primarily with bedroom activities to send me an email. I didn't realize that my email address wasn't on my profile. It's there now for your viewing pleasure.
The new blog really doesn't have alot of the type of sex stories that may make you wanna go rub one off. It's some of the stuff I may want to write about that happens in the bedroom that I don't want to put here. The main reason being is someone I work with reads this blog and I'd like to just save us both the embarrassment.
So, if anyone's interested in the new blog drop me an email using the shiny new email address link in my profile and I'll send it to ya.
The new blog really doesn't have alot of the type of sex stories that may make you wanna go rub one off. It's some of the stuff I may want to write about that happens in the bedroom that I don't want to put here. The main reason being is someone I work with reads this blog and I'd like to just save us both the embarrassment.
So, if anyone's interested in the new blog drop me an email using the shiny new email address link in my profile and I'll send it to ya.
Weekend Goals
I have 3 things on my to-do list for this weekend. Get the laundry done. Clean all the hideous rabid dust bunnies out from under my bed and get boxes for my shoes. Get some new underwear.
I couldn't find any panties while getting ready for work and I couldn't find a slip. The dress I'm wearing hits right above the knee so I have improvised. I'm wearing a pair of Sweety's silk boxer shorts in lieu of my own drawers and a slip. And the dress does not seem to be clinging. I may be on to something here. I hope I'm not in an accident tonight and people see that I'm wearing mens boxers that are way too big.
When prowling under the bed for suitable shoes I was almost done in by the dust bunnies. They are becoming advanced enough to start their own civilization. I swear I saw two trying to make a fire. Probably to cook tiny dog over. She came creeping out from under the bed the other night and she looked like a walking lint ball. It's just so easy to ignore under the bed. But for the safety of my pet I will tackle it.
I had the strangest dream. In it I was back in school and I was dating a guy that I knew. This wasn't someone that I ever went out with in real life and I hadn't given him a conscious thought in quite awhile. I wonder where that came from.
My new bra has a tiny bit of spillage on the top. Rats. It will do for work today. I guess I'll turn it into my around the house bra and I'll go get something with another yard of fabric on it for work. I do hope it all works out and I'm able to downsize these suckers.
I couldn't find any panties while getting ready for work and I couldn't find a slip. The dress I'm wearing hits right above the knee so I have improvised. I'm wearing a pair of Sweety's silk boxer shorts in lieu of my own drawers and a slip. And the dress does not seem to be clinging. I may be on to something here. I hope I'm not in an accident tonight and people see that I'm wearing mens boxers that are way too big.
When prowling under the bed for suitable shoes I was almost done in by the dust bunnies. They are becoming advanced enough to start their own civilization. I swear I saw two trying to make a fire. Probably to cook tiny dog over. She came creeping out from under the bed the other night and she looked like a walking lint ball. It's just so easy to ignore under the bed. But for the safety of my pet I will tackle it.
I had the strangest dream. In it I was back in school and I was dating a guy that I knew. This wasn't someone that I ever went out with in real life and I hadn't given him a conscious thought in quite awhile. I wonder where that came from.
My new bra has a tiny bit of spillage on the top. Rats. It will do for work today. I guess I'll turn it into my around the house bra and I'll go get something with another yard of fabric on it for work. I do hope it all works out and I'm able to downsize these suckers.
Quiet House
Last night after the boys went to bed I put some money from Iraq on their floors for them to find this morning. I got it from my sister's husband when I went to OK a few weeks ago and just found it hidden in my purse. They both seemed to be pleased with finding it when they woke. BB asked me where it came from and I told him it must have been from the Foreign Currency Fairy. He just looked at me weird and walked away.
I indulged in a whole bottle of wine last night. Oddly enough, my head doesn't feel too worse for wear this morning.
Today starts my new diet. Sweety and I decided to start being more healthy during a phone conversation we had last night when I was driving home from the mall. As I was telling him that my diet starts today I was quietly eating a chocolate bar. Filled with caramel. And it was good. Then I hid the wrapper.
This weekend if it doesn't rain we are going to some type of car race. These things are so not my cup of tea but the boys and Sweety really like them. I plan on wearing my earplugs and playing my gameboy til the race is over. I will also have a nice concession stand hot dog and then sleep on the way home. Hmmm. This race thing might work out okay.
I have a confession to make. I am the world's biggest nerd. How do I know this? A few days ago in this post where I was bitching about my printer, Marty left a comment. And it completely tickled me cause I'd just read a story about him in GQ magazine a couple of nights before. He was adopted and found out that he is a prince. I was reading it at work and there's this one photo of his Dad just overcome with emotion and I had to cover it with a sticky note while I finished the article cause it made me cry whenever I looked at it. I had to tell Sweety that someone left a comment on my blog and I could show him who. I am such a dork. I have turned into a blog whore. It pleases me immensely to see that people stop by here. I started this as something to just amuse myself with and it is working.
A big fat "Thank You" to all who come by to check on me and Sweety and the canines.
