BB had basketball practice tonight. It was the first one I've been to cause usually they have them on Monday's when I'm at work. And I am thankful it will be the only one that I will attend. It was like sitting inside an oven in the gymnasium. And there were teensy ants on the wall. We sat on the top row of the bleachers so we could play cards (rummy) out of everyone's way and outta the corner of my eye I see the wall moving. But it's just an army of tiny ants. I managed to squash a few dozen before they got organized and started to attack.
I was glad that Sweety thought to bring the cards or else I would've had to sit there and just think about how freaking hot it was. Instead I was able to concentrate on kicking his ass in rummy. That is my favorite game in the world. If I can get someone to play with me I'll play until they sneak away from me. Love it love it love it.
Tomorrow I go see about getting my boobs lifted and reduced. I hope it goes well. I hope I get incredibly lucky and my insurance will cover it. We shall see. If I ever get them perky I will probably get arrested at least once for indecent exposure.
Bagh. Here comes Sweety and a sprogling trying to read over my shoulder. My privacy is getting dusty.
Missions Accomplished
House clean? Check.
Sprogs fed? Check.
Aforementioned sprogs taken to see a movie as promised? Check.
Canines fed? Check.
Whew. And I've got a nice pan of asparagus, squash and garlic cooking in the oven. Life is good.
I've done everything that I said I was gonna do today. My main goal being to get the house clean. I haven't done laundry but that's separate from house cleaning in my book.
In looking forward to summer vacation and not having to get up early to get the kids out the door for school I forgot something. That if I'm not getting up early to get them ready for school then they aren't going anywhere and will be here with me all day. I think I heard them say "Ooowwwwch." about 40 times before 10 a.m. If they don't stop picking at each other I'm going to make them hug each other and then I'm gonna duct tape them together.
I was thinking that tiny dog doesn't know her name but I think she just proved me wrong. I heard her in my bathroom trying to knock over the trash can and I said her name and told her to knock if off and she came outta there like her butt was on fire. I think she has selective comprehension. If tiny dog doesn't leave stinky dog alone she may get eaten. Stinky dog has patience out the wazoo. But she can probably only take so much of being treated like a chew toy.
The boys and I went to see Madagascar. It was a cute movie. It costs too damn much to go to the movies though. I think anything else we see this summer will be at the dollar theater on fifty-cent day. And we'll sneak in our own snacks.
It's nice to be able to sit back and just be lazy. And today is pizza night so I won't have to get the kitchen dirty. Yay!
Sprogs fed? Check.
Aforementioned sprogs taken to see a movie as promised? Check.
Canines fed? Check.
Whew. And I've got a nice pan of asparagus, squash and garlic cooking in the oven. Life is good.
I've done everything that I said I was gonna do today. My main goal being to get the house clean. I haven't done laundry but that's separate from house cleaning in my book.
In looking forward to summer vacation and not having to get up early to get the kids out the door for school I forgot something. That if I'm not getting up early to get them ready for school then they aren't going anywhere and will be here with me all day. I think I heard them say "Ooowwwwch." about 40 times before 10 a.m. If they don't stop picking at each other I'm going to make them hug each other and then I'm gonna duct tape them together.
I was thinking that tiny dog doesn't know her name but I think she just proved me wrong. I heard her in my bathroom trying to knock over the trash can and I said her name and told her to knock if off and she came outta there like her butt was on fire. I think she has selective comprehension. If tiny dog doesn't leave stinky dog alone she may get eaten. Stinky dog has patience out the wazoo. But she can probably only take so much of being treated like a chew toy.
The boys and I went to see Madagascar. It was a cute movie. It costs too damn much to go to the movies though. I think anything else we see this summer will be at the dollar theater on fifty-cent day. And we'll sneak in our own snacks.
It's nice to be able to sit back and just be lazy. And today is pizza night so I won't have to get the kitchen dirty. Yay!
Thanks, Neighbor
We're sitting outside after dinner and our neighbor comes over. (The one who likes to have all of his Christmas lights pointing in the same direction, manicured his lawn during the hurricanes, has conniptions if our lawn isn't mowed to his satisfaction and slept with the last 2 wives that lived here. Oh yeah, and he's a minister or something.) The house across the street is for sale and some black people came by and seemed to be looking at the sign. Neighbor looks at the boys and tells them that our neighborhood is getting overrun with "cans". That "cans" are everywhere. I'm thinking "what the hell is he talking about?". Then he elaborates "afri-CANS" "puertori-CANS" "mexi-CANS". Thanks a lot you bigoted motherfucker. Thanks. I guess he didn't notice when one of my best friends from TX came down that she had a black man with her and two little brown children. I was just too shocked to say anything. Then he drops the f-word in front of the boys. Now I know they've heard the word in movies but it is something that we refrain from using in every day conversation. I wonder how he'd like it if when his daughters were over here he found out that I was cussing like a sailor. I told Sweety he needs to ask him to please censor his talk when he's in front of the boys. Jackass.
And then I saw something on the news about these teenagers that beat a homeless man to death because they were bored. They didn't just do it all at once. Noooooo. They went and beat him 3 times til he died. I think some people are just born bad and can't be rehabilitated.
On a happier note...I managed to get about half of my house clean. Yay! And the canines washed as well. I've already made a deal with the boys, tomorrow we're going to the first showing of the movie Madagascar at around 10 a.m. and when we get home they're gonna leave me alone so I can get the rest of the house clean.
I am going to snoop around online and see if I can find stinky dog a
snood. After she was bathed we took a walk and her ears got all gross on the asphalt cause they drag the ground. I tried to tie them up with a ponytail holder but she wasn't crazy about it. I think it was squeezing her ears too tight. So I'm gonna try to find something that will work and won't bother her.
And then I saw something on the news about these teenagers that beat a homeless man to death because they were bored. They didn't just do it all at once. Noooooo. They went and beat him 3 times til he died. I think some people are just born bad and can't be rehabilitated.
On a happier note...I managed to get about half of my house clean. Yay! And the canines washed as well. I've already made a deal with the boys, tomorrow we're going to the first showing of the movie Madagascar at around 10 a.m. and when we get home they're gonna leave me alone so I can get the rest of the house clean.
I am going to snoop around online and see if I can find stinky dog a
snood. After she was bathed we took a walk and her ears got all gross on the asphalt cause they drag the ground. I tried to tie them up with a ponytail holder but she wasn't crazy about it. I think it was squeezing her ears too tight. So I'm gonna try to find something that will work and won't bother her.
Not a Happy Camper
I was over at Dick's site and found out that his Grandma passed away. I feel for him. I'm still forgetting sometimes that my Grandma died a few weeks ago. I almost called her on the phone on my way to work the other day. I haven't erased her phone number from my cell phone yet, I don't know why.
Bagh. I'm freaking crying again! I think I must have some serious pms going on cause I've been bawling at the drop of a hat.
Sweety got a call from the stupid ass EW last night. She was crying and told him BB was upset because she was giving his dog away and she couldn't calm him down so she was calling Sweety so he could. Thanks a lot you stupid bint. Fuck up your kid and then call Sweety at 9:30 p.m. and want him to make the kid feel okay about it.
BB got a rottewieler almost 2 years ago, I think. During that time the dog hasn't been properly trained. (He told me once that they told him to kick it to make it mind. I cringed and almost started to cry and explained to him why that was a bad idea but he told me if I had a dog that acted as bad as his I'd need to kick it too. I found out this was their method of discipline when I saw him do a fake drawback on stinky dog and I almost chopped his foot off. Is there any question why I think his mother is a fucktard?!) It now weighs probably over 100 lbs and got loose yesterday and chased a kid on a bicycle. I had a feeling that this dog would be going soon after EW boinged out her latest child. The last dog had to go because it was too much to have it in the house with a new baby. BB loves dogs. This will be the third dog he's had at his mother's that has been given away.
BB told Sweety last night that every time one of his dogs went away a little piece of him went with it. I fucking hate her. It just pisses me off that they even got him that kind of dog to begin with. You don't get a kid an attack dog (especially if you're not going to train it right) and then give it away once he's attached to it because you don't want to take the effort to learn how to train it.
I swear, if karma would do me the service of smiting her I would spend the rest of my life taking homeless people sandwiches on Wednesdays and Fridays. Hell, I'll take the homeless people tea to drink and pie for dessert also.
Bagh. I'm freaking crying again! I think I must have some serious pms going on cause I've been bawling at the drop of a hat.
Sweety got a call from the stupid ass EW last night. She was crying and told him BB was upset because she was giving his dog away and she couldn't calm him down so she was calling Sweety so he could. Thanks a lot you stupid bint. Fuck up your kid and then call Sweety at 9:30 p.m. and want him to make the kid feel okay about it.
BB got a rottewieler almost 2 years ago, I think. During that time the dog hasn't been properly trained. (He told me once that they told him to kick it to make it mind. I cringed and almost started to cry and explained to him why that was a bad idea but he told me if I had a dog that acted as bad as his I'd need to kick it too. I found out this was their method of discipline when I saw him do a fake drawback on stinky dog and I almost chopped his foot off. Is there any question why I think his mother is a fucktard?!) It now weighs probably over 100 lbs and got loose yesterday and chased a kid on a bicycle. I had a feeling that this dog would be going soon after EW boinged out her latest child. The last dog had to go because it was too much to have it in the house with a new baby. BB loves dogs. This will be the third dog he's had at his mother's that has been given away.
BB told Sweety last night that every time one of his dogs went away a little piece of him went with it. I fucking hate her. It just pisses me off that they even got him that kind of dog to begin with. You don't get a kid an attack dog (especially if you're not going to train it right) and then give it away once he's attached to it because you don't want to take the effort to learn how to train it.
I swear, if karma would do me the service of smiting her I would spend the rest of my life taking homeless people sandwiches on Wednesdays and Fridays. Hell, I'll take the homeless people tea to drink and pie for dessert also.
How Weird Am I?
Friday night at work I almost had a meltdown. I had a snack to eat but I couldn't get everything arranged just right on my desk so I could eat it. I like everything on a table to be tidy before I eat but it was a hard task to accomplish at my desk that I share with someone else. After about 10 minutes of arranging and rearranging things on my desk I had a little talk with myself and decided that I was being effing nuts and to just open up the damn cinnamon bun and eat it, who cares if my pencils aren't all pointing in the same direction. And as I ate it I realized it tasted pretty good without my dusting my desk before I ate it. Maybe this will be a new beginning for me. Not only can I handle my house being a wreak but soon I will be able to eat dinner at the garbage dump and not bat an eyelash.
You Are 55% Normal (Somewhat Normal) |
![]() While some of your behavior is quite normal... Other things you do are downright strange You've got a little of your freak going on But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself |
Maybe a Politically Incorrect Rant
I think it would be okay to cut child molesters weenies off. Or sew their coochies up, whatever the case may be.
With that being said I also think there's something wrong with picketing outside of a convicted molesters home until they move away. I just saw something on t.v. where these people did this to a couple of guys in one town. Their reasoning was to make it safe for their kids to walk home from school. What the fuck?
I don't think there are any convicted felons living within walking distance to our school but I'm still not gonna let the boys walk to school alone. I worry about the molesters yet to be convicted as well as the ones that are.
I dunno. I just think you should always watch your kids. No matter who lives in the neighborhood. Our kids are probably pretty sheltered and I'm okay with that.
With that being said I also think there's something wrong with picketing outside of a convicted molesters home until they move away. I just saw something on t.v. where these people did this to a couple of guys in one town. Their reasoning was to make it safe for their kids to walk home from school. What the fuck?
I don't think there are any convicted felons living within walking distance to our school but I'm still not gonna let the boys walk to school alone. I worry about the molesters yet to be convicted as well as the ones that are.
I dunno. I just think you should always watch your kids. No matter who lives in the neighborhood. Our kids are probably pretty sheltered and I'm okay with that.
The Wonderful Sounds of Summer
The neighbor is mowing. While he's mowing he's looking over at our unkempt lawn with disgust in his beady little eyes. I personally think natural grass is beautiful. After it gets to a certain length it bends over on itself so it doesn't look as high. Sweety does the mowing and his back has been bothering him and we've just been freaking busy this week. I'd mow but I am terrified of the lawn mower. I don't like loud motors that have parts on them that could maim me. I am seriously considering getting one of those old time mowers that's just the blade thingy that you push around. I would mow with one of those. Or maybe we could just get a fence and a herd of goats to nibble the grass down.
I added a little "post whore" blinkie to my collection. I realized that is what I am. At least it's not crack. I know I've gotten carried away with the posting of photos cause before I took a fine gem of a photo of Sweety the other day (wearing bunny ears while half naked and snarling) he wouldn't stand still til I told him I wasn't gonna post it. Maybe I can get him to change his mind later. I'll ask him if it's okay later during the afterglow of sex. He usually agrees to anything about that time.
Oh crap. I gotta go to work.
I added a little "post whore" blinkie to my collection. I realized that is what I am. At least it's not crack. I know I've gotten carried away with the posting of photos cause before I took a fine gem of a photo of Sweety the other day (wearing bunny ears while half naked and snarling) he wouldn't stand still til I told him I wasn't gonna post it. Maybe I can get him to change his mind later. I'll ask him if it's okay later during the afterglow of sex. He usually agrees to anything about that time.
Oh crap. I gotta go to work.
Silly Printer
I have spent the last hour and wasted 3 sheets of photographic printer paper that costs more than golden bricks to print out 2 tiny photos to put on my desk at work. Sheesh. I spend a third of the time I'm around the dogs and kids trying to hide from them but I must have some photos for my desk? What a tard I am today.
I did get the pics to print the way I wanted them to though! Take THAT you insolent printer!
I just stuck my tongue out at the printer. Then I had an out of body experience where I actually saw myself physically mocking the printer. I've gotta get a hobby. Or a life.
I did get the pics to print the way I wanted them to though! Take THAT you insolent printer!
I just stuck my tongue out at the printer. Then I had an out of body experience where I actually saw myself physically mocking the printer. I've gotta get a hobby. Or a life.
5 Hours of Sleep!
Holy crap batman. I forgot how effing normal I feel if I get more than 2.5 consecutive hours of sleep! Maybe I'll have a personality change soon too and become infused with sunshine and light! Oh wait, I just choked on my own laughter. Let me wipe my spit off the keyboard.
Even though I enjoy not having to wipe stinky dog's eye boogers out I don't think I'll ever get used to the sound of tiny dog eating the damned things.
I have found yet another food that sour cream is tasty on. Spicy cheez-its. Diet starts tomorrow. You know you're eating something too fast when crumbs fall down the front of your robe into your cleavage and you decide to wait til the end of the eating session so you can just shake out all the crumbs at once.
EW is coming to BB's basketball game tomorrow. I'm glad she's doing her motherly duty but I sure hate looking at her horsey self. Maybe she will bring her newest crotchling. I can use my magical thoughtbeams to give it colic.
I gave my co-worker, DW, my blessings to read this blog now that I've started another one to detail my sexual antics. This is why I'm not linking that blog here. DW stands for DorkWad cause he had some ideas that I wasn't crazy about. And I realize that is rather negative, so henceforth he will be referred to as PM (PodMate). So PM, Happy Birthday!
Even though I enjoy not having to wipe stinky dog's eye boogers out I don't think I'll ever get used to the sound of tiny dog eating the damned things.
I have found yet another food that sour cream is tasty on. Spicy cheez-its. Diet starts tomorrow. You know you're eating something too fast when crumbs fall down the front of your robe into your cleavage and you decide to wait til the end of the eating session so you can just shake out all the crumbs at once.