I indulged in a whole bottle of wine last night. Oddly enough, my head doesn't feel too worse for wear this morning.
Today starts my new diet. Sweety and I decided to start being more healthy during a phone conversation we had last night when I was driving home from the mall. As I was telling him that my diet starts today I was quietly eating a chocolate bar. Filled with caramel. And it was good. Then I hid the wrapper.
This weekend if it doesn't rain we are going to some type of car race. These things are so not my cup of tea but the boys and Sweety really like them. I plan on wearing my earplugs and playing my gameboy til the race is over. I will also have a nice concession stand hot dog and then sleep on the way home. Hmmm. This race thing might work out okay.
I have a confession to make. I am the world's biggest nerd. How do I know this? A few days ago in this post where I was bitching about my printer, Marty left a comment. And it completely tickled me cause I'd just read a story about him in GQ magazine a couple of nights before. He was adopted and found out that he is a prince. I was reading it at work and there's this one photo of his Dad just overcome with emotion and I had to cover it with a sticky note while I finished the article cause it made me cry whenever I looked at it. I had to tell Sweety that someone left a comment on my blog and I could show him who. I am such a dork. I have turned into a blog whore. It pleases me immensely to see that people stop by here. I started this as something to just amuse myself with and it is working.
A big fat "Thank You" to all who come by to check on me and Sweety and the canines.
Day 2 of a Clean House!
Saw about getting the boobies lifted and reduced. $5800.00. It's about what I was expecting but I was hoping maybe it would be less. I'm going to see if work grants me FMLA time for the backaches and then I'll submit a request and see if they cover this. Even if they don't I'm still getting it done. Sweety is working on fundage for me. I liked the doctor. He's Korean so that gets him extra points in my book. I'm racist that way. The surgery normally would be 6800 but I think he gave me a break since I'm a fellow Korean. It's a big Asian conspiracy.
Sweety just made me dinner. Crab legs. Yummy yummy. And he shelled them for me. He's such a good egg.
The boys are on a Monopoly kick. There's nothing like a nice game of Monopoly at 8:30 a.m. to start your day off right. I guess it's better than playing video games all day. I had to crank out a story for them tonight. I wasn't feeling too inventive so I fell back on the adventures of the three little pigs. Except in tonight's story they were the three adult mooching pigs who wouldn't move out of the nest. I got to teach the boys what a moocher was. They learn all sorts of useful tidbits from me.
I think I may hobble tiny dog. I think if she only had 3 legs she'd still get around fast. Just not super fast so that I fall on my face when I'm trying to catch her. Maybe I can get the vet to take off one of the front paws when she is spayed. I could decorate the nub. I was taking a nap with her on the bed today and was woken with her tiny feet on my eyebrows and her snout poking my eyeball as she foraged for eye boogers. The dog has weird tastes.
I had some of the worst customer service EVER tonight while bra shopping. It was just bad. If some of the stuff I was buying hadn't have been on a big ol' sale I would have left it there.
Sweety got back from the grocery store earlier and he bought someone else's food to be nice. He said some lady in the aisle beside him was counting out her change and emptying her purse when she was paying and had to leave a few things so he bought them and took them to her when he was leaving. The good karma didn't help us. We did not win the lottery. It was a rollover, maybe next week.
It's been a couple of hours since I started this post and I know something new now. It doesn't take a lot to annoy me. Sweety is toast. He tries to antagonize me for his pleasure.
Sweety just made me dinner. Crab legs. Yummy yummy. And he shelled them for me. He's such a good egg.
The boys are on a Monopoly kick. There's nothing like a nice game of Monopoly at 8:30 a.m. to start your day off right. I guess it's better than playing video games all day. I had to crank out a story for them tonight. I wasn't feeling too inventive so I fell back on the adventures of the three little pigs. Except in tonight's story they were the three adult mooching pigs who wouldn't move out of the nest. I got to teach the boys what a moocher was. They learn all sorts of useful tidbits from me.
I think I may hobble tiny dog. I think if she only had 3 legs she'd still get around fast. Just not super fast so that I fall on my face when I'm trying to catch her. Maybe I can get the vet to take off one of the front paws when she is spayed. I could decorate the nub. I was taking a nap with her on the bed today and was woken with her tiny feet on my eyebrows and her snout poking my eyeball as she foraged for eye boogers. The dog has weird tastes.
I had some of the worst customer service EVER tonight while bra shopping. It was just bad. If some of the stuff I was buying hadn't have been on a big ol' sale I would have left it there.
Sweety got back from the grocery store earlier and he bought someone else's food to be nice. He said some lady in the aisle beside him was counting out her change and emptying her purse when she was paying and had to leave a few things so he bought them and took them to her when he was leaving. The good karma didn't help us. We did not win the lottery. It was a rollover, maybe next week.
It's been a couple of hours since I started this post and I know something new now. It doesn't take a lot to annoy me. Sweety is toast. He tries to antagonize me for his pleasure.
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