EW is coming to BB's basketball game tomorrow. I'm glad she's doing her motherly duty but I sure hate looking at her horsey self. Maybe she will bring her newest crotchling. I can use my magical thoughtbeams to give it colic.
I gave my co-worker, DW, my blessings to read this blog now that I've started another one to detail my sexual antics. This is why I'm not linking that blog here. DW stands for DorkWad cause he had some ideas that I wasn't crazy about. And I realize that is rather negative, so henceforth he will be referred to as PM (PodMate). So PM, Happy Birthday!
Sylvie left this morning. I handled it better than I thought I would. I was pretty weepy last night when we were packing her stuff though. I thought Sweety was going to come unglued when they were leaving. I think he may miss her more than I do. He spent more time with her cause he was with her when I was at work.
I'm supposed to go on a trip to TX by myself in July but I think I've just about talked myself out of it. I'm just not looking forward to going. When we go on our family vacation in June I'll get to spend one night with each of my girlfriends so I'm thinking of just cramming all of my visiting into those nights. If I don't go there me and Sweety could go on a trip alone somewhere. He's thinking Vegas. I'm thinking somewhere that I can run around naked in public.
The house is a total wreck. The last few days we've just kinda been like 'fuck it, we'll clean it later'. Now that Sylvie is gone I'm going to throw away just about everything in the room she was staying in. That room is also the kids' toyroom and it is a disaster area. We're going to put a couch and t.v. back there for the boys.
I would love to find a pinball machine to put back there. There's this one game, Theater of Magic, that I used to play all the freaking time at the bar I used to haunt in TX. Great game. I'd get wasted while playing that game. And woe to any man who tried to talk to me while I was playing. Break my concentration and I'll bust your ass. No wonder it took a blind date for me to meet Sweety. If he'd have approached me while I was on a game I'd have probably told him to shut the hell up.
We had sex three times yesterday! Woo Hoo! I can't wait til this Saturday!
I'm supposed to go on a trip to TX by myself in July but I think I've just about talked myself out of it. I'm just not looking forward to going. When we go on our family vacation in June I'll get to spend one night with each of my girlfriends so I'm thinking of just cramming all of my visiting into those nights. If I don't go there me and Sweety could go on a trip alone somewhere. He's thinking Vegas. I'm thinking somewhere that I can run around naked in public.
The house is a total wreck. The last few days we've just kinda been like 'fuck it, we'll clean it later'. Now that Sylvie is gone I'm going to throw away just about everything in the room she was staying in. That room is also the kids' toyroom and it is a disaster area. We're going to put a couch and t.v. back there for the boys.
I would love to find a pinball machine to put back there. There's this one game, Theater of Magic, that I used to play all the freaking time at the bar I used to haunt in TX. Great game. I'd get wasted while playing that game. And woe to any man who tried to talk to me while I was playing. Break my concentration and I'll bust your ass. No wonder it took a blind date for me to meet Sweety. If he'd have approached me while I was on a game I'd have probably told him to shut the hell up.
We had sex three times yesterday! Woo Hoo! I can't wait til this Saturday!
Stop Looking at It
Who's that girl in the mirror with the cigarette burn on the bridge of her nose? Hmmm. I think it is me. And since I don't smoke that couldn't be a burn mark. It must be the pimple that is taking over my face. Let me tell you, I am one cute motherfucker right now. I can see the damned thing on my nose when my eyes are open. Right now a heavy spackle of toothpaste is on it trying to make it go away. Sweety and my sister have both been kind enough to remark on it.
Something I found funny...The neighbor thought that my sister was my mother! Ha fucking ha! I started to tell sis that but felt it was too unkind. I do have my limits.
I took one nifty photo of Sweety earlier today. He's wearing a headband with bunny ears on it and making some kind of rabid face. Before I took it he told me that I couldn't post it. Rats. Maybe I'll put it up tomorrow and just black out his eyes.
We got all of Sylvie's stuff packed up. They are leaving at 5 a.m. I have been a basket case all day today. It's going to be different without her around here. I'll be better with her leaving if when they get home I find out that they are all getting along well. We shall see.
Something I found funny...The neighbor thought that my sister was my mother! Ha fucking ha! I started to tell sis that but felt it was too unkind. I do have my limits.
I took one nifty photo of Sweety earlier today. He's wearing a headband with bunny ears on it and making some kind of rabid face. Before I took it he told me that I couldn't post it. Rats. Maybe I'll put it up tomorrow and just black out his eyes.
We got all of Sylvie's stuff packed up. They are leaving at 5 a.m. I have been a basket case all day today. It's going to be different without her around here. I'll be better with her leaving if when they get home I find out that they are all getting along well. We shall see.
Stupid Blogger
What's up with this? I've had problems posting posts and in leaving comments.
I guess this is the price that is paid for a free item.
Thank you o mighty blogger gods for the goods that you do bother to bestow upon me.
I guess this is the price that is paid for a free item.
Thank you o mighty blogger gods for the goods that you do bother to bestow upon me.
I Think It's Okay
I almost bought one of those plastic ball things that you put a hamster in to let it run around the house for tiny dog Oy. It was jumbo sized and for ferrets. She's about ferret sized. But Sweety was with me and he seemed to be rather disapproving of the whole idea so I'll have to go back and get it later and just use it when he's not around. I mean, I'm not gonna just put her in the ball all the damn time but it might be handy if I'm wandering around the house and I want to be sure she's not gonna sneak off somewhere and take a poop.
We let my sister watch the sprogs this evening while we went out to eat and to the mall. We picked up cards and gift certificates to Chili's for the kids' teachers. While we were at the mall we went to the jewelry store. I love shiny stuff. I got all sweaty trying on rings. My sister was all bent out of shape because she didn't get the freaking 2 carat diamond that she wanted so I had the idea of temporarily upgrading my ring to something like that while she was here and then taking it back after she left. Sweety thought it was a rather sick idea. And the jewelry store only went up to a 1.63 carat. I've got a psycho bitchy streak a mile wide. Sis's marriage seems to be heading south by the second. Surprise surprise. I just really hate it that Sylvie's already been told that she has a stepdad waiting at home.
The stinking vegitales theme song has been in my head for about the last 6 hours. I keep hearing the little vegetable voice saying 'liiiiimaaa beeeeeans'.
I have an appointment with the boobie doctor on June 1 to see about getting these things lifted and reduced a bit. If I get me some nice C's going on, I'm fixing to buy about a thousand of those little summery tops that have spaghetti straps. And when the scars fade I will learn to pick up a dollar bill with my coochie and start my new career.
I hope almonds aren't poisonous to dogs. I just let tiny dog have her second one.
I was remembering one of my favorite jobs today. The summer after I got out of high school I worked at the library. A bonus was getting to read new books before they hit the shelves. I used to sneak around the library and pretend I was a spy while putting the books away. Accomplishing my mission meant I had put all the books up without being spotted by any of the library patrons. I don't pretend I'm a spy anymore but sometimes I'll throw a quick karate move to the back of stinky dog when she's not looking. Or behind Sweety's or the sprog's back when they have displeased me. If they only knew what a karate/ninja master I was in my own mind, they would fear me more.
Sweety and I went and looked at cars while we were out and about tonight. Specifically the Honda Ridgeline and the S2000. Sweety wants to get a Ridgline when our lease is up and I'm saying over my cold dead body. I think it is the ugliest automobile EVER. It looks just like a Honda Pilot but like the car maker forgot to put the lid on the back of it. When we traded my truck in on this fucking Pilot that holds 9 people that is currently residing in the garage he said that I'd get to pick the car after that. And I choose the S200. Or the Nissan 350Z thing. I'm starting to like the little jellybean looking cars. I used to be a truck girl but I think that era is over. I will leave scratch marks by the mailbox every time I leave the house in the next thing I drive. Or maybe I'll just get a nice bicycle and quit my job and stay at home. I am an extremist.
We let my sister watch the sprogs this evening while we went out to eat and to the mall. We picked up cards and gift certificates to Chili's for the kids' teachers. While we were at the mall we went to the jewelry store. I love shiny stuff. I got all sweaty trying on rings. My sister was all bent out of shape because she didn't get the freaking 2 carat diamond that she wanted so I had the idea of temporarily upgrading my ring to something like that while she was here and then taking it back after she left. Sweety thought it was a rather sick idea. And the jewelry store only went up to a 1.63 carat. I've got a psycho bitchy streak a mile wide. Sis's marriage seems to be heading south by the second. Surprise surprise. I just really hate it that Sylvie's already been told that she has a stepdad waiting at home.
The stinking vegitales theme song has been in my head for about the last 6 hours. I keep hearing the little vegetable voice saying 'liiiiimaaa beeeeeans'.
I have an appointment with the boobie doctor on June 1 to see about getting these things lifted and reduced a bit. If I get me some nice C's going on, I'm fixing to buy about a thousand of those little summery tops that have spaghetti straps. And when the scars fade I will learn to pick up a dollar bill with my coochie and start my new career.
I hope almonds aren't poisonous to dogs. I just let tiny dog have her second one.
I was remembering one of my favorite jobs today. The summer after I got out of high school I worked at the library. A bonus was getting to read new books before they hit the shelves. I used to sneak around the library and pretend I was a spy while putting the books away. Accomplishing my mission meant I had put all the books up without being spotted by any of the library patrons. I don't pretend I'm a spy anymore but sometimes I'll throw a quick karate move to the back of stinky dog when she's not looking. Or behind Sweety's or the sprog's back when they have displeased me. If they only knew what a karate/ninja master I was in my own mind, they would fear me more.
Sweety and I went and looked at cars while we were out and about tonight. Specifically the Honda Ridgeline and the S2000. Sweety wants to get a Ridgline when our lease is up and I'm saying over my cold dead body. I think it is the ugliest automobile EVER. It looks just like a Honda Pilot but like the car maker forgot to put the lid on the back of it. When we traded my truck in on this fucking Pilot that holds 9 people that is currently residing in the garage he said that I'd get to pick the car after that. And I choose the S200. Or the Nissan 350Z thing. I'm starting to like the little jellybean looking cars. I used to be a truck girl but I think that era is over. I will leave scratch marks by the mailbox every time I leave the house in the next thing I drive. Or maybe I'll just get a nice bicycle and quit my job and stay at home. I am an extremist.
Note to Sweety
If I have a big fucking pimple on the bridge of my nose and I'm giving you a really quick weenie suck while the kids are eating a snack, please don't push my face (and the aforementioned pimple) into your belt buckle. I saw stars. This my not be a pimple. It may be my long lost twin.
What is Wrong with This Picture?
Why am I the one that's awake after 2.5 hours of sleep getting Sylvie ready for school before I have to go chaperone a field day at school for her and her mother is still asleep because she is 'sooo tired'? Hmmmm. I don't effing know.
I feel sorry for my niece. I hope my sister doesn't fuck up her life too much. But getting her a stepfather without even having him and Sylvie even meet yet doesn't seem like a good start to me. Maybe I am just a pissy person today.
I am gonna quit thinking evil thoughtbeams towards my sister. I spent 4 and a half years trying to will a brain tumor on the EW and her husband ends up getting it. I'm afraid my thoughts will miss my sister and land on the niece so I'm going to start cooling the evil thoughts.
I am going to go rub her eyes out with my cheese grater while she sleeps though.
I feel sorry for my niece. I hope my sister doesn't fuck up her life too much. But getting her a stepfather without even having him and Sylvie even meet yet doesn't seem like a good start to me. Maybe I am just a pissy person today.
I am gonna quit thinking evil thoughtbeams towards my sister. I spent 4 and a half years trying to will a brain tumor on the EW and her husband ends up getting it. I'm afraid my thoughts will miss my sister and land on the niece so I'm going to start cooling the evil thoughts.
I am going to go rub her eyes out with my cheese grater while she sleeps though.
Only Two More Days of School!
And then I can come home from work and get 6 or 7 straight hours of sleep before waking instead of breaking it up to get the little squirrels ready for school. I cannot wait. It's nice that the boys are old enough to amuse themselves in the morning so I don't have to get up at the butt crack of dawn to pour their cereal anymore.
My sister is here. She got here at about 3:30 this morning. She and Sylvie will be leaving Thursday morning, I think. I have spent every moment alone either being gleeful that the niece will be gone soon and my life will go back to "normal" or crying because she's gonna be gone. I will be glad when this roller coaster ride is over. My sis got married a couple of days ago. And she found out after the wedding, while looking at the wedding license, that her new husband lied about his age by saying he was 12 years younger than he really is. So he is 20 years older than her. He doesn't look that old. I wouldn't have guessed it. He offered to annul the marriage if it bothered her but she decided she would have married him anyway if she'd have known beforehand. Being the eternal optimist, my first comment was 'what else has he lied about?'. She thinks this is all. I hope so. He seems like a nice guy.
I had the most interesting sexual experience Saturday night. I like the rough stuff every now and then but Sweety is afraid of causing me injury so he holds back. Not Saturday. I feel like I've been beaten with a rubber hose. I like it. And when he came, I have never seen such. It made me laugh cause there was just so freaking much of it. It was a two towel clean up. Lovely. Hope to have an encore performance soon.
I left work early on Friday because my stinking back was hurting so bad. I puked from the pain and actually wet my pants. And I told my supervisor. I don't like to talk about illnesses so if I'm sick I just say I'm leaving sick and don't elaborate. She asked me if I was okay and I told her I had a killer backache. Then she asked if I'd slipped a disc or what. So I said 'i'm pretty sure it's from my boobs. i have never felt pain like this before. i've been puking off and on today cause it's made me so nauseated and i just peed my pants while vomiting.' After hearing that she had no problemo with me leaving. She suggested I get a doctor's note so that work can code me as using FMLA time and if I have to leave again it won't count against me. I'm glad I told her the reason why I was leaving cause I wouldn't have thought about the FMLA thing.
Swimming in the neighbor's pool yesterday kicked ass. I thought I wouldn't like being in a pool outside cause it's so hot. I was wrong. They have a saltwater pool instead of a chlorine one so you don't have to deal with the overpowering scent of bleach. Sweety's suggested getting a pool before but I always poo-pooed the idea. But yesterday I told him that we need to get a pool. With a swirly slide. And a privacy fence so I can run around the backyard naked. I think we will be looking into it soon, maybe this winter.
My sister is here. She got here at about 3:30 this morning. She and Sylvie will be leaving Thursday morning, I think. I have spent every moment alone either being gleeful that the niece will be gone soon and my life will go back to "normal" or crying because she's gonna be gone. I will be glad when this roller coaster ride is over. My sis got married a couple of days ago. And she found out after the wedding, while looking at the wedding license, that her new husband lied about his age by saying he was 12 years younger than he really is. So he is 20 years older than her. He doesn't look that old. I wouldn't have guessed it. He offered to annul the marriage if it bothered her but she decided she would have married him anyway if she'd have known beforehand. Being the eternal optimist, my first comment was 'what else has he lied about?'. She thinks this is all. I hope so. He seems like a nice guy.
I had the most interesting sexual experience Saturday night. I like the rough stuff every now and then but Sweety is afraid of causing me injury so he holds back. Not Saturday. I feel like I've been beaten with a rubber hose. I like it. And when he came, I have never seen such. It made me laugh cause there was just so freaking much of it. It was a two towel clean up. Lovely. Hope to have an encore performance soon.
I left work early on Friday because my stinking back was hurting so bad. I puked from the pain and actually wet my pants. And I told my supervisor. I don't like to talk about illnesses so if I'm sick I just say I'm leaving sick and don't elaborate. She asked me if I was okay and I told her I had a killer backache. Then she asked if I'd slipped a disc or what. So I said 'i'm pretty sure it's from my boobs. i have never felt pain like this before. i've been puking off and on today cause it's made me so nauseated and i just peed my pants while vomiting.' After hearing that she had no problemo with me leaving. She suggested I get a doctor's note so that work can code me as using FMLA time and if I have to leave again it won't count against me. I'm glad I told her the reason why I was leaving cause I wouldn't have thought about the FMLA thing.
Swimming in the neighbor's pool yesterday kicked ass. I thought I wouldn't like being in a pool outside cause it's so hot. I was wrong. They have a saltwater pool instead of a chlorine one so you don't have to deal with the overpowering scent of bleach. Sweety's suggested getting a pool before but I always poo-pooed the idea. But yesterday I told him that we need to get a pool. With a swirly slide. And a privacy fence so I can run around the backyard naked. I think we will be looking into it soon, maybe this winter.
I Feel Like a Rotten Cantaloupe
I forgot to drink a glass of water after every shot of tequila last night and now I am paying for it. I can hear my brain sloshing around in my head.
And I've gotta take the sprogs swimming in the neighbors pool. Yech. I hate outside. But it is the trade off I worked in order to get out of taking them to the beach.
I better go ahead and get it over with so I can go back to bed.
And I've gotta take the sprogs swimming in the neighbors pool. Yech. I hate outside. But it is the trade off I worked in order to get out of taking them to the beach.
I better go ahead and get it over with so I can go back to bed.
And now my pinky is in my left eye. If he doesn't shut the fuck up with the snoring, I shall toast him in garlic butter and lick his bones clean.
I just turned around and gave him the evil eye. And he still snores on.
I'm gonna go smother him now. Right after I get mine.
I just turned around and gave him the evil eye. And he still snores on.
I'm gonna go smother him now. Right after I get mine.
Oh my fucking goodness. My sonavabithchin sweety is snorin like a motherfuckin freight train on FIRE! I kid you not. I just logged back on to make sure I didn't send any messages to anyone that may seem in appropriate.. I don't think I did.
But if I did. I am a horribly sorry for the inconvenience.
But if I did. I am a horribly sorry for the inconvenience.
Wild Saturday
I built this kick ass tent while the kids were running around the house like ferrets on crack.

Then we made smores by candlelight.

They were scented candles so we will all probably die from some type of odd cancer tonight.
After I got them high on sugar, they posed for photos. I will use this to blackmail them later in life.

And the gratuitous shot of tiny dog and her servant.

Hopefully, they will all go to sleep soon and then I can drink some tequila and get freaky with Sweety.

Then we made smores by candlelight.

They were scented candles so we will all probably die from some type of odd cancer tonight.
After I got them high on sugar, they posed for photos. I will use this to blackmail them later in life.

And the gratuitous shot of tiny dog and her servant.

Hopefully, they will all go to sleep soon and then I can drink some tequila and get freaky with Sweety.
Shoot Me Now
Do you know what is more delightful than waking up from a good nap refreshed? Waking up from a good nap because your motherfucking back hurts so bad that you need to puke. That will get your blood going. Fucking shit. I usually downplay pain but I guess if it makes me want to vomit it really must be hurting.
I figured out what was causing this. I'm pretty sure it's my boobs. Sweety and I noticed the other day the only time it hurts is after I've come home and showered and had my bra off for a couple of hours. So I have been diligent about wearing a fucking bra all the damned time. I was sleeping on my side earlier and I guess the fucking weight of the one on top, flopping over and trying to escape is what caused this one.
I've made some inquiries about getting a breast lift and reduction. I may do this before my planned time of December.
I may just go tape these motherfuckers down before I get dressed.
I figured out what was causing this. I'm pretty sure it's my boobs. Sweety and I noticed the other day the only time it hurts is after I've come home and showered and had my bra off for a couple of hours. So I have been diligent about wearing a fucking bra all the damned time. I was sleeping on my side earlier and I guess the fucking weight of the one on top, flopping over and trying to escape is what caused this one.
I've made some inquiries about getting a breast lift and reduction. I may do this before my planned time of December.
I may just go tape these motherfuckers down before I get dressed.
Tiny Post
I guess I got noticed at work last night. My tan was commented on as well as the placement of the slit in my skirt. I didn't realize that people paid that close attention to clothes. Today is jeans day. Thank goodness. I can just toss them in the dryer with a t-shirt and be ready to go later.
And I discovered last night that if you have a baby or adopt a child you get 12 weeks of paid leave! Holy crap batman. It almost makes me want to have kid. I wonder if I offered my womb to surrogacy if I could still get the time off. I think work only requires the birth certificate and a doctor's note to verify that you birthed to get the time off. I'm not feeling that desperate yet for a long vacation but it's nice to know it's an option.
It seems like I had some shit I was gonna type but I'm too damn sleepy to think right now. All I can think about it rubbing my feet across the sheets til I pass out.
And I discovered last night that if you have a baby or adopt a child you get 12 weeks of paid leave! Holy crap batman. It almost makes me want to have kid. I wonder if I offered my womb to surrogacy if I could still get the time off. I think work only requires the birth certificate and a doctor's note to verify that you birthed to get the time off. I'm not feeling that desperate yet for a long vacation but it's nice to know it's an option.
It seems like I had some shit I was gonna type but I'm too damn sleepy to think right now. All I can think about it rubbing my feet across the sheets til I pass out.
All Dressed Up for Work
I couldn't find anything to wear today. So I dug DEEP in the drawers and came up with a dress that I hadn't worn in quite awhile. It's a silvery-blue color with black leopard (?) print on it. Made of spandex-like stuff. Comes to my knees with a slit in the side and a scoop neck. And best part of all, the sleeves go almost to my elbows and the spandex stuff keeps my upper arm from being jiggly. And although it may not sound modest it is compared to the things I see girls at work in.
But I have a feeling when Sweety sees me he's gonna say something. Usually to work I wear the same 4 outfits: Jeans/t shirt - khaki pants/sweater - khaki pants/sweater - jeans/t shirt. With my hair slicked back and no make up on. People may not recognize me today. Cause a dress like this demands make up and fixing of the hair.
I think Sweety thinks I am susceptible to running away with someone I work with. It probably doesn't help that he knows I had an affair at my old job. But that is like comparing apples and dogshit. My home situation now is nothing like it was then.
And it probably doesn't help that I heard some of my fellow podsters at work described me as "hot" during a smoke break and passed that tidbit on to Sweety the other day. Of course, none of these fellows is old enough to need to shave yet on a regular basis.
Maybe if I continue to look cute going to work he will tell me it is okay if I quit and hide at home.
But I have a feeling when Sweety sees me he's gonna say something. Usually to work I wear the same 4 outfits: Jeans/t shirt - khaki pants/sweater - khaki pants/sweater - jeans/t shirt. With my hair slicked back and no make up on. People may not recognize me today. Cause a dress like this demands make up and fixing of the hair.
I think Sweety thinks I am susceptible to running away with someone I work with. It probably doesn't help that he knows I had an affair at my old job. But that is like comparing apples and dogshit. My home situation now is nothing like it was then.
And it probably doesn't help that I heard some of my fellow podsters at work described me as "hot" during a smoke break and passed that tidbit on to Sweety the other day. Of course, none of these fellows is old enough to need to shave yet on a regular basis.
Maybe if I continue to look cute going to work he will tell me it is okay if I quit and hide at home.
Wee Todd Ed
I am sofa king wee todd ed.
Upon waking from my nap, I just realized that I left the clothes dryer on. For the last 2.5 hours it has been cheerfully shrinking Sweety's clothes down to barbie doll like proportions.
The last fucking thing he said to me today was to not forget to turn of the dryer when I was doing laundry.
Upon waking from my nap, I just realized that I left the clothes dryer on. For the last 2.5 hours it has been cheerfully shrinking Sweety's clothes down to barbie doll like proportions.
The last fucking thing he said to me today was to not forget to turn of the dryer when I was doing laundry.
Time's Flying
I did the spraypaint tan again this morning. Didn't have Sweety come home and do it, managed on my own. One nice thing about being tan is it hides cellulite. I'd forgotten about that. I will never go pale again.
Sweety got a nice "surprise" from me in the shower last night. The way our shower and tub are you can stand on this ledge in the corner. So he stood and I serviced. Towards the end I was afraid he was going to forget where he was and slip off the ledge and the children would have to call an ambulance for us.
Stinky and tiny dog are having a party with the boys laundry sack. I'd almost let them continue their play but that seems kinda weird. And who knows what kind of scuzz is in that bag.
I broke my own rule of "don't tell the kids that we will do something fun in advance". I don't like to tell them things like that ahead of time because if something happens and there is a change in plans they won't know what they missed. But for some reason I told them we'd go to the beach on Saturday. What the hell was I thinking? I hate the beach. Too hot. Too windy. To much sand ends up in places better left unmentioned. I will try to make it a short trip. Maybe they can be bribed into doing something else.
When I was buying Sweety's birthday card the other day I almost bought one for my Grandma. It was a large print card and I thought "hey, i'll get this and save it for her birthday next year". I momentarily forgot that she just died. Gagh. I almost had a breakdown in the freaking card store.
And I was reading California Girl's post here and it reminded me of growing up. I grew up in the middle of nowhere in Oklahoma. The actual town I lived outside of had about 200 people in it and a post office. I went to school 8 miles away in a school that had 175 kids in it for grades k - 12. Where we lived there was no such thing as cable t.v. It didn't come out that far. We got 3 channels on the t.v. and none of them had a clear picture. This was probably a good thing because as a result I read ALOT. I used to go with my Grandma to garage sales and buy tons of books. Readers Digest? Oh my god, if I found a box of old Readers Digest for a dime apiece it was Christmas in July. And usually people were so impressed that a child wanted the books that they'd give them to me. I remember being introduced to Stephen King when I was 9 or 10. I got a paperback copy of The Shining. My parents would hide my books at bedtime because I'd stay up all night reading. I get really into a book when I'm reading it. Once when taking a break from Little Women I started wondering what some of the characters were doing and then realized "duh, they're doing the same thing they were doing the last time you read the book". I think it is okay to sometimes not have a really good grip on reality.
This will be the last weekend that Sylvie is here. To celebrate the kids are getting to build a tent in the toyroom and sleep there on Saturday night. I have also obligated myself to telling them a story. I'm trying to come up with an idea of what it will be about but the story telling well is kinda shallow right now. I'm sure I'll yank something good out of the air for them.
I so hope I deal with Sylvie being gone well. I think my relief at getting to be alone again with outweigh my missing her. But I'm not sure.
Right now our computer is in our bedroom but when Sylvie leaves we're turning her room into a t.v. room for the kids/computer station. I can't wait. Now I can come in from work and sneak around on the internet instead of eating until I'm sleepy.
Sweety got a nice "surprise" from me in the shower last night. The way our shower and tub are you can stand on this ledge in the corner. So he stood and I serviced. Towards the end I was afraid he was going to forget where he was and slip off the ledge and the children would have to call an ambulance for us.
Stinky and tiny dog are having a party with the boys laundry sack. I'd almost let them continue their play but that seems kinda weird. And who knows what kind of scuzz is in that bag.
I broke my own rule of "don't tell the kids that we will do something fun in advance". I don't like to tell them things like that ahead of time because if something happens and there is a change in plans they won't know what they missed. But for some reason I told them we'd go to the beach on Saturday. What the hell was I thinking? I hate the beach. Too hot. Too windy. To much sand ends up in places better left unmentioned. I will try to make it a short trip. Maybe they can be bribed into doing something else.
When I was buying Sweety's birthday card the other day I almost bought one for my Grandma. It was a large print card and I thought "hey, i'll get this and save it for her birthday next year". I momentarily forgot that she just died. Gagh. I almost had a breakdown in the freaking card store.
And I was reading California Girl's post here and it reminded me of growing up. I grew up in the middle of nowhere in Oklahoma. The actual town I lived outside of had about 200 people in it and a post office. I went to school 8 miles away in a school that had 175 kids in it for grades k - 12. Where we lived there was no such thing as cable t.v. It didn't come out that far. We got 3 channels on the t.v. and none of them had a clear picture. This was probably a good thing because as a result I read ALOT. I used to go with my Grandma to garage sales and buy tons of books. Readers Digest? Oh my god, if I found a box of old Readers Digest for a dime apiece it was Christmas in July. And usually people were so impressed that a child wanted the books that they'd give them to me. I remember being introduced to Stephen King when I was 9 or 10. I got a paperback copy of The Shining. My parents would hide my books at bedtime because I'd stay up all night reading. I get really into a book when I'm reading it. Once when taking a break from Little Women I started wondering what some of the characters were doing and then realized "duh, they're doing the same thing they were doing the last time you read the book". I think it is okay to sometimes not have a really good grip on reality.
This will be the last weekend that Sylvie is here. To celebrate the kids are getting to build a tent in the toyroom and sleep there on Saturday night. I have also obligated myself to telling them a story. I'm trying to come up with an idea of what it will be about but the story telling well is kinda shallow right now. I'm sure I'll yank something good out of the air for them.
I so hope I deal with Sylvie being gone well. I think my relief at getting to be alone again with outweigh my missing her. But I'm not sure.
Right now our computer is in our bedroom but when Sylvie leaves we're turning her room into a t.v. room for the kids/computer station. I can't wait. Now I can come in from work and sneak around on the internet instead of eating until I'm sleepy.
Attn: Fake Tanners and Self Waxers!
Oh goody. I am so pleased. I just woke up from a nap and am a nice mildly toasty shade of brown. Not too extreme. I may have Sweety spraypaint me again tonight.
I used Neutrogena Micro Tanning Mist, Medium and it seems to have worked. I'm not blotchy and I'm not orange. I can now throw away all the other self tanners I have been hoarding after using them once. (cause you know someone may come by begging for crappy self tanners someday) Last night I exfoliated using a steel wool pad and Neutrogena Pre Sunless Scrub. I could've probably done without the special scrubby soap so I probably won't get any more of that. But it did smell nice and citrusy.
And I just yanked off some stray eyebrow hair and my very dainty upper lip hair using Nads Facial Wand. I'd seen infomercials for it and thought it had to be a bunch of crap. But it was on sale last night and I'm getting wooly so I bought it. Now I can also throw away all the barely used hair removal kits that have been keeping the sunless tanners company. I may go get a big tub of the stuff and yank off everything on Sweety's back. I love doing that. He thinks that I'm laughing til I cry because of his painful, pillow muffled screams but really I'm just so delighted with the process I must cackle with glee.
I used Veet last night on my legs and they still feel smooth. You smear the cream stuff all over your legs and then scrape it off with a razor looking contraption that doesn't have a blade and it drags out the hair. I kinda pressed too hard in my eagerness to get fuzz free legs and had a lot of little red lines running up and down my legs after I got out of the shower but they are gone now. And I don't have any stinkin' razor burn bumps.
I am so pleased. I hate buying shit that doesn't work. In a couple of hours I will emerge from the house tan and smooth. Instead of looking like a hairy, albino mole rat.
I used Neutrogena Micro Tanning Mist, Medium and it seems to have worked. I'm not blotchy and I'm not orange. I can now throw away all the other self tanners I have been hoarding after using them once. (cause you know someone may come by begging for crappy self tanners someday) Last night I exfoliated using a steel wool pad and Neutrogena Pre Sunless Scrub. I could've probably done without the special scrubby soap so I probably won't get any more of that. But it did smell nice and citrusy.
And I just yanked off some stray eyebrow hair and my very dainty upper lip hair using Nads Facial Wand. I'd seen infomercials for it and thought it had to be a bunch of crap. But it was on sale last night and I'm getting wooly so I bought it. Now I can also throw away all the barely used hair removal kits that have been keeping the sunless tanners company. I may go get a big tub of the stuff and yank off everything on Sweety's back. I love doing that. He thinks that I'm laughing til I cry because of his painful, pillow muffled screams but really I'm just so delighted with the process I must cackle with glee.
I used Veet last night on my legs and they still feel smooth. You smear the cream stuff all over your legs and then scrape it off with a razor looking contraption that doesn't have a blade and it drags out the hair. I kinda pressed too hard in my eagerness to get fuzz free legs and had a lot of little red lines running up and down my legs after I got out of the shower but they are gone now. And I don't have any stinkin' razor burn bumps.
I am so pleased. I hate buying shit that doesn't work. In a couple of hours I will emerge from the house tan and smooth. Instead of looking like a hairy, albino mole rat.
Making Me Brown
Sweety came back by the house after dropping the kiddos off at school so he could spraypaint me. I got some of that tanning mist crap in a can yesterday. I hope it works. So I don't feel compelled to go pay a "professional" to do it. I'm trying to get enough of a tan to cover the yellow tint of my skin. And to try and mask some of my bruises. I'm just too damn clumsy. I feel a green bruise on tan skin is less unattractive than a bruise on yellow skin.
I gave up some kick ass birthday sex last night, if I say so myself. I finished him off in the reverse cowgirl position while using my legs to move up and down. He screamed like a girl :) My thighs are sore. I had a good view of it in the mirror which is always neat.
I just read the last couple of posts at Jay Loves Kitti. Whoa. What a mess. Last night we were watching something on the t.v. about people who were having online affairs. I asked him if he considered that cheating. And he gave the proper answer of yes. I don't really think talking to someone online would be too bad but you are just opening a door. And Sweety knows if he ever walked through a door like that I would put his weenie, head first, into the garbage disposal.
BB(10) got his first love letter yesterday. Well, he thought it was for him. At his school they have an in-school mail system where you can send letters to the kids at school. Yesterday the teacher gives him this note that some girl has sent. He was all excited about it. I don't think he likes the girl but he liked getting the note. Last night after going to bed he wakes up from a dead sleep and tells his dad 'wait a minute. there's another kid in my class with my name. i think the letter was for him.' Now he doesn't know what to do. Oh the trials of preteenage love.
I ended up getting Sweety a cd and a crystal heart for his birthday. He got me a heart thingy last Christmas and I saw one that complimented it so I got it to make a set. Mine is a solid heart and the one I got for him is like a little box and it has more little red crystal hearts that go inside of it. We went and had dinner at Carrabba's and then came home for ice cream cake and carrot cake. He said he had a good birthday.
I gave up some kick ass birthday sex last night, if I say so myself. I finished him off in the reverse cowgirl position while using my legs to move up and down. He screamed like a girl :) My thighs are sore. I had a good view of it in the mirror which is always neat.
I just read the last couple of posts at Jay Loves Kitti. Whoa. What a mess. Last night we were watching something on the t.v. about people who were having online affairs. I asked him if he considered that cheating. And he gave the proper answer of yes. I don't really think talking to someone online would be too bad but you are just opening a door. And Sweety knows if he ever walked through a door like that I would put his weenie, head first, into the garbage disposal.
BB(10) got his first love letter yesterday. Well, he thought it was for him. At his school they have an in-school mail system where you can send letters to the kids at school. Yesterday the teacher gives him this note that some girl has sent. He was all excited about it. I don't think he likes the girl but he liked getting the note. Last night after going to bed he wakes up from a dead sleep and tells his dad 'wait a minute. there's another kid in my class with my name. i think the letter was for him.' Now he doesn't know what to do. Oh the trials of preteenage love.
I ended up getting Sweety a cd and a crystal heart for his birthday. He got me a heart thingy last Christmas and I saw one that complimented it so I got it to make a set. Mine is a solid heart and the one I got for him is like a little box and it has more little red crystal hearts that go inside of it. We went and had dinner at Carrabba's and then came home for ice cream cake and carrot cake. He said he had a good birthday.
And I just re-remembered today is Sweety's birthday and I need to take a tiny nap before I run all over the place to get him a gift before I have to get the sprogs from school. For the next 4 months he gets to enjoy having a wife who is 8 years younger. Go Sweety! I'm not gonna go crazy with his gift this year. In the interest of not adding to debt I'm just going to get him a couple of cd's and some small stuff. Maybe I'll just smooth the coochie up later and put a bow on it. That would save me a trip to the freaking mall.
We Have the Same Mother?
I just got off the phone with my sister. And I am still fucking agog at the conversation we had. I thought she'd decided months ago that she was driving here by herself to get Sylvie when school gets out. Months ago I explained to her why it was a good idea for her to get Sylvie alone instead of bringing her fiance/boyfriend/whatever with her because Sylvie hasn't seen her since December and needs to spend some alone time with her. Well, what the fuck ever.
She calls me this morning to tell me she can't decide if she's going to fly Sylvie back or if John is going to ride down here with her. She asked me if it was okay if they stayed here. I started to say something about how I thought she was coming alone but just told her nevermind and it was fine if he stayed here. But then I did explain to her why I thought she needed to drive down here and pick her kid up (sylvie already thinks they are driving back together and sylvie thinks her mom is going to be at her school on the last day). Sister tells me she wants him to come because she doesn't like the drive alone. Gee fucking whiz, you managed to make the drive back to Oklahoma alone when you fucking left your child here, didn't you? Then she gets all snotty and says that she'll just tell John to not come because obviously I don't want him too.
Let's not put fucking words in my mouth, okay? I explained to her again that Sylvie is going to feel put out if her mom gets here and she has to share her right off the bat with her boyfriend. I have a feeling that she will end up either bringing him or wanting to fly Sylvie home (because dammit when she wants to do something, fuck everyone else). And in that case, it means all of Sylvie's crap will still be at my house and I will have to dispose of it. I'll be glad when Sylvie is gone and I can quit worrying about wiping my sister's nose. Selfish tard.
I cannot believe we have the same parents. I may ask my mom later if my sister is the mailman's.
She calls me this morning to tell me she can't decide if she's going to fly Sylvie back or if John is going to ride down here with her. She asked me if it was okay if they stayed here. I started to say something about how I thought she was coming alone but just told her nevermind and it was fine if he stayed here. But then I did explain to her why I thought she needed to drive down here and pick her kid up (sylvie already thinks they are driving back together and sylvie thinks her mom is going to be at her school on the last day). Sister tells me she wants him to come because she doesn't like the drive alone. Gee fucking whiz, you managed to make the drive back to Oklahoma alone when you fucking left your child here, didn't you? Then she gets all snotty and says that she'll just tell John to not come because obviously I don't want him too.
Let's not put fucking words in my mouth, okay? I explained to her again that Sylvie is going to feel put out if her mom gets here and she has to share her right off the bat with her boyfriend. I have a feeling that she will end up either bringing him or wanting to fly Sylvie home (because dammit when she wants to do something, fuck everyone else). And in that case, it means all of Sylvie's crap will still be at my house and I will have to dispose of it. I'll be glad when Sylvie is gone and I can quit worrying about wiping my sister's nose. Selfish tard.
I cannot believe we have the same parents. I may ask my mom later if my sister is the mailman's.
I'm Drugged Up
In regards to MCB's comment here one of the first times we went out with this couple that we went out with this weekend I got drunk. I mean Fucked up totally. Sweety said that he came out of the bathroom at the restaurant we were in and I was all propped back in our booth holding court like I was Dr. Ruth. Apparently I was quite loudly discussing, girl/girl sex, anal sex, and oral sex. During that night out I revealed some rather intimate things and actually called them the next day to apologize for anything I may have said that would've caused them any embarrassment. Luckily they told Sweety they had a large time and they have no problem with whatever conversation I may initiate. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I bit her hand once too. She thought I was passed out and leaned up to tickle my neck and I chomped down once her fingers were in my range.
I am no longer going to bitch about my arm hurting. Cause my effing back has been killing me all night. I think I sat weird in my chair last night to try and ease the tingling in my arm and it gave me a backache. I've had an aleve, 2 aspirin, a sleeping pill and I've been laying on this fucking heating pad rice sock thingy since about 5 a.m. I'm waiting for the sleeping pill to kick in so maybe I can sleep through the back aggravation.
I got sex again yesterday before work! Woo hoo! Put a movie on the t.v. for Sylvie and then lured Sweety into the bedroom. It was a quickie so I even had time for a nap before work. Wonderful.
Just a little over a week til school is out and Sylvie is gone. I've never done heroin, but I may get some to celebrate my kid-free status. And maybe I'll get a crack rock the size of tiny dog's head too. I am so ready to not have to be responsible for someone else on Thursdays and Fridays. I hope my sister is enjoying sleeping in while her kiddo is over here.
I'm seriously thinking about doing some volunteerism once I have Wednesdays to myself again. Maybe the Meals on Wheels program. I know they're needing people and I have a soft spot for senior citizens. For my first job I worked for a home health care agency and what I did was pretty much housecleaned for old people. I really enjoyed it. I could tell they were happy to have a visitor. Sometimes I'd take them to the grocery store and errand running even though we weren't supposed to do that because they didn't have anyone else to do it. At the time I was driving an 89 Oldsmobile Ciera. The perfect old lady car. My charges loved it. I had to quit because the job paid less than peanuts.
Yesterday I was talking to my friend in TX, Nat, and she asked if when I was there on vacation if I'd want to go to Dallas with her and a friend of hers that will be visiting the same time that I will be. Not wishing to offend anyone I said yes. But the more I think about it the more I know that I really don't want to. I think I'm going to tell her I'd love to come to her house and visit but I really don't want to waste 2 days in Dallas going out on the town when I don't really want to do that anyway. I don't mind going to a little dive bar and drinking and visiting but I'm pretty sure they'll want to go to some type of dance club/pickup place and I don't have fun at those kinds of places. With my exhusband we'd both go out to different places on the weekends and it didn't bother me to dance or talk to other guys but since I've been married to Sweety I've noticed that I feel guilty if I'm in that type of situation. I must really like him a lot.
Oh my goodness. I've just polished off half a box of cheese nips. I better go bury the box in the trash. My diet officially starts (again) after I lick the cheese nip bowl clean.
I wish stinky dog would shut the hell up and quit snoring. Jesuschristonapogostick, dog. Why can't you just breathe quietly? I'm pretty much over my guilt about almost washing her to death and she's back to getting on my nerves. Maybe I'm not totally over the guilt. I am going to let her sleep with me later.
I just realized my back isn't hurting right now. I'm gonna try and go to sleep before it starts back up!
I am no longer going to bitch about my arm hurting. Cause my effing back has been killing me all night. I think I sat weird in my chair last night to try and ease the tingling in my arm and it gave me a backache. I've had an aleve, 2 aspirin, a sleeping pill and I've been laying on this fucking heating pad rice sock thingy since about 5 a.m. I'm waiting for the sleeping pill to kick in so maybe I can sleep through the back aggravation.
I got sex again yesterday before work! Woo hoo! Put a movie on the t.v. for Sylvie and then lured Sweety into the bedroom. It was a quickie so I even had time for a nap before work. Wonderful.
Just a little over a week til school is out and Sylvie is gone. I've never done heroin, but I may get some to celebrate my kid-free status. And maybe I'll get a crack rock the size of tiny dog's head too. I am so ready to not have to be responsible for someone else on Thursdays and Fridays. I hope my sister is enjoying sleeping in while her kiddo is over here.
I'm seriously thinking about doing some volunteerism once I have Wednesdays to myself again. Maybe the Meals on Wheels program. I know they're needing people and I have a soft spot for senior citizens. For my first job I worked for a home health care agency and what I did was pretty much housecleaned for old people. I really enjoyed it. I could tell they were happy to have a visitor. Sometimes I'd take them to the grocery store and errand running even though we weren't supposed to do that because they didn't have anyone else to do it. At the time I was driving an 89 Oldsmobile Ciera. The perfect old lady car. My charges loved it. I had to quit because the job paid less than peanuts.
Yesterday I was talking to my friend in TX, Nat, and she asked if when I was there on vacation if I'd want to go to Dallas with her and a friend of hers that will be visiting the same time that I will be. Not wishing to offend anyone I said yes. But the more I think about it the more I know that I really don't want to. I think I'm going to tell her I'd love to come to her house and visit but I really don't want to waste 2 days in Dallas going out on the town when I don't really want to do that anyway. I don't mind going to a little dive bar and drinking and visiting but I'm pretty sure they'll want to go to some type of dance club/pickup place and I don't have fun at those kinds of places. With my exhusband we'd both go out to different places on the weekends and it didn't bother me to dance or talk to other guys but since I've been married to Sweety I've noticed that I feel guilty if I'm in that type of situation. I must really like him a lot.
Oh my goodness. I've just polished off half a box of cheese nips. I better go bury the box in the trash. My diet officially starts (again) after I lick the cheese nip bowl clean.
I wish stinky dog would shut the hell up and quit snoring. Jesuschristonapogostick, dog. Why can't you just breathe quietly? I'm pretty much over my guilt about almost washing her to death and she's back to getting on my nerves. Maybe I'm not totally over the guilt. I am going to let her sleep with me later.
I just realized my back isn't hurting right now. I'm gonna try and go to sleep before it starts back up!
Beware of Chickie
I feel like shit. I didn't sleep worth a squirt of piss last night. I kept having some seriously fucked up dreams and I remember trying to wake myself up by yelling at Sweety. He verified that I did indeed spend part of the night saying crazy things. As a result his sleep wasn't too good either. And I feel like maybe I was running a fever earlier and my fucking arm is aching. I dunno what's up with the arm. My right one. From about the elbow down to my fingertips has been aching for the past few days. It's starting to piss me off. I feel mean today.
I'm glad I got some good sex last night. Otherwise I'd really be a raving bitch today.
Grrrr... I'm gonna go look for a squirrel to kill and eat over an open fire in the yard later. I think that would perk me up.
I'm glad I got some good sex last night. Otherwise I'd really be a raving bitch today.
Grrrr... I'm gonna go look for a squirrel to kill and eat over an open fire in the yard later. I think that would perk me up.
Last night was fun. After the concert we went to a sports bar type place and drank ourselves silly. Well, me and Erica did anyway. I think the guys were okay. Since we had covered the topic of swallowing after giving a blowjob our last time out I brought up a new topic this time. The elusive squirting orgasm. I kept my voice down more this time than I did last time though. Didn't get any wild drunken sex last night. I opted for sleep instead. I was drinking vodka and with that for some reason instead of wanting to party after I've been drinking, I'd rather sleep. Promised Sweety I'd make it up to him tonight.
BB's basketball game went well. His team won as opposed to getting spanked last time. I was glad it went good for him. Nothing worse than trying to converse with a 10 year old who's just had his ass whipped in some type of game.
I don't know what the hell is up with my AOL. Argh. I can't get to any of my mail. I'm getting an error that tells me to reinstall the program. I'd like to know how a file gets damaged when I don't do anything with my computer. I'll have to venture out tomorrow and get another AOL disk. With all the crap I have laying around here I don't have the disk I used to install it the first time.
BB's basketball game went well. His team won as opposed to getting spanked last time. I was glad it went good for him. Nothing worse than trying to converse with a 10 year old who's just had his ass whipped in some type of game.
I don't know what the hell is up with my AOL. Argh. I can't get to any of my mail. I'm getting an error that tells me to reinstall the program. I'd like to know how a file gets damaged when I don't do anything with my computer. I'll have to venture out tomorrow and get another AOL disk. With all the crap I have laying around here I don't have the disk I used to install it the first time.
Agh. I've been tagged by Sarcastic Kitty!
1. Total Number of Books I've Owned: A bunch. I'm a nerd.
2. Last Book I Bought: Angels and Demons by Dan Brown.
3. Last Book I Read: I just finished Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. Now I'm working on The Da Vinci Code
4. 5 Books that mean a lot to me: These are all books that I've read and re-read several times.
1 - All of the Little House on the Prairie books. I read these probably 10 times each by the time I was in the sixth grade.
2 - I Am Legend by Richard Matheson. It's a collection of short stories and one of them, Dance of the Dead really creeped me out. I didn't realize why til I had a friend read it and she said it was because it sounded like something that would happen to me.
3 - Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews. The first "grown up" book I read. I was in the third grade and my teacher didn't believe me til I did a book report on it.
4 - The Talisman by Stephen King. Because sometimes I think this world exists. Or at least it should.
5 - The Dark Tower VII by Stephen King. When I was growing up I read the Dark Tower series and waited impatiently til the next one came out. I cried when I read the last one because it was kinda like having my best friend move away.
And an honorable mention goes to all of the Playboys and Penthouse magazines my dad kept hidden in the closet. Learned a lot from those.
I know the rule is that you're supposed to tag 5 people but I suck at chain letters. And well, I don't think I hang around at enough blogs that I could come up with 5 people. The buck stops here.
My mom sent me some kind of chain letter in January where you send the person on the list 2 dish towels. Guess what is sitting on my floor right now? A box with 2 dish towels in it.
1. Total Number of Books I've Owned: A bunch. I'm a nerd.
2. Last Book I Bought: Angels and Demons by Dan Brown.
3. Last Book I Read: I just finished Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. Now I'm working on The Da Vinci Code
4. 5 Books that mean a lot to me: These are all books that I've read and re-read several times.
1 - All of the Little House on the Prairie books. I read these probably 10 times each by the time I was in the sixth grade.
2 - I Am Legend by Richard Matheson. It's a collection of short stories and one of them, Dance of the Dead really creeped me out. I didn't realize why til I had a friend read it and she said it was because it sounded like something that would happen to me.
3 - Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews. The first "grown up" book I read. I was in the third grade and my teacher didn't believe me til I did a book report on it.
4 - The Talisman by Stephen King. Because sometimes I think this world exists. Or at least it should.
5 - The Dark Tower VII by Stephen King. When I was growing up I read the Dark Tower series and waited impatiently til the next one came out. I cried when I read the last one because it was kinda like having my best friend move away.
And an honorable mention goes to all of the Playboys and Penthouse magazines my dad kept hidden in the closet. Learned a lot from those.
I know the rule is that you're supposed to tag 5 people but I suck at chain letters. And well, I don't think I hang around at enough blogs that I could come up with 5 people. The buck stops here.
My mom sent me some kind of chain letter in January where you send the person on the list 2 dish towels. Guess what is sitting on my floor right now? A box with 2 dish towels in it.
Quit Asking Me About the Baby Already!
Lunch at school went well. I didn't even tell LB that I knew he was late for school. We had a nice lunch. While we were in the lunch line his teacher came up and told him the new baby was cute and asked if he had held her yet. He told her yes. Then the teacher comes over to me and asks me if I've held her yet. I just gave her a funny look and said no and she told me the baby certainly was precious. I wanted to tell her that not only have I held it but I thought it was so effing cute that I tried to breastfeed it but my titty was rejected. I haven't even laid eyes on the little flesh loaf yet.
Sweety and I have decided that the teachers must think that I'm the boys' mom since I'm the one always up there for field trips and lunches and the boys' have a tendency to introduce me to their friends at school as their mom. And that they must think that him and EW are married since they always do the teachers meetings together and I never go to those. (i don't think they need a whole crowd for teachers meetings. sweety just reports everything back to me) When all three of us are at an open house or something I kinda hang back and let Sweety and EW do the talking so maybe that's part of it too. I dunno.
Or maybe they think Sweety is running a harem over here.
Sweety and I have decided that the teachers must think that I'm the boys' mom since I'm the one always up there for field trips and lunches and the boys' have a tendency to introduce me to their friends at school as their mom. And that they must think that him and EW are married since they always do the teachers meetings together and I never go to those. (i don't think they need a whole crowd for teachers meetings. sweety just reports everything back to me) When all three of us are at an open house or something I kinda hang back and let Sweety and EW do the talking so maybe that's part of it too. I dunno.
Or maybe they think Sweety is running a harem over here.
Stinky Dog: 1 Sweety: 0
I came home from work early last night cause my head was killing me. Think it's my sinuses or allergies or something. I'm glad I did because I got to witness the grossest thing EVER.
Stinky was in the bathroom in her bed and she was whining to be let out. Sweety got pissed off and decided to move her to the other bathroom that is farther away. He took her bed to that bathroom but when he told her to follow him and get in it she wouldn't. So his naked, freshly showered self picks up the dog and deposits her in the bathroom. Then he realizes that during Stinky dog's trip from one bathroom to the other she got so worked up and scared that her anal gland went off. For anyone who doesn't know, that is some nasty stuff. It kinda comes out like a skunk spray I guess. It's this foul smelling watery brown stuff. Sweety was quite aggravated and had to go shower again.
Bwwwwhhhaaahaaa! (i'm glad i got the laugh out now. i didn't last night cause i was afraid i wouldn't be able to stop before he got out of the shower)
Stinky was in the bathroom in her bed and she was whining to be let out. Sweety got pissed off and decided to move her to the other bathroom that is farther away. He took her bed to that bathroom but when he told her to follow him and get in it she wouldn't. So his naked, freshly showered self picks up the dog and deposits her in the bathroom. Then he realizes that during Stinky dog's trip from one bathroom to the other she got so worked up and scared that her anal gland went off. For anyone who doesn't know, that is some nasty stuff. It kinda comes out like a skunk spray I guess. It's this foul smelling watery brown stuff. Sweety was quite aggravated and had to go shower again.
Bwwwwhhhaaahaaa! (i'm glad i got the laugh out now. i didn't last night cause i was afraid i wouldn't be able to stop before he got out of the shower)
Family Life
LB phoned Sweety this morning to tell him he wasn't going to school cause his stomach hurt. Then EW gets on the phone and told him she couldn't get LB to eat and she didn't know what the problem was. Gee, I fucking wonder... The kid only is "sick" on Fridays when he's with his mom. You'd think she'd have figured out by now that there seems to be a pattern to the illness. I told Sweety I was glad he called to tell me because I was supposed to go eat lunch with LB today and if I'd have gotten up there and he wasn't at school it wouldn't have been pretty. So Sweety calls LB back and tells him to go to school and he knows he's having a lunch visitor today. I guess I'll start having lunch their every freaking Friday to help ensure that he goes to school.
I have been amusing myself with my favorite fantasy involving the exwife. She's face down on the sidewalk and I'm sitting on her back, straddling her and rubbing her face off on the concrete. Then I flip her over and sprinkle salt on her. When I am done I jackhammer out the piece of concrete and turn it into a coffee table.
For awhile I tried to just not get annoyed about things she does with the boys that are just plain stupid. I used the reasoning of 'well, they aren't my kids so why should i care?' But that didn't last too long. She thinks it's okay for them to not go to school and stay up late and do crappy homework. LB is very smart and Sweety said once that at least he wouldn't get behind in school if he missed a day or wasn't worked with. My thinking is why just let your kid be mediocre when they have the potential to be great? It just pisses me off. I want to see them do good and I'm not even their mom. Why doesn't she?
They had a Fairytale Parade for the kindergarteners this morning. I went up there to watch and saw LB going to his class. Sylvie was a dragon. It was what she was for Halloween and she had a dragon storybook so it worked out well. She was cute and she didn't hide her face like I thought she would.
Tomorrow BB has a basketball game. I can't wait. I like to see all those kids out there running around like chickens with their heads cut off. And I know EW won't be there so I will be more relaxed. I want to eat a concession stand hot dog.
I've have been one eating fool since I went to Oklahoma at the end of April. I've got to stop inhaling everything in sight. I've decided I'll get back on my diet when Sylvie leaves. I'll need the comfort of food to get me through her going.
But I have discovered one very tasty treat. Chocolate Lovers Poppycock. Oh my goodness. That shit is so good. I'd never seen it before and it was on sale ($3 for one teensy bag) at the pharmacy the other night so I got some. And ate almost all of it before I got home from work. My jaw hurt from chewing the stuff. Now I'm fixing to have myself one of those Mexican microwavable dinners. I like them in a sick sort of way. I cannot wait til we go on vacation and I can eat some good Mexican food and bbq!
Some other people are meeting us at the bar tonight. That should be interesting. Sweety said they said they wanted to drink with me. Sweety tells me that I act differently when I'm drinking. I know. That's why I've changed my habits. At least I'm not one of those stick-in-the-mud types that are all grouchy when we go out. He would probably die if he could've seen me out on the town a few years ago.
I don't know what the hell I'm gonna wear tonight. Argh. I need some new clothes. But first I need to purge my drawers of stuff I don't even wear anymore to make some room.
I have been amusing myself with my favorite fantasy involving the exwife. She's face down on the sidewalk and I'm sitting on her back, straddling her and rubbing her face off on the concrete. Then I flip her over and sprinkle salt on her. When I am done I jackhammer out the piece of concrete and turn it into a coffee table.
For awhile I tried to just not get annoyed about things she does with the boys that are just plain stupid. I used the reasoning of 'well, they aren't my kids so why should i care?' But that didn't last too long. She thinks it's okay for them to not go to school and stay up late and do crappy homework. LB is very smart and Sweety said once that at least he wouldn't get behind in school if he missed a day or wasn't worked with. My thinking is why just let your kid be mediocre when they have the potential to be great? It just pisses me off. I want to see them do good and I'm not even their mom. Why doesn't she?
They had a Fairytale Parade for the kindergarteners this morning. I went up there to watch and saw LB going to his class. Sylvie was a dragon. It was what she was for Halloween and she had a dragon storybook so it worked out well. She was cute and she didn't hide her face like I thought she would.
Tomorrow BB has a basketball game. I can't wait. I like to see all those kids out there running around like chickens with their heads cut off. And I know EW won't be there so I will be more relaxed. I want to eat a concession stand hot dog.
I've have been one eating fool since I went to Oklahoma at the end of April. I've got to stop inhaling everything in sight. I've decided I'll get back on my diet when Sylvie leaves. I'll need the comfort of food to get me through her going.
But I have discovered one very tasty treat. Chocolate Lovers Poppycock. Oh my goodness. That shit is so good. I'd never seen it before and it was on sale ($3 for one teensy bag) at the pharmacy the other night so I got some. And ate almost all of it before I got home from work. My jaw hurt from chewing the stuff. Now I'm fixing to have myself one of those Mexican microwavable dinners. I like them in a sick sort of way. I cannot wait til we go on vacation and I can eat some good Mexican food and bbq!
Some other people are meeting us at the bar tonight. That should be interesting. Sweety said they said they wanted to drink with me. Sweety tells me that I act differently when I'm drinking. I know. That's why I've changed my habits. At least I'm not one of those stick-in-the-mud types that are all grouchy when we go out. He would probably die if he could've seen me out on the town a few years ago.
I don't know what the hell I'm gonna wear tonight. Argh. I need some new clothes. But first I need to purge my drawers of stuff I don't even wear anymore to make some room.
Random Thoughts
Hee hee hee. Sweety called me all aggravated this morning because LB's teacher stopped to tell him she saw EW's latest spawn yesterday and just how cuuuuute she was. We've decided that maybe the teacher thinks they are married and I'm just someone who picks the kids up from school occasionally.
Usually when Sweety goes to EW's house on Wednesdays to get the boys after school they come running out to meet his car. Yesterday he had to go knock on the door to get them. I think she just wanted to show off her little crotchling. I told him he should've just stayed in his car and called her on his cell phone to send out the boys. She let him know that she wouldn't be able to take BB to his basketball game this Saturday (even though it's her weekend) cause it'll be too loud for the baby. We were going to the game anyway so we'll take him. And BB will know that his mom isn't there because she has the baby to tend to. I feel sorry for BB sometimes. I think he gets the least amount of attention from his mom since he's the oldest. And she seems to dote on whoever the baby is. I so wish a rabid dog would eat her.
I was looking for socks for Sylvie this morning and found not one sock in her dresser. I am actually in the negative with socks for her cause I found a note in her drawer from the sock gremlin saying he needed some more. I know there are at least 87 pairs of socks for a 6 year old girl around here somewhere. What the hell she does with them is beyond me.
Stinky and tiny dog have played themselves out this morning and are snoring loud enough to wake the dead. I've started letting myself in the house through the front door when I come home at night instead of opening the garage door so I don't have to wake them up and deal with them at 2:30 a.m. It's just not the time I feel like maneuvering around a basset hound that's trying to kill me with her happiness. I never thought I'd be resorting to sneaking into my own home so as to not wake up a damn dog.
It sucked working last night but at least tonight is my Friday. It'll be so nice to be off tomorrow. I think we may go to a bar after the George Carlin show. It's a bar where they do karaoke on Friday nights. I don't sing but I like watching others. If I sing in the car I make sure the radio is up loud so I can't hear myself. Sylvie asked me once to please not sing. I was crushed. Nothing like a preschooler letting you know your voice stinks.
A big thank you to sk for the blinkie thingy on the bottom of my page. I was pleasantly surprised that it took my uncomputer literate self only about 30 minutes to figure out how to put it on my page. I may have to go find more of these things and change them out every so often. Great, like I need something else to amuse me on the internet!
Usually when Sweety goes to EW's house on Wednesdays to get the boys after school they come running out to meet his car. Yesterday he had to go knock on the door to get them. I think she just wanted to show off her little crotchling. I told him he should've just stayed in his car and called her on his cell phone to send out the boys. She let him know that she wouldn't be able to take BB to his basketball game this Saturday (even though it's her weekend) cause it'll be too loud for the baby. We were going to the game anyway so we'll take him. And BB will know that his mom isn't there because she has the baby to tend to. I feel sorry for BB sometimes. I think he gets the least amount of attention from his mom since he's the oldest. And she seems to dote on whoever the baby is. I so wish a rabid dog would eat her.
I was looking for socks for Sylvie this morning and found not one sock in her dresser. I am actually in the negative with socks for her cause I found a note in her drawer from the sock gremlin saying he needed some more. I know there are at least 87 pairs of socks for a 6 year old girl around here somewhere. What the hell she does with them is beyond me.
Stinky and tiny dog have played themselves out this morning and are snoring loud enough to wake the dead. I've started letting myself in the house through the front door when I come home at night instead of opening the garage door so I don't have to wake them up and deal with them at 2:30 a.m. It's just not the time I feel like maneuvering around a basset hound that's trying to kill me with her happiness. I never thought I'd be resorting to sneaking into my own home so as to not wake up a damn dog.
It sucked working last night but at least tonight is my Friday. It'll be so nice to be off tomorrow. I think we may go to a bar after the George Carlin show. It's a bar where they do karaoke on Friday nights. I don't sing but I like watching others. If I sing in the car I make sure the radio is up loud so I can't hear myself. Sylvie asked me once to please not sing. I was crushed. Nothing like a preschooler letting you know your voice stinks.
A big thank you to sk for the blinkie thingy on the bottom of my page. I was pleasantly surprised that it took my uncomputer literate self only about 30 minutes to figure out how to put it on my page. I may have to go find more of these things and change them out every so often. Great, like I need something else to amuse me on the internet!
I Thought It Was Funny
Sweety's doctor said he has tinea versicolor. Some kind of skin fungus. Ew. I think the doctor's wrong though. It doesn't look like tinea versicolor. I don't have much faith in his doctor. This is the doctor who I went to see when I thought I was having a nervous breakdown and he told me to join a church. He didn't seem to hear me say that I was having HUGE problems leaving my damn house. Anyhoo... Sweety has these 2 big ass bite marks on each of his shoulders (from Saturday's sex romp) and the doctor asked him what they were. I was surprised that he even asked cause it's obvious what they are. Little teeth marks and all. Sweety was embarrassed.
See Me Smile?
Nothing like a fantastic night of sex to make your morning easier to get going. After the sprogs FINALLY went to sleep last night I had myself a few shots of tequila while watching Desperate Housewives and then we retreated to the bedroom.
I think at some point I will maybe do another blog or something about the bedroom activities. Maybe just write down a few of the stories that Sweety likes to hear so he can read them when I'm not here. I don't want to do it here cause I don't want someone who likes to read and see how stinky dog is doing to be surprised with a threesome story. I'm still writing this for myself but am trying to be a good host as well :)
Went to the school for an Author's Tea with Sylvie's class. They all wrote and illustrated their own books about themselves and then they read them. At first I was concerned because she was acting like a monkey on crack but then I realized all of the kids were acting the same way. I think she was nervous because they were sitting in front of a group. To soothe herself she started sucking her thumb. Once I caught her eye she yanked it out though. When I was leaving the school with all of her papers and stuff I started to freaking cry. I know that part of me will be glad when she's gone and my life can get back to normal (whatever the heck that is) but I'm really going to miss the little rat.
All three of the kids have been in fine form the last couple of days. Yesterday I thought about eating one of them just to show the other two that I meant business when I was talking to them. I couldn't decide on which one though. So I took a nap instead.
I'm waiting for the canines to finish their lunch so I can put them up and take a nap before work tonight. I'll be glad when the boys are old enough to be latchkey kids so I can maybe change my schedule to work during the day. I don't think I'll ever think they're old enough for that. They'd probably kill each other if they were home alone. I'm surprised that my sister and I both lived to adulthood. We were pretty rough with each other.
Good. The dogs are nestling down for their after lunch nap. Guess I will too.
I think at some point I will maybe do another blog or something about the bedroom activities. Maybe just write down a few of the stories that Sweety likes to hear so he can read them when I'm not here. I don't want to do it here cause I don't want someone who likes to read and see how stinky dog is doing to be surprised with a threesome story. I'm still writing this for myself but am trying to be a good host as well :)
Went to the school for an Author's Tea with Sylvie's class. They all wrote and illustrated their own books about themselves and then they read them. At first I was concerned because she was acting like a monkey on crack but then I realized all of the kids were acting the same way. I think she was nervous because they were sitting in front of a group. To soothe herself she started sucking her thumb. Once I caught her eye she yanked it out though. When I was leaving the school with all of her papers and stuff I started to freaking cry. I know that part of me will be glad when she's gone and my life can get back to normal (whatever the heck that is) but I'm really going to miss the little rat.
All three of the kids have been in fine form the last couple of days. Yesterday I thought about eating one of them just to show the other two that I meant business when I was talking to them. I couldn't decide on which one though. So I took a nap instead.
I'm waiting for the canines to finish their lunch so I can put them up and take a nap before work tonight. I'll be glad when the boys are old enough to be latchkey kids so I can maybe change my schedule to work during the day. I don't think I'll ever think they're old enough for that. They'd probably kill each other if they were home alone. I'm surprised that my sister and I both lived to adulthood. We were pretty rough with each other.
Good. The dogs are nestling down for their after lunch nap. Guess I will too.
Holy crap batman. I just had my brains fucked flat OUT. I think I shall start another blog to detail these things. Yummy freaking yummy.
Sick Sweety
He has a doctor's appointment today. We think he may have shingles. His right arm had been aching and hurting like hell a couple of weeks ago and a week or so ago he got some kind of funny rashy spot on his arm and it hasn't went away. I told him I thought it was shingles but someone else told him it was ringworm. So he didn't go to the doctor then. At work today about 1000 of the little spots sprouted all over his arm so he made a doctor's appointment. Good. Getting Sweety to the doctor is like pulling teeth. I'm glad he decided to go before it got any worse. Hopefully this is something that can be fixed with a minimal amount of discomfort to him.
You Talkin' to ME?
Upon entering the school office yesterday to see why Sylvie's class photos hadn't come in yet I had a most annoying conversation.
Perky office worker: So, do we have a baby yet?
Me (smiling hugely): Pardon me?
POW: Is the baby here yet?
Me (smiling big enough so everyone can see my razor sharp teeth): Ummmm, I dunno.
POW: Oh, I heard it was going to be today?
Me (now speaking through gritted maniacal grin and blinking repeatedly): I'm not sure. Maybe today.
She was of course referring to EW's newest hatchling. I just thought 'why on earth is she asking me about this?' I started to tell her I was busy with EW's kids that were living with me and the status of her pregnancy wasn't high on my list of things to keep track of. I didn't know it at the time but it had been birthed about 30 minutes earlier. Nice and healthy. I hope it gets colic.
Sweety told me he realized on Saturday that he really didn't have any room to be grouchy about my blog. That as he looked at me sitting in the basketball bleachers along with EW he thought 'why should i bitch about a blog. look what she's putting up with and being nice about it.' When I see her I have an almost uncontrollable urge to wrap my fingers up in her hair and slam her head against a wall. So far I have managed to keep that urge in check. Who knows what the future may hold?
I do know I'm going to have to listen to nauseating stories over and fucking over from the boys about all the cute things the new baby does. They'd just started easing up on the cute baby stories about their 2 year old brother over there.
I know they have a life at their mom's but sometimes it is very hard to keep an interested look on my face and not say 'nothing personal kiddo, but i really don't care. save your breath, mmmkay?' I don't want them to think they can't talk about things so I just engage in whatever conversation they want to make. Even if it makes my eye twitch.
Perky office worker: So, do we have a baby yet?
Me (smiling hugely): Pardon me?
POW: Is the baby here yet?
Me (smiling big enough so everyone can see my razor sharp teeth): Ummmm, I dunno.
POW: Oh, I heard it was going to be today?
Me (now speaking through gritted maniacal grin and blinking repeatedly): I'm not sure. Maybe today.
She was of course referring to EW's newest hatchling. I just thought 'why on earth is she asking me about this?' I started to tell her I was busy with EW's kids that were living with me and the status of her pregnancy wasn't high on my list of things to keep track of. I didn't know it at the time but it had been birthed about 30 minutes earlier. Nice and healthy. I hope it gets colic.
Sweety told me he realized on Saturday that he really didn't have any room to be grouchy about my blog. That as he looked at me sitting in the basketball bleachers along with EW he thought 'why should i bitch about a blog. look what she's putting up with and being nice about it.' When I see her I have an almost uncontrollable urge to wrap my fingers up in her hair and slam her head against a wall. So far I have managed to keep that urge in check. Who knows what the future may hold?
I do know I'm going to have to listen to nauseating stories over and fucking over from the boys about all the cute things the new baby does. They'd just started easing up on the cute baby stories about their 2 year old brother over there.
I know they have a life at their mom's but sometimes it is very hard to keep an interested look on my face and not say 'nothing personal kiddo, but i really don't care. save your breath, mmmkay?' I don't want them to think they can't talk about things so I just engage in whatever conversation they want to make. Even if it makes my eye twitch.
Dilemma Diverted
I'm going to see George Carlin this Friday. The problem was I work on Friday's and there wasn't any time available at work to take vacation hours. But I managed to find someone to trade shifts with me so I can go without even needing to think about calling in "sick" to work. I'll work her Wednesday and she'll do my Friday. Yay! Now I'm able to continue my plan to flying under the radar at work.
Stinky dog is on day 2 of odor freeness. Right now she is passed out cause I gave her some medicine to keep her allergies from acting up. I want her skin to completely heal before she does any kind of scratching.
Currently I am too sleepy to see straight. Think I'll take a cue from stinky dog and get some z's.
Stinky dog is on day 2 of odor freeness. Right now she is passed out cause I gave her some medicine to keep her allergies from acting up. I want her skin to completely heal before she does any kind of scratching.
Currently I am too sleepy to see straight. Think I'll take a cue from stinky dog and get some z's.
What a Party
We discovered last night that tiny dog likes tequila. No, I did not get my dog drunk. Sweety and I were playing rummy and the shot glass was on the table and she kept trying to get to it. So I let her on the table cause I thought once she smelled it she'd quit trying to scramble to it. Instead she took a lick, shook her head and went back for more. We disposed of the shot and she started munching on one of my pickles. This dog is after my own heart. After this episode she recognized the shot glass and whenever we'd get a refill she'd try to get to it and would follow the glass around the room with her eyes. I finally stuck her in her cage in another room so I could play cards in peace. What a drunkard she could be.
And stinky dog is still unstinky today. Amazing. I am so pleased. I've been giving her lots of love to make up for almost washing her to death over the last year. I'm gonna let her sleep with me tomorrow. She likes to get in the bed and put her head by mine and just look at me. Usually she won't let me touch her feet but if she's in the bed with me she'll let me hold her paw. I am just a weird as my dogs.
Last night was good stuff. Sweety did have an idea he wanted to try out that I'm not very interested in. Luckily, I managed to divert his attention to something else. And a fine time was had by all. I'll be glad when I'm off work in a couple of days and we can do it again!
I've found something that annoys me more than Sweety reading my blog. Him reading it out fucking loud. Gaaaghhh! He was doing that last night to bug me. That's worse than having someone read over my shoulder.
I think my "100 Things About Me" list got under his skin. Hee hee. I'm sure he already knew pretty much every thing on it but was reminded of some things that he'd forgotten. That's what he gets for peeking. I don't think he reads every post but I think he pops in and reads every now and then. I told him I wasn't going to write any differently if he was reading and if he sees something that gets his goat to not mention it to me. So far so good.
Oddly enough I didn't have any kind of hangover this morning but Sweety sure did. He looks like a bird that's been ran through a blender. I let him sleep in while I amused the children. I poked a couple of aspirin and some soda down him so he's on the road to recovery. He looks so cute when he's hanging over. It makes me want to coddle him.
And stinky dog is still unstinky today. Amazing. I am so pleased. I've been giving her lots of love to make up for almost washing her to death over the last year. I'm gonna let her sleep with me tomorrow. She likes to get in the bed and put her head by mine and just look at me. Usually she won't let me touch her feet but if she's in the bed with me she'll let me hold her paw. I am just a weird as my dogs.
Last night was good stuff. Sweety did have an idea he wanted to try out that I'm not very interested in. Luckily, I managed to divert his attention to something else. And a fine time was had by all. I'll be glad when I'm off work in a couple of days and we can do it again!
I've found something that annoys me more than Sweety reading my blog. Him reading it out fucking loud. Gaaaghhh! He was doing that last night to bug me. That's worse than having someone read over my shoulder.
I think my "100 Things About Me" list got under his skin. Hee hee. I'm sure he already knew pretty much every thing on it but was reminded of some things that he'd forgotten. That's what he gets for peeking. I don't think he reads every post but I think he pops in and reads every now and then. I told him I wasn't going to write any differently if he was reading and if he sees something that gets his goat to not mention it to me. So far so good.
Oddly enough I didn't have any kind of hangover this morning but Sweety sure did. He looks like a bird that's been ran through a blender. I let him sleep in while I amused the children. I poked a couple of aspirin and some soda down him so he's on the road to recovery. He looks so cute when he's hanging over. It makes me want to coddle him.
Happy Thoughts
I think all is okay for now at work. I apologized to my supervisor again about the miscommunication and she said it was being fixed so I was taking vacation days on the days that I was out. I am going to try and not call out of work for awhile, fly under the radar.
Sweety and sprogs gave me a Mother's Day gift today. Voila! It is safely holding a place of honor in the crystal cabinet. When I saw it I had a puzzled look on my face and Sweety thought that I didn't like it since I wasn't saying anything. That's because I was trying to figure out exactly what it was. (other than something sparkly that i was enjoying tilting in the sunshine) It's a Swarovski tea light candle holder. Not that I'll actually burn any candles in it.
The EW was also nice enough to get me something. It's a little keepsake card that tells me what a great stepmom I am. I don't mean to sound ungrateful (but then again, i guess i am being ungrateful) but I'd just as soon she didn't bother. This is the first time she's done anything for me on Mother's Day. The boys usually make stuff at school for her but we don't go out and buy her anything. I guess we would if the boys asked to but they never have. She was at BB's basketball game today and I thanked her for it. If I hadn't had to have done that I could have kept from talking to her entirely. She didn't have her baby yesterday. She's going to do it on Monday.
For awhile she was really nice to me and I was nice back. I thought 'okay, i'll just pretend that she's never done anything to piss me off and we'll go from here'. Then she went all nutbally again a couple of times and I just don't even want to deal with her now unless it's absolutely necessary.
I finally bathed the dogs today. It had been almost 2 weeks since stinky dog's last bath. And during that time her "skin condition" has totally cleared up. It definitely seems that I had been over washing her and it was causing her skin to be completely dried out - which made her scratch and itch and bite - which caused her to get a bald spot on her butt and tail and leave a bloody trail on the walls everywhere she went - all these things led me to bathe her about every 4 days with some medicated dog shampoo. I was thinking that eventually the shampoo would cure her skin problems. I didn't realize that I was causing the problem til these last couple of weeks when she went without a bath. I am a horrible pet owner. I now know that when I was letting the soap suds soak and then scrubbing off all the nasty looking stuff on her that I was yanking her little doggy scabs off. I feel very guilty about this. I might go get her a steak for dinner or something.
Sweety got a new bottle of tequila. It's been awhile since I've had any. I like to chase it with baby dill pickles. Yum. I think he has some weird stuff he wants to try tonight. We will see...
Oh how embarrassing. Just as I leaned over to give stinky dog's back half a sniff, Sweety walked in. I got an odd glance. But I am happy to report that she doesn't stink yet like she used to a few hours after a bath. Maybe I can retire the "stinky dog" moniker for her soon.
Sweety and sprogs gave me a Mother's Day gift today. Voila! It is safely holding a place of honor in the crystal cabinet. When I saw it I had a puzzled look on my face and Sweety thought that I didn't like it since I wasn't saying anything. That's because I was trying to figure out exactly what it was. (other than something sparkly that i was enjoying tilting in the sunshine) It's a Swarovski tea light candle holder. Not that I'll actually burn any candles in it.
The EW was also nice enough to get me something. It's a little keepsake card that tells me what a great stepmom I am. I don't mean to sound ungrateful (but then again, i guess i am being ungrateful) but I'd just as soon she didn't bother. This is the first time she's done anything for me on Mother's Day. The boys usually make stuff at school for her but we don't go out and buy her anything. I guess we would if the boys asked to but they never have. She was at BB's basketball game today and I thanked her for it. If I hadn't had to have done that I could have kept from talking to her entirely. She didn't have her baby yesterday. She's going to do it on Monday.
For awhile she was really nice to me and I was nice back. I thought 'okay, i'll just pretend that she's never done anything to piss me off and we'll go from here'. Then she went all nutbally again a couple of times and I just don't even want to deal with her now unless it's absolutely necessary.
I finally bathed the dogs today. It had been almost 2 weeks since stinky dog's last bath. And during that time her "skin condition" has totally cleared up. It definitely seems that I had been over washing her and it was causing her skin to be completely dried out - which made her scratch and itch and bite - which caused her to get a bald spot on her butt and tail and leave a bloody trail on the walls everywhere she went - all these things led me to bathe her about every 4 days with some medicated dog shampoo. I was thinking that eventually the shampoo would cure her skin problems. I didn't realize that I was causing the problem til these last couple of weeks when she went without a bath. I am a horrible pet owner. I now know that when I was letting the soap suds soak and then scrubbing off all the nasty looking stuff on her that I was yanking her little doggy scabs off. I feel very guilty about this. I might go get her a steak for dinner or something.
Sweety got a new bottle of tequila. It's been awhile since I've had any. I like to chase it with baby dill pickles. Yum. I think he has some weird stuff he wants to try tonight. We will see...
Oh how embarrassing. Just as I leaned over to give stinky dog's back half a sniff, Sweety walked in. I got an odd glance. But I am happy to report that she doesn't stink yet like she used to a few hours after a bath. Maybe I can retire the "stinky dog" moniker for her soon.
A "Hurray!" and a Rant
I just spoke with my Dad and he told me that a portion of the money my Grandma left is going to my Mom. Grandma's oldest son (who didn't come to the funeral and hasn't been to OK to visit Grandma in 15 years) said he wanted his share to go to Mom. I am glad. It's probably going to be around a couple thousand dollars and I know that it will help her out tremendously. Good good good.
I saw something that really peeved me earlier today. I was on my way home from the bank and where you come out onto the main road is very confusing. There are a couple of business driveways that enter the main road at the same spot but there is no traffic light there. Some guy had a fresh baby in a stroller thing and basically darted through traffic. There was a crosswalk a half a block up. Why not mosey on up to it and USE IT! Instead of pushing your baby in front of you where it could get ran over. Sheesh. It makes me cringe to see unkempt kids (i don't mean dirty from play, i mean no shoes on the asphalt, eye crunchies that are 3 days old, underdressed for the weather, green teeth...that sort of thing). I just want to tell the grown up that's with them "look, you're responsible for making sure this child is ready to face the world. if he grows up and doesn't want to eat or bathe that can be his decision then. but you should make sure things like that are taken care of on a kiddo, even if you don't choose to take care of yourself!" Or to see some hoochie mama all dressed up at 9 p.m. toting around a kid that's 3 years old and just wearing a diaper. I think how your children look is a direct reflection of yourself. If you're dressed up all nice and your kid looks like an orphan you don't look so hot. Okay. I'm done ranting about this. I'm getting a headache.
I spent approximately 6 effing hours of my life dinking with this template here. I am too picky. I wanted to get the little portion of the template that was orange to pink and couldn't do it but did figure out how to remove it all together. And I think I've got this Blogrolling thing done right so I can see when people update posts. This will save me from checking every post every 2 hours on my days off. Cause I can't check just one, gotta check them all, in order so I don't miss one. I should probably get back on the Paxil.
I saw something that really peeved me earlier today. I was on my way home from the bank and where you come out onto the main road is very confusing. There are a couple of business driveways that enter the main road at the same spot but there is no traffic light there. Some guy had a fresh baby in a stroller thing and basically darted through traffic. There was a crosswalk a half a block up. Why not mosey on up to it and USE IT! Instead of pushing your baby in front of you where it could get ran over. Sheesh. It makes me cringe to see unkempt kids (i don't mean dirty from play, i mean no shoes on the asphalt, eye crunchies that are 3 days old, underdressed for the weather, green teeth...that sort of thing). I just want to tell the grown up that's with them "look, you're responsible for making sure this child is ready to face the world. if he grows up and doesn't want to eat or bathe that can be his decision then. but you should make sure things like that are taken care of on a kiddo, even if you don't choose to take care of yourself!" Or to see some hoochie mama all dressed up at 9 p.m. toting around a kid that's 3 years old and just wearing a diaper. I think how your children look is a direct reflection of yourself. If you're dressed up all nice and your kid looks like an orphan you don't look so hot. Okay. I'm done ranting about this. I'm getting a headache.
I spent approximately 6 effing hours of my life dinking with this template here. I am too picky. I wanted to get the little portion of the template that was orange to pink and couldn't do it but did figure out how to remove it all together. And I think I've got this Blogrolling thing done right so I can see when people update posts. This will save me from checking every post every 2 hours on my days off. Cause I can't check just one, gotta check them all, in order so I don't miss one. I should probably get back on the Paxil.
I Feel Pukey
Have you ever had a feeling that something really crappy was fixing to happen? I am so there right now. I think I'm making a mountain out of a molehill.
I'm afraid that the phone call I got from my supervisor yesterday is going to open up a can of worms. I think she called me to see where I was because her supervisor was alerted to my absence. Even though she said everything was okay I just have a bad feeling. I hope that my attendance records haven't been pored over. But I have an idea that they have been. Which will draw attention to the fact that I'm one of those people that knows just how much work they can miss and still meet my "numbers" for the month. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck.
I feel like I have a wad of Play-Doh in my stomach. I hope this is just complete paranoia and that I haven't pushed the envelope too much.
I think if I got canned I wouldn't tell Sweety. I would just continue to leave the house on my regular days and go to my new job at the strip club. Tell him that my work has decided to start paying me with cash instead of direct deposit. (cue the nervous crazy laughter now)
I'm afraid that the phone call I got from my supervisor yesterday is going to open up a can of worms. I think she called me to see where I was because her supervisor was alerted to my absence. Even though she said everything was okay I just have a bad feeling. I hope that my attendance records haven't been pored over. But I have an idea that they have been. Which will draw attention to the fact that I'm one of those people that knows just how much work they can miss and still meet my "numbers" for the month. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck.
I feel like I have a wad of Play-Doh in my stomach. I hope this is just complete paranoia and that I haven't pushed the envelope too much.
I think if I got canned I wouldn't tell Sweety. I would just continue to leave the house on my regular days and go to my new job at the strip club. Tell him that my work has decided to start paying me with cash instead of direct deposit. (cue the nervous crazy laughter now)
Work Misunderstanding
Geez. I just got a call from my supervisor at work. When I talked with supervisor last Wednesday I was told that I'd get 3 bereavement days and if I needed any more time to let them know. So I said I could be back at work Friday, meaning tomorrow. Supervisor thought I meant Friday last week. So I was called tonight to see what was up since this was my 3rd no call/no show day. (and you are generally fired after 3 consecutive no call/no shows) We cleared the misunderstanding and all is well. Tomorrow I will again apologize for the miscommunication. I just knew I was fixing to be fired over the phone.
Be still my beating heart. I can be so unclear sometimes.
Be still my beating heart. I can be so unclear sometimes.
My Trip Through the Twilight Zone
My whole trip to Oklahoma was weird. Aside from it being for a sucky reason lots of little things happened that I didn't see coming. And here I shall detail them. This post might bore the shit out of anyone who's reading but maybe if I write about them they won't seem so weird to me anymore. Maybe I'm weird and these happenings were normal. Maybe I should learn to stop rambling!!!
I learned where my evil streak comes from. I thought it was from my Dad's side of the family but it's definitely from my Mom. My Mom is the best person I know. My parents divorced when I was 13-ish and my Mom worked at least 2 sometimes 3 jobs to keep everything afloat. (this was something she did before the divorce also since my Dad had a hard time keeping a job. he just didn't like working for someone else. much better to be your own boss and be fucking broke and make your nice wife work her ass off. oh wait. i digress) After the divorce my Dad moved away and ended up living about 3.5 hours from where my Mom is. My Grandma also lived in the same town as Mom. None of Grandma's kids lived near here, my Dad was the closest and everyone else lives in California. So my Mom has been taking care of Grandma (her ex mother in law) for about the last 15 years. Missing work to take her to the doctor, held her hand while she went through chemo, etc. Because Grandma's kids were just too busy. And Mom loved Grandma. But still, it pissed me off because I felt like my aunt and uncles and dad should have stepped up and done some of that stuff.
About 3 weeks ago Mom called Dad to tell him how sick Grandma was and I guess she yelled at him about not coming to see her. So he hung up on her. She tried calling back multiple times to apologize and discuss some of Grandma's business with him but he kept hanging up on her. (i think he welcomed her yelling so he could use it as an excuse to not talk to her about grandma) Mom and I are at the funeral home on Friday night visiting Grandma one last time and I know it's getting close to the time that my Dad is gonna be in town and I feel it would be best if we didn't all meet. But Mom's having a hard time leaving and next thing I know there's Dad and my Stepmom. I give them hugs, they give Mom hugs. They are all three standing at the coffin hugging and I'm thinking "Whew. This is going much better than I'd thought. Almost good in fact." And of course it then turns into a Jerry Springer outtake.
Mom looks at Dad and she's crying and starts saying something about how she tried to tell him Grandma was sick but he wouldn't listen. I kinda tapped her on the back and asked her to not do this here. And she was silenced for a moment. Then she took the arm that was wrapped around Dad and started smacking him with it while hysterically telling him that she told him so and why did he keep hanging up on her and why didn't he come help her because there were so many things to do to help Grandma that she couldn't do alone. And my Dad ran from the building. And after crawling out from under the plant where I was hiding I escorted Mom out. She tried to apologize to Dad but he just yelled and told her he knew she wasn't sorry. This isn't the part where I learned where my evil came from. It was just one of those weird things I never expected to be witness to.
On the ride home I told Mom I understood how she felt but I didn't think the conversation happened in the most appropriate place.
Mom: Well I tried to tell all her kids how sick she was and nobody listened.
Chickie: Look Mom. Dad just walked through the door and sees his Mother in a casket. He now knows she was sick. So sick it killed her. I don't think you need to reinforce the point.
Mom: Okay. I won't talk to her kids about it anymore. But I needed to say it. I'm sure that Grandma wouldn't care. Her feelings were so hurt that none of her kids would come visit. It was the truth.
5 minutes later...
Mom (with tiny smile on her face): If I could do it all over again I'd still tell your Dad that. I hope he cries his eyes out even harder now.
Me (thinking to myself) Holy shit. I see where I get my vengeful streak. I'll have to tell Sweety I discovered it.
Later after the funeral Dad thanked Mom for everything she did and he accepted her apology.
I completely think my Mom was justified in her feelings. My Grandma's daughter J, takes a cruise every fall, a big vacation in the spring and lives in a million dollar house. But can't find the time to get to OK at least once a year.
And about aunt J. I almost poked her eyes out with my thumb. She didn't get a rental car while she was in OK so someone had to tote her abrasive self everywhere. I'd given Grandma some pearl earrings for Christmas and I said I would rather have her buried in them instead of me getting them. So I took J to Wallyworld to look for a pearl necklace. I'm walking over to the jewelry counter and they have one pearl strand for $35. I think that's reasonable, I'm glad we found something that would work. Not aunt J. It costs tooooo much. She walks over to the fucking costume jewelry aisle and picks out some fake pearls made by Jordache for $5.97. And thinks they will work just fine. At first I thought she was joking. (for the record, i have nothing against costume jewelry. i wear it. i just thought if you were buying something to bury your mother in you'd go a little nicer.) I wanted to offer to buy the $35 necklace but I knew it would cause problems so I kept my yap shut.
Aunt J also seemed to think that my sister and I were looking to raid Grandma's vast fortune that she left behind (insert sarcasm here). Whenever my sister used the bathroom J would be hanging around in Grandma's room (the bathroom is connected to it. she was in one of those old people apartments) and would leave after my sister left the bathroom. Every time anyone would go to the bathroom she'd station herself in Grandma's room to protect her sweaters I guess. Mom mentioned to her that Grandma thought she'd lost $40 a couple of weeks ago and whenever Mom was boxing stuff up aunt J was right at her fucking heels seeing if she'd found any money. From my best guess Grandma had about $3000 when she died. And it's being split amongst 4 kids. Gee, now they can all take that dream vacation they'd been wanting. And maybe I'm in the wrong, but I kinda thought they should have offered it to my Mom. My Grandma told her one day that she (mom) shouldn't be there, that her daughter (J) should be doing the things that Mom was doing. My Mom ran herself ragged making sure Grandma was okay. Whenever she had a doctors visit mom was the one to take her, grandma had breast cancer a few years ago and mom was the one to help her with everything, after she couldn't drive mom was the one to take her anywhere she needed to go. (this usually meant taking a day off work without pay) The last few weeks Grandma was forgetting to eat and once she accidentally overdosed on her meds. She was getting really confused. One day Mom made 7 trips to her house because Grandma wanted to see her. Mom lives about 15 miles away and gets by on a shoestring budget so I know it was costing her an arm and a leg just in gas.
I'd call Grandma pretty often and go see her in the summer since I moved down here but I still feel really bad that I didn't make it to OK before she died. She knew that we were coming to visit in June and Mom said she asked all the time when in June was it going to be. Every time I talked to her she'd ask how my new dog was doing (tiny dog Oy). Grandma used to be the owner of Chi Chi (who lived with me and my sister now) and she loved her dog. She told me she couldn't wait to meet mine and that she just knew that Oy makes me as happy as Chi Chi made her. Grandma was REALLY hard of hearing so when I'd call I knew to yell everything slowly and to cup the phone receiver in my hand. For some reason her kids couldn't master that so their excuse for not talking to Grandma very much was that she just couldn't hear them. What the fuck ever.
About the same time I landed in OK my former sister-in-law, Red moved back. With my wonderful nephew (J), my genius niece (L), and my newly hatched nephew (Fattie). So I got to see all them while I was down. It was nice. It seems that my exhusband is really regretting divorcing me cause I also got to have 3 messages relayed to me that he still loves me. Oh goody. (My heart is infused with a warm tingly feeling, no wait, that's just my heart doing it's job pumping blood.) He called my Mom to offer his condolences and told her he loved me and she told him I was very happy now, thank you. I answered the phone and I had an odd feeling that it was him. I haven't spoken to him in about 5 years. Since before our divorce. And then the other night some guy that we both went to school with was killed and he bugged Red to make sure and call me so I'd know. Gimme a break. My Mom had already called me with the news. I'm going to tell Red it's okay if she doesn't relay any messages or news from him. I'd never said anything before because he wasn't doing it so much but I guess having his sister living with him for now gives him easier access to talk about me. And it probably doesn't help that Red says my nephew J talks about me a lot too. J by the way, is the most great kid. He was the first baby I knew. I used to take him all kinds of places. He came to Florida to visit in Dec. 2003 and it was an awesome trip. He was calling Sweety "uncle" after a couple of days. I can't wait to go see all the kids this summer and have some time to do things with them.
On Sunday we (me, my sister and her fiance) all go to church with my Mom. She goes to a tiny country church and there were maybe 7 other people there. The pastor starts off by saying "now, i don't have anything against catholics. some of my best friends have been catholics. i just wanted to be clear on that". I'm wondering what is the old man who is obviously in the midst of dementia fixing to talk about and he commences to give a sermon about how the Vatican is evil and the next antiChrist is coming from the Vatican. I'm just thinking "am i really hearing this?" I told my sister that you just have to know when he wrote the sermon he had no idea there were going to be guests at the service. My sister's fiance is Catholic and he told her later the sermon really made him mad but he didn't say anything because he didn't want to disrespect my Mom. Sweety was raised Catholic. I told Mom I was going to fly home and put a stake in his heart just in case he was the devil. She didn't think that was funny. It was the perfect church service to end a strange week for me.
I'm really going to go speed tidy the house now. I think the main reason I'd rather Sweety didn't read my blog is that he can see that I've really just been typing shit when I should be being productive.
I learned where my evil streak comes from. I thought it was from my Dad's side of the family but it's definitely from my Mom. My Mom is the best person I know. My parents divorced when I was 13-ish and my Mom worked at least 2 sometimes 3 jobs to keep everything afloat. (this was something she did before the divorce also since my Dad had a hard time keeping a job. he just didn't like working for someone else. much better to be your own boss and be fucking broke and make your nice wife work her ass off. oh wait. i digress) After the divorce my Dad moved away and ended up living about 3.5 hours from where my Mom is. My Grandma also lived in the same town as Mom. None of Grandma's kids lived near here, my Dad was the closest and everyone else lives in California. So my Mom has been taking care of Grandma (her ex mother in law) for about the last 15 years. Missing work to take her to the doctor, held her hand while she went through chemo, etc. Because Grandma's kids were just too busy. And Mom loved Grandma. But still, it pissed me off because I felt like my aunt and uncles and dad should have stepped up and done some of that stuff.
About 3 weeks ago Mom called Dad to tell him how sick Grandma was and I guess she yelled at him about not coming to see her. So he hung up on her. She tried calling back multiple times to apologize and discuss some of Grandma's business with him but he kept hanging up on her. (i think he welcomed her yelling so he could use it as an excuse to not talk to her about grandma) Mom and I are at the funeral home on Friday night visiting Grandma one last time and I know it's getting close to the time that my Dad is gonna be in town and I feel it would be best if we didn't all meet. But Mom's having a hard time leaving and next thing I know there's Dad and my Stepmom. I give them hugs, they give Mom hugs. They are all three standing at the coffin hugging and I'm thinking "Whew. This is going much better than I'd thought. Almost good in fact." And of course it then turns into a Jerry Springer outtake.
Mom looks at Dad and she's crying and starts saying something about how she tried to tell him Grandma was sick but he wouldn't listen. I kinda tapped her on the back and asked her to not do this here. And she was silenced for a moment. Then she took the arm that was wrapped around Dad and started smacking him with it while hysterically telling him that she told him so and why did he keep hanging up on her and why didn't he come help her because there were so many things to do to help Grandma that she couldn't do alone. And my Dad ran from the building. And after crawling out from under the plant where I was hiding I escorted Mom out. She tried to apologize to Dad but he just yelled and told her he knew she wasn't sorry. This isn't the part where I learned where my evil came from. It was just one of those weird things I never expected to be witness to.
On the ride home I told Mom I understood how she felt but I didn't think the conversation happened in the most appropriate place.
Mom: Well I tried to tell all her kids how sick she was and nobody listened.
Chickie: Look Mom. Dad just walked through the door and sees his Mother in a casket. He now knows she was sick. So sick it killed her. I don't think you need to reinforce the point.
Mom: Okay. I won't talk to her kids about it anymore. But I needed to say it. I'm sure that Grandma wouldn't care. Her feelings were so hurt that none of her kids would come visit. It was the truth.
5 minutes later...
Mom (with tiny smile on her face): If I could do it all over again I'd still tell your Dad that. I hope he cries his eyes out even harder now.
Me (thinking to myself) Holy shit. I see where I get my vengeful streak. I'll have to tell Sweety I discovered it.
Later after the funeral Dad thanked Mom for everything she did and he accepted her apology.
I completely think my Mom was justified in her feelings. My Grandma's daughter J, takes a cruise every fall, a big vacation in the spring and lives in a million dollar house. But can't find the time to get to OK at least once a year.
And about aunt J. I almost poked her eyes out with my thumb. She didn't get a rental car while she was in OK so someone had to tote her abrasive self everywhere. I'd given Grandma some pearl earrings for Christmas and I said I would rather have her buried in them instead of me getting them. So I took J to Wallyworld to look for a pearl necklace. I'm walking over to the jewelry counter and they have one pearl strand for $35. I think that's reasonable, I'm glad we found something that would work. Not aunt J. It costs tooooo much. She walks over to the fucking costume jewelry aisle and picks out some fake pearls made by Jordache for $5.97. And thinks they will work just fine. At first I thought she was joking. (for the record, i have nothing against costume jewelry. i wear it. i just thought if you were buying something to bury your mother in you'd go a little nicer.) I wanted to offer to buy the $35 necklace but I knew it would cause problems so I kept my yap shut.
Aunt J also seemed to think that my sister and I were looking to raid Grandma's vast fortune that she left behind (insert sarcasm here). Whenever my sister used the bathroom J would be hanging around in Grandma's room (the bathroom is connected to it. she was in one of those old people apartments) and would leave after my sister left the bathroom. Every time anyone would go to the bathroom she'd station herself in Grandma's room to protect her sweaters I guess. Mom mentioned to her that Grandma thought she'd lost $40 a couple of weeks ago and whenever Mom was boxing stuff up aunt J was right at her fucking heels seeing if she'd found any money. From my best guess Grandma had about $3000 when she died. And it's being split amongst 4 kids. Gee, now they can all take that dream vacation they'd been wanting. And maybe I'm in the wrong, but I kinda thought they should have offered it to my Mom. My Grandma told her one day that she (mom) shouldn't be there, that her daughter (J) should be doing the things that Mom was doing. My Mom ran herself ragged making sure Grandma was okay. Whenever she had a doctors visit mom was the one to take her, grandma had breast cancer a few years ago and mom was the one to help her with everything, after she couldn't drive mom was the one to take her anywhere she needed to go. (this usually meant taking a day off work without pay) The last few weeks Grandma was forgetting to eat and once she accidentally overdosed on her meds. She was getting really confused. One day Mom made 7 trips to her house because Grandma wanted to see her. Mom lives about 15 miles away and gets by on a shoestring budget so I know it was costing her an arm and a leg just in gas.
I'd call Grandma pretty often and go see her in the summer since I moved down here but I still feel really bad that I didn't make it to OK before she died. She knew that we were coming to visit in June and Mom said she asked all the time when in June was it going to be. Every time I talked to her she'd ask how my new dog was doing (tiny dog Oy). Grandma used to be the owner of Chi Chi (who lived with me and my sister now) and she loved her dog. She told me she couldn't wait to meet mine and that she just knew that Oy makes me as happy as Chi Chi made her. Grandma was REALLY hard of hearing so when I'd call I knew to yell everything slowly and to cup the phone receiver in my hand. For some reason her kids couldn't master that so their excuse for not talking to Grandma very much was that she just couldn't hear them. What the fuck ever.
About the same time I landed in OK my former sister-in-law, Red moved back. With my wonderful nephew (J), my genius niece (L), and my newly hatched nephew (Fattie). So I got to see all them while I was down. It was nice. It seems that my exhusband is really regretting divorcing me cause I also got to have 3 messages relayed to me that he still loves me. Oh goody. (My heart is infused with a warm tingly feeling, no wait, that's just my heart doing it's job pumping blood.) He called my Mom to offer his condolences and told her he loved me and she told him I was very happy now, thank you. I answered the phone and I had an odd feeling that it was him. I haven't spoken to him in about 5 years. Since before our divorce. And then the other night some guy that we both went to school with was killed and he bugged Red to make sure and call me so I'd know. Gimme a break. My Mom had already called me with the news. I'm going to tell Red it's okay if she doesn't relay any messages or news from him. I'd never said anything before because he wasn't doing it so much but I guess having his sister living with him for now gives him easier access to talk about me. And it probably doesn't help that Red says my nephew J talks about me a lot too. J by the way, is the most great kid. He was the first baby I knew. I used to take him all kinds of places. He came to Florida to visit in Dec. 2003 and it was an awesome trip. He was calling Sweety "uncle" after a couple of days. I can't wait to go see all the kids this summer and have some time to do things with them.
On Sunday we (me, my sister and her fiance) all go to church with my Mom. She goes to a tiny country church and there were maybe 7 other people there. The pastor starts off by saying "now, i don't have anything against catholics. some of my best friends have been catholics. i just wanted to be clear on that". I'm wondering what is the old man who is obviously in the midst of dementia fixing to talk about and he commences to give a sermon about how the Vatican is evil and the next antiChrist is coming from the Vatican. I'm just thinking "am i really hearing this?" I told my sister that you just have to know when he wrote the sermon he had no idea there were going to be guests at the service. My sister's fiance is Catholic and he told her later the sermon really made him mad but he didn't say anything because he didn't want to disrespect my Mom. Sweety was raised Catholic. I told Mom I was going to fly home and put a stake in his heart just in case he was the devil. She didn't think that was funny. It was the perfect church service to end a strange week for me.
I'm really going to go speed tidy the house now. I think the main reason I'd rather Sweety didn't read my blog is that he can see that I've really just been typing shit when I should be being productive.
4th Grade Homework
I have spent the last 30 minutes looking up vocabulary words to match the definitions that are in BB's(10) geometry homework. All the definitions are there and he had to write down the words that they were defining. But he wasn't given a list of words. I assume these are all words that he's supposed to be learning. Vertex? I'd never heard of a fucking vertex. But now I know that it is the endpoint at which two rays of an angle meet. Yay. Go me. So I looked up all the words he'd need online and put them in alphabetical order and he has to figure out what goes where. I also made up a test that he has to take before bedtime. If I spent all this time looking up the damn words he will learn them.
The house looks like a hurricane ran through it. I went back to sleep after everyone went to school this morning and the battery on my cell phone (read: alarm clock) died while I was asleep so I was lucky that I woke up in time to get the kids from school. I have selective narcolepsy, if there's something I don't want to deal with I am overtaken with the sleepies. I'm going to tidy up after everyone goes to sleep. It's easier that way.
The house looks like a hurricane ran through it. I went back to sleep after everyone went to school this morning and the battery on my cell phone (read: alarm clock) died while I was asleep so I was lucky that I woke up in time to get the kids from school. I have selective narcolepsy, if there's something I don't want to deal with I am overtaken with the sleepies. I'm going to tidy up after everyone goes to sleep. It's easier that way.
Good Reads
During my trip back to Oklahoma and the flight back home I was able to read to pretty good books. Flight to OK was The Taking by Dean Koontz and the return trip was Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. I liked them both. The nice thing about a Dean Koontz novel is that it's usually pretty creepy or weird but the ending is usually happy. I don't always like happy endings but it's nice when I'm in the mood for it. I'd never read anything by Dan Brown before and really enjoyed it. I'm going to get The Da Vinci Code next.
The return flight home would've been better if I hadn't been sitting next to some guy who kept talking to me. First he turned the little air thing on above my head so that it was pointed right one me, drying my contacts out. When he asked if it was okay I gave my standard answer of "sure, no problem." But after 15 minutes I had to turn it off. Then he wanted to know where to go party in Orlando and he just couldn't believe I didn't know of anywhere. I explained that 3 kids kind of slow you down. I didn't encourage conversation but that didn't stop him from offering to buy me a drink. I almost took him up on the offer cause I've never had anyone offer to get me a drink on an airplane but decided that wouldn't be a good idea. Especially since I was locked in beside him with nowhere to hide.
Had some yummy sex last night! Woo Hoo! Then I woke Sweety up at 6:30 a.m. for an encore. I'd laid in bed for an hour thinking thoughts before I couldn't take it any more and I had to take advantage of him. One of my favorite parts of marriage is the access to sex. I mean, I love him but when I was single it was a real pain in the ass to have to "get to know" someone before having sex. I was okay with a couple of one night stands but then you run the risk of having someone wanting to keep contact with you and then you realize their personality makes you crazy.
Uh-oh. I just gave tiny dog Oy her first bite of buttered potato bread. And she loves it. I may have created a monster.
The return flight home would've been better if I hadn't been sitting next to some guy who kept talking to me. First he turned the little air thing on above my head so that it was pointed right one me, drying my contacts out. When he asked if it was okay I gave my standard answer of "sure, no problem." But after 15 minutes I had to turn it off. Then he wanted to know where to go party in Orlando and he just couldn't believe I didn't know of anywhere. I explained that 3 kids kind of slow you down. I didn't encourage conversation but that didn't stop him from offering to buy me a drink. I almost took him up on the offer cause I've never had anyone offer to get me a drink on an airplane but decided that wouldn't be a good idea. Especially since I was locked in beside him with nowhere to hide.
Had some yummy sex last night! Woo Hoo! Then I woke Sweety up at 6:30 a.m. for an encore. I'd laid in bed for an hour thinking thoughts before I couldn't take it any more and I had to take advantage of him. One of my favorite parts of marriage is the access to sex. I mean, I love him but when I was single it was a real pain in the ass to have to "get to know" someone before having sex. I was okay with a couple of one night stands but then you run the risk of having someone wanting to keep contact with you and then you realize their personality makes you crazy.
Uh-oh. I just gave tiny dog Oy her first bite of buttered potato bread. And she loves it. I may have created a monster.
Ohmyfuckinggoodness... I'm FINALLY Home!
My plane landed at 6:00. I should have been home by 7:00. Instead my stupid ass got horribly lost and it took me til 9:00. I didn't think I was ever gonna get here. And I really loved it when I called Sweety and he asked me if I was going to listen to his directions or just cry and be lost. Huh? I wasn't crying. I couldn't cry because my eye was twitching too much. And I'd stopped for directions so I was on my way.
The dogs went bonkers when they saw me. As did the kiddos. Stinky dog is extremely stinky. On a scale of 1 to 10 I'd give her and eye watering 17. But she isn't itching herself. Maybe in my quest to keep her from being stinky I have over washed her with medicated soap. I'm going to just bathe her with baby shampoo and see if that helps.
Sweety is off foraging for food for me. Bless his heart. I am starving. It takes alot out of you to be horribly fucking lost and not lose your mind and drive your car into the river. (that only crossed my mind twice) I actually drove in one BIG 'ol circle. An hour and a half after I left the airport I was pretty much right where I started. I am not leaving the house til Wednesday when I have to go field tripping with BB(10).
The EW is going in to birth on Thursday. Woo hoo. She gets to pick when the birthing is induced and she can't pick a day when the boys are regularly over here to do it. It's gotta be on one of her days so their schedule is fucked up and they can spend all day waiting for her to call here with news of the blessed event. She's planning on a girl but if my mental thoughtbeams work it will have a penis.
I'm so glad to be home. I can't wait to get naked later.
The dogs went bonkers when they saw me. As did the kiddos. Stinky dog is extremely stinky. On a scale of 1 to 10 I'd give her and eye watering 17. But she isn't itching herself. Maybe in my quest to keep her from being stinky I have over washed her with medicated soap. I'm going to just bathe her with baby shampoo and see if that helps.
Sweety is off foraging for food for me. Bless his heart. I am starving. It takes alot out of you to be horribly fucking lost and not lose your mind and drive your car into the river. (that only crossed my mind twice) I actually drove in one BIG 'ol circle. An hour and a half after I left the airport I was pretty much right where I started. I am not leaving the house til Wednesday when I have to go field tripping with BB(10).
The EW is going in to birth on Thursday. Woo hoo. She gets to pick when the birthing is induced and she can't pick a day when the boys are regularly over here to do it. It's gotta be on one of her days so their schedule is fucked up and they can spend all day waiting for her to call here with news of the blessed event. She's planning on a girl but if my mental thoughtbeams work it will have a penis.
I'm so glad to be home. I can't wait to get naked later.
Greetings From Oklahoma
Here I am. My Grandma passed away on Wednesday and I got here that night. The funeral was yesterday and I was supposed to stay til Thursday but am going home tomorrow. I miss my house and I was sick of dealing with some of my relatives. It is amazing to me what greedy vultures some people can be.
